Chapter 9

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Fang awoke before anyone, it was late tonight. River wouldn't be taking apprentices out for midnight fishing. Fang walked out of her cave and went out to the forest her Bloodthirsty side took over and it went black no not again I won't allow you to do this! Fang spoke inside her body then a eari voice spilled out ohhh yes you will 
Why! Why do I have to be the one with this power why do I have to have a self aware power!? She said to the voice.
Because I had to, your the perfect vesel the voice said.
"No!" Fang yelled breaking free from it's grasp. She ran into the thicket of the forest then she started slashing at the tree in front of her. Then she started to scratch herself up until her body couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed, she had to use what was left of her strength to get back to camp. She got to the mouth of her cave then collapsed in the mouth of the cave “Fang!?" Dark yelled. “What happened!? Your fur is all bloody!”
"Huh? Oh I uhhhh just got scratched by thorns" Fang said. Dark rolled her eyes “your power is consuming you. You know you have to visit Star pelt at some time. Of course… only alphas have done it so… you are going to be an alpha someday so why not!” Dark finished.
“Silver pack,” Phantom corrected. Dark glared at him.
"I think I should tell you more about my power,” Fang said.
“It doesn’t matter! All that matters is answers,”
“Yes!” Shadow called from across the camp.
“Shadow can you… I guess not interfere!” Dark yelled back.
    “Sure,” Shadow replied.
“JUST LISTEN!” Fang growled. “I need to tell you about it now! Okay!” Dark sat down silently. Phantom closed his mouth. “Okay,” Fang said relieved.
"My power is able to control the vegetation and rocks around me but it also can control me. But it's not my power that's doing this. It's actually a demon that has decided to use me as its host" Fang whispered.
    “And,” Dark said annoyed, “it’s not doing anything if you can fight it. Oh and I will make you go to the healers or I will heal you by frying you… with lightning. Or I could drag you by your ear!” Dark hissed, “which one?” Dark asked.
    “I… have to go.” Dark said rushing for the door. Dark went to Shadow. The two ran out into the forest. Then Fang felt her breathing be cut short like strangler vines were wrapped around her neck. "Follow them or I’ll kill phantom" the voice said.
"And so what if I do what are you going to do" Fang yelled
”Kill the most annoying one of course" the voice replied knocking Fang out…

Later Fang woke up to screaming and someone shaking her awake. Her head hurt and she felt like she was bleeding from the inside out.
"Fang!? Your back to normal! So you were bloodthirsty and Shadow controlled you until you went unconscious and Slade came too. But then… I… hit you with lightning," Dark said pointing with her tail to the wolf with an iron paw.
"Slade? Where is he I don-" Fang spit up blood.
"FANG!" Slade yelled running to her side
"Slade? What happened!?" Fang asked
"Zorea controlled you again" Slade said leaning into Fang.
"Oh no… who did I hurt!?" Fang asked worried.
“Well… you might have… opened Shadows wound again. I sent him back. It was infected,” Dark said.
"What no!". Fang yelled tearing herself up WHY CANT I JUST DIE ! Fang thought.
“Grab ahold of yourself! Geeze!” Dark said pulling Fangs claws away from her bleeding body.
"Fang… don't worry okay. Let's go before Zorea comes back,” Slade said.
“Wait! Wait! WAIT!” Dark growled. “You never told me about this… Zorea, who is she or he or whatever?” Dark asked.
"Zorea is the demon taking Fang over" Slade said helping Fang up from the ground
"She told me all about it" Slade said.
“If you tell him about it and not me… then why even trust me at all!?” Dark said rushing through the forest.
“Dark wait!” Fang yelled. But she was already gone. She heard a growl a shriek and then silence.
"DARK! DARK!" Fang shouted. Dark came out of the trees her paws were covered in blood. She ran back into the forest. Now let me finish what we are supposed to do the voice said choking Fang.
"NO!" she managed to spit out.
You will and you have no say in what happens the voice said then Fang blacked out. Fang felt like she was falling in darkness. She finally opened her eyes. She was running through the forest.
"I have time! I can save Dark from Zorea!" Fang said as she started walking she found a ball covered in darkness. What kind of ball? Moss? Darkness? Fang thought. She took the ball, the darkness seemed like it was able to be taken off she grabbed the darkness off and threw it. She looked back at the ball. It was glowing with light. It was half red half blue she put it back to where she found it. It seemed like... she blacked out but instead she gained control and her actual powers were shown half Fire half Water…

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