Chapter 24

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Dark Moon walked back into camp. The camp was full of foxes talking sadly aboud Lion Scar.
Dark Moon sighed, Lion Scar may not have been the best dad but he was my only dad. Dark Moon thought. Eagle Heart leapt up onto the Fox-stone.  “There is a gathering tonight.” He said, “the following foxes will go, Slate Fur, Mud Tail, RainFall, Ice Shadow, Spotted Flame, Shadow Slayer, Leaf, Shine, Jay Light, Long Claw, Crow Song, Dove Flight, Storm Caller, Gold Heart, Pebble Fur, Heather Breeze, and Dark Moon.” Eagle Heart finished. Dark Moon looked over to Pebble Fur. She was smiling darkly. The foxes followed Eagle Heart out of the camp. Dark Moon watched closely at Pebble Fur. Pebble Fur asked if she could talk to Snow Catcher in private. She agreed. Once they were at the back of the line Dark Moon saw Pebble Fur attack Snow Catcher. Snow Catcher was vulnerable. Healers never learned to defend themselves. They were always protected by protectors. Snow Catcher was dead. I can’t let them know it was Pebble Fur! Dark Moon thought yelling “Snow Catcher is dead!” Rain Fall was the first one to rush over to her mentors side. Eagle Heart announced that Jay Light and Crow Song would carry Snow Catcher back to camp for barriel. Dark Moon knew they should have a better way to say farewell to their pack. But it just wasn’t that way. The rest of the foxes carried on.

When they got to the gathering, Dark Moon sat down next to nobody. She didn’t want to see anyone. Who knew what they’d do to her. Dark moon felt a soft brush of fur and Lion Scars ghostly form sat next to her.
    “Did Pebble Fur just kill Snow Catcher?” he asked. Dark Moon was astonished that he could show up without being in her dreams. She nodded slowly.
    “We can tell the future us Silver Pack.” With that he was gone. Dark Moon looked behind her. Fait pack was the second there. They were walking in a neat line. She saw Fang Crystal. “Over here!” She called. Fang Crystal trotted over with Griffin Wing and another wolf that Dark Moon had never seen before.
    “Who's this?” Dark Moon asked, whispering in Fang Crystals ear.
"You may know her as Zorea or her actual name Zeanna Falls."
“YOU BROUGHT A PACK ENEMY RIGHT TO OUR GATHERING!” Dark Moon yelled. All the talking stopped and wolves and foxes stopped to stare at Dark Moon.
"No! Zeanna Falls was taken over by another entity!" Fang Crystal growled softly trying to avert, eyes. Every time a wolf was close to the group of four they would bow to Griffin Wing.
“Well I don’t want to hear about it!” Dark Moon growled storming over to Shadow Slayer.
“Hi Dark Moon!” Shadow Slayer said. “This is White Cloud a coyote. He was just named like us!” Shadow Slayer exclaimed. Dark Moon nodded cheerfully. But then her mood changed. Dark Moon looked over to Mud Tail. He was talking to a coyote. Dark Moon quietly slipped over to Mud Tail. She tried to hear what they were talking about but it was too hard to hear under a rock with a hole. Dark Moon moved over to a bush.
“Mud Tail! What do you mean your mom knows about us!?” The coyote asked furiously.
“Well… you do know that we can have mates in other packs right Violet River?” Mud Tail asked. Violet River nodded slowly.
“Well then why is your mom so upset?” Violet River asked.
“She said once that I must never think of anyone but foxes as friends and that if I even talk to a coyote or wolf with romance that she would have Eagle Heart banish me, or he just refused and she got upset and hates me.” Mud Tail said. Violet River started to pace. “Well then your mom needs a lesson.” Violet River stomped over to Heather Breeze who was talking to Summer Fang a wolf. Violet River leapt at Heather Breeze baring her teeth. Heather Breeze screamed before dodging Violet Rivers attack.
“You're the one Mud Tail talks about in his sleep!” Heather Breeze growled. Dark Moon jumped up, changing into a tiger.
“Thats enough!” She roared. Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes everywhere screamed yelling “ZOREA!” Dark Moon shapeshifted back into herself.
“I am Dark Moon, Violet River. I have seen you and Mud Tail. It may be fine but you two should not be mates. Have you ever actually seen a coyote and fox be mates?” Dark Moon asked.
    “No. But that doesn’t mean me and Mud Tail can’t be now!” Violet River growled shoving Dark Moon aside shooting a sharp blow at Heather Breeze's belly. Next Violet River sank her teeth into Heather Breeze’s neck draining the blood from her. Blood suck… Dark Moon thought  with a shiver,  it drains the life sustaining blood… Blood Light leaped down from the gathering rock-tree.
    “Violet River. Come.” Blood Light said coldly. Violet River stood in front of Blood Light.
“You have served your pack well but you have made a grave mistake. From here on you are not allowed on pack territory and are banished from Sand Pack.” Blood Light finished. Violet River growled “fine.” She stalked off.
“Wait!” Mud Tail ran to Eagle Heart. “Banish me too!” Eagle Heart looked stunned. “Bu-but. I can’t just do that. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Eagle Heart stammered.
    “But I love Violet River and I will do anything for her.” Mud Tail protested.
    “This is not banishment. You are allowed on pack territory and can visit any time. But I will allow you to go with Violet River.” Eagle Heart sighed. “How many foxes are we going to lose in the future?” Mud Tail ran over to Violet River. They walked out into the forest together, their tails twinned.

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