Chapter 4

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When Dark raced into camp her mother pebble Fur bolted over to her. Her mother covered her in hugs and kisses. “I’m fine mom!” Dark growled. Pebble Fur backed off. “I am your mother young lady!” Pebble Fur growled. She ran to her den. Lion Scar ran after her. Dark turned around, she ran to an evergreen tree. “This will be my calming spot,” Dark said. She noticed that the tree had many wilting leaves. She used her lightning to put power into them. They flourished. Dark smiled, then she curled up to sleep.

When Dark woke up, the wolf Fang was running through the trees. “Fang!?” Dark shouted. “Dark what are you doing at the Evergreen!?” Fang asked sweating.
    “It’s my calming spot,” Dark answered “it keeps me calm. So I don’t set off lightning.”
    “Huh I think River would love to hear someone appreciates the work she did she helped this tree survive. Others said it was a waste of power” Fang said. Dark growled “HOW COULD THEY! THIS TREE IS AMAZING! IT’S IN MY TERRITORY THOUGH!” Dark yelled.
"That's why they called it a waste of power she gave something to the foxes for saving her mother," Fang said her eyes seemed dim with gref. Dark calmed down “their all idiots...AND JERKS!” Dark started to howl. Mother and Father are disappointed in me…it’s my power Dark thought
"What are you doing?” Fang asked "anyways I have to go visit my…Mother." Fang said her eyes clouded with grief and loss. “Oh…who is…your mom?” Dark asked.
"Her name was Griffin Wing…she was a kind and thoughtful wolf until…the hyena" Fangs eyes started to turn red in regret and anger. “Fang!?if Something happened I can help,” Dark insisted.
Fang sighed her eyes turning back to a friendly blue "no, it's fine, I have to visit her grave…" Fang said bitterly. Dark stood up “in that case… I'm going to my den with Slate.” Dark trotted off. If the hyena killed Fangs mom… how many animals has it killed? Dark thought. Dark came into the camp and headed for her den “Dark!” Slate called “where have you been!?”
“Nowhere you need to know. Besides… hasn’t the prey been all over the forest? I’m hungry.” Slate licked her lips “yes im, hungry too.” Dark and Slate headed out to the forest. Dark pricked her ears “rabbit” she whispered. Slate nodded. Dark silently stalked through the forest. She barked the rabbit fled. She sent it right into Slate’s paws. Slate gave it a killing bite. “That was a great catch Slate!” Dark exclaimed. “Thanks,” Slate said through her mouth of rabbit. “Let's take it back to camp.” Dark and Slate hurried into camp. They settled down near a boulder and dug in to the rabbit. Mmmmmmmm Dark thought. “I haven’t had a rabbit since I was three,” Slate exclaimed through her mouthful of rabbit. Once they had finished off the rabbit they went back to their den. Dark and Slate fell asleep.

Dark woke up in the middle of the night.
What the!? What was that!? Dark thought her ears twitching. Dark got up and looked out of her den. Well I guess that I’ll be exploring Dark thought. She walked out of the camp. The sky was dark and very few stars shown. She ran quite far from the camp. Dark scanned the forest. A  wolf was near her evergreen tree. She growled “Fang!” The wolf looked startled.
"Ack! S-sorry I forgot Fang told me someone claimed it!" An unknown voice said
"River! River!?" Fang called out heading towards the evergreen. Dark growled louder “this is Storm pack territory! Your in Fait pack!”
“Ye-yes, I-I was…just here for somethi-" River was cut off.
"Oh River... I'm so sorry but you have to ask to visit your older sister’s grave," Fang said. It looked like her fur was matted in areas near the eyes. It was like she had been crying. Dark was starting to get angry. Storm clouds rolled overhead. Lightning sparked on Darks pelt. “LEAVE!” She demanded.
"I was going to…bye sis…forever known as Creek Frost killed by…Lion Scar.” River said as she got up and left back to her camp with Fang. Wet spots followed where they went. River was crying. Dark stormed off towards her camp. The sun was beginning to rise. It would be time for her packmates to get up soon. When she got back to camp she saw Slate hurry out of the den to her. “I was so worried!” She cried “I thought something bad happened!”
“Nothing bad happened… except for two wolves entering the territory,” Dark growled.
“Your in a…foul mood” Slate stammered “lets hope no thunderstorms are about.” Dark smirked “I hope you know that Eagle Heart is my mentor and he had a problem about getting angry too…soooo…YEAH!” Slate widened her eyes “but your never mad at me! Your mad at Shadow and stuff since all the girl apprentices coo about him,” Slate finished off by walking into their den stunned. Dark saw Eagle Heart walking over to her. “First lesson Dark.” Dark followed him into the forest. “So what’s the lesson?” Dark asked. “You need to catch a rabbit without making a single retort in your head,” Eagle Heart instructed, “good luck!” He called walking back into camp. Okay then… let’s do this!

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