Chapter 2

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Dark watched as Fang drifted to sleep. She climbed up to Fang and bit her scar. Then she ran out into the camp past the border with wolves on her tail. She slammed her paw on the ground sending lightning down onto the wolves. She stalked back into camp. Her paw was still sore from being stabbed with that one wolf’s powers. Her dad Lion Scar came out of the Healers den. “Your going to the Gathering,” Lion Scar said. Lion Scar: My dad, feared by wolves, and a German Shepard. Dark thought. Zher mother came over to Lion Scar “did Snow Catcher help at least a little?” Her mom asked, “yes and no. It would have been better if she could’ve had healer’s magic instead of lame herbs.”
    “I heard that!” Snow Catcher growled. Dark walked over to her mother “did Eagle Heart say i’m going to the Gathering Pebble Fur?” Pebble Fur smiled “of course my darling.”
    “I’m not a pup anymore!” Dark hissed “you can treat me more like an apprentice!” Pebble Fur shook her head “you’ll always be my little pup,” she walked away. Sometimes, I hate her for treating me like a stupid pup! Dark thought. Eagle Heart bounded into the clearing, “let the Gathering foxes come!” He yowled. Dark jumped over to her apprentice partner.
“ you think their going to say something about the border attack?” Dark asked. Slate nodded,
“it’s something we need to talk about it’s important.” Dark smirked
“well what’s also important is that we don’t get mad enough to set off our powers.” Slate tilted her head,
“but only you can set off your powers by getting mad. So why would we not need to be mad?” Dark hung her head “sorry” she mumbled. Eagle Heart started to lead the Gathering foxes. Dark followed.

When they got to the Gathering Wolves were everywhere. Eagle Heart took his place next to Ice Tail. Soon Sand Pack will be here Dark thought. Sand Pack came and they spread themselves out near everybody. Their alpha Blood Light took her place next to Ice Tail and Eagle Heart. All the alphas howled for the talking to stop. “I will speak first.” Ice Tail said standing up “we have had foxes trying to pass our border.” He shot a look of hatred at Eagle Heart.
Eagle Heart stood up, “I believe your wolves have taken advantage of some of our Protectors but we are training better than before so we can out range you by a far amount.” Blood Light stood up “I don’t want any wolves or foxes on my border,” she growled. Dark whimpered. She had only just gotten used to nice Gathering’s but this Gathering was rare. The alphas usually NEVER argue at Gatherings! Dark thought. Dark growled, “are borders really THAT important!” The alphas stopped their glare stared into Dark. Dark suddenly regretted speaking at a Gathering. “Go back. Now!” Eagle Heart hissed. “N-NO!” Dark stammered, “you already chose me to come here I can’t go!” Eagle Heart growled louder “GO NOW!” Dark started to get angry “NO!” She lashed out, her eyes turning white clouds rolled over the sky. Lightning started to hit the ground everywhere. A fire started. Wolves, foxes, and coyotes were everywhere, running for their lives. The alphas called their pack’s together. The Gathering is over...and it’s my fault. Dark thought. Dark raced back to her pack camp. Foxes stared at her with hostile eyes everywhere. Finally Eagle Heart beckoned her to his den. “Come,” he said coldly. Dark followed him into his cave. “But what about Slate my cave partner?” Dark asked. “She’s fine,” Eagle Heart said. “But all the other apprentices have partners and Slate doesn’t. Well...for now,” Dark said. Dark sat in front of Eagle Heart.
“I am going to make you my apprentice. The reason is, is because i had powers that went crazy when I was mad as an apprentice. My Mentor taught me to control them. That makes it every bit easier,”
“So...I can’t train with Sun Fang?” Dark asked.
“Exactly,” Eagle Heart answered. Okay, so now I have a new mentor. Great! Dark thought. Eagle Heart pointed Dark out of his den. Dark walked over to her den. “Slate?” She called, “Slate?” Slate walked out of the shadows “there you are! I thought you had died in the fire and that it was my fault! But then here you are and I know your fine!” Slate exclaimed.
“That makes no sense. You weren’t even next to me. There’s no way you made me mad. It was the alphas arguing that made me mad.” Dark said drowsily. Dark went over to her nest and slept.

When Dark woke up Eagle Heart was talking to Sun Fang. Dark stretched then went out to see Eagle Heart call the pack for a meeting. “All foxes gather here for this meeting!” He called. Foxes everywhere came out to see Eagle Heart. “I have to say that with Darks powers going badly every time she’s angry she has to have a mentor with the same problem that can control it. In this case that means I will take on Dark as an apprentice,” the crowd started talking wildly. Slate bounded over to Dark “Being trained by an alpha is a great honor Dark!” Slate exclaimed.
Dark hung her head “not if it’s only because your a problem to the pack,” Dark muttered. “Wait where's Pebble Fur!” Lion Scar yelled. I can’t help now...what's that smell? Dark thought. Dark stopped “do you smell that Slate?”
“Smell what?” Slate asked
“Nevermind,” Dark answered. While the foxes of the pack were chattering Dark ran off into the forest. “I knew it.” Right in front of her was the den of a hyena.

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