Chaper 11

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Fang kept rushing through the forest using her ears and nose to track Dark. She pricked her ears up she's going to the mountain Fang Thought she took off to the mountain no danger only there's thinner air up there Fang thought as she rushed up to the top of the mountain. it's hard to breathe but it's manageable Fang thought. Half of her was on fire and half of her was covered in water she waited to see if Dark was being controlled by Zorea...
          2 hours later
Fang perked her ears up she heard two other wolves Phantom and Slade were coming up the slope.
"SHUT UP!" Slade yelled.
"All I here is your complaining" Phantom yelled back.
"Wow can’t you two travel together correctly?" Fang asked.
"Fan-" Phantom started "your not Fang!"
"Idiot that is Fang! Geeze did you not pay attention to her when we were little!?" Slade snapped at Phantom.
"Slade is right, it's me, this my actual power," Fang said. Slade ran to Fang and nuzzled her and Fang nuzzled Slade back.
"Dark will be here soon," Fang said.
"Ok we need to stop her from releasing Zorea" Slade said.
"Yes I plan to stay up here until she comes then I'll free her" Fang said
"How?" Slate asked.
“By freeing her from Zorea and killing Zorea of course,” Slade said.
“I’m still here you know,” Phantom said annoyed.
“I bet Heather Breeze is really worried about me,” Slate wined, “why did I volunteer to come on this quest!?” Slate yelled. A flock of geese took off from a clearing making annoying squawking noises.
“I guess geese hate me,” Slate murmured.
“Well yes they do because we eat them and yell at them so yeahhhh” Slade said. I should’ve brought better wolves and foxes Fang thought.
"Anyways we need to get back on track," Slade said.
"Yes… I think I have an idea of how to kill Zorea…" Phantom said "but it involves… someone to kill themselves"
"How are we going to do that?" Fang said "none of  us deserves to die!"
"Then I'll do it" A voice said behind them Phantom, Slade, Fang and Slate turned around.
"F-Five Claw!?" Fang yelped.
"Yes I'm an outcast but I realized I did something wrong by killing a Fox named Light Claw in revenge of my sister but I'm here to make things right" Five Claw said bowing.
"Bu-but Creek Frost would want you to s-stay alive!" Fang said.
"I know… but I can make what I did wrong write by killing myself. I may not go to Silver Pack but I'll rest knowing I did something important," Five claw siad "This is for River my little sis."
"Okay now all you have to do is… jump Zorea can only come out if… the Host wants to… get her out of their body" Fang said.
"I'll try to succeed" Five Claw said.
Not so fast Zorea said a small part of her was talking to them Dark will be here soon now all I need to do is make her kill you and be free! Then I will take over
No you won't. It takes years for you to take over once your freed
Brat! You underestimate me it only takes a few months Zorea spat.
"What!?" Fang said.
"Dang it I have to go back to my body goodbye fool" Zorea said disappearing.
This isn't good Fang thought.
"Fang… what do we do now?" Slade asked
"That's the thing… I don't know…" Fang said

Evergreen The Forest Of ShadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora