Chapter 5

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Fang woke River up who was next to her River needed to have some connection with some last night oh River if Creek Frost could see you now… she be so proud Fang thought.
"River it's time to get up" Fang said nudging River with her nose. River shot her head up,
"Ack! Thanks Fang!  Titan Wing is gonna kill me if I'm late!" River said rushing down the steps and running out of Fangs cave. River had chosen to sleep in Fangs den because she was sad about Creek Frost.
I believe Fox , Yin, Yang, phantom, Night and Slade are going for a patrol while River goes to hunt with a hunting patrol Fang thought
"Fang! Time for patrol!" Forest Claw called.
    "Coming!" Fang shouted Back. Fang ran out of her cave and met up with the other patrol members.
"Slade!?" Yin yelped
"Sis are you kidding me!?" Yang said in that annoying smooth voice of his.
"What!? I thought Shadow Eater was coming alone not with Slade!"
"We're missing one aiya" Shadow Eater growled at Shadow Heart.
"Blood and Red Wing will be here soon" Shadow Eater turned around.
"Speak of the devil" She said as Blood and Red Wing joined up with the group.
"Heh sorry bout that" Red Wing said with Blood looking at her.
"It was your fault in the first place I had to wake you up" Blood said his voice low.
"Heh heh"Red Wing said.
"Anyways let's go I hope we run into Lion scar" Shadow Eater said. Fang shivered Shadow Eaters power let's her bite through bone like it was nothing Fang thought.
"Let's go" Night said impatiently she wants to kill someone Fang thought Night had always wanted to help kill a Fox.
"We're lucky we don't have to worry about The Coyotes Night don't push it with the Foxes" Yang said.
"Whatever Yang" Yin said as they left camp
"Let's see if anyone tries to pass our border again" Night growled.
"I doubt" Yang was cut off by a low growling
"Lion Scar and with” Shadow Eater sniffed the air “Apprentices too!? Stupid" Shadoweater said.
"What!? You!? I thought it would be a few dumb apprentices we could pick off. Not to mention there is a few dumb apprentices!" Lion Scar said his ears back.
"Of course not idiot" Shadow Heart spat. Shadow Eater lunged at Lion Scar and grabbed him by the neck then ran off back to camp.
"You better run" Shadow Heart growled at the apprentices they looked at Yin and Night then ran away.
"We need to get to camp" the mentors said at the same time. They all ran to camp to find Lion Scar in front of Ice Tail His shoulders covered in ice.
"Why'd you do it! WHY DID YOU LET HIM KILL HER!" Ice Tail yelled at Lion Scar.
"I did nothing," Lion Scar said coldly, “I was only JUST made a protector.”
"You don't mean…Griffin wing!?" Lion Scar asked.
"Listen, all I want are answers. Why did you have to leave her to die!?" Ice Tail growled, "we used to be good friends." Ice Tail sat down his eyes turning back to an Ice cold blue.
"She said she'd be fine…she controlled life and death themselves," Lion Scar said.
"Of course I'm sorry...Silver Wing!" Ice Tail said calling for Silver Wing.
"On it" Silver Wing said healing Lion Scars wound then gave him sleep berries.
"Ghost Tongue take him back" Ice Tail said hanging his head in shame as Ghost Tongue Ran out and took him to the Fox border.
"Dad?" Fang finally spit out Ice Tail turned around.
"What does Lion Scar have to do with mom?" Fang asked.
"Fang...come with me…"Ice Tail said softly Ice Tail and Fang walked into the alpha cave.
"Lion Scare was saved by your mother as an apprentice but as he said she did control life and death itself he left her alone with the hyena. But who wouldn't, in everyone's eyes she was immortal." Ice Tail said.
"What!? B-but she died!" Fang said astonished.
"Yes... I had suspicions that Lion Scar left her even if she asked for help. But it doesn't help that Lion Scar saved Pond fur but killed her eldest daughter," Ice Tail said.
"Oh… Well I guess that sheds a 'Light' in the situation" Fang said coldly.
"I'll leave you alone" Ice Tail said flicking his Tail towards the mouth of the cave. Fang walked out of the alpha cave Ghost Tongue hasn't come back yet? Hmmm if he doesn't come back tomorrow then we need to go into the Fox territory to look for him and ask the coyotes too Fang Thought worried. Fang walk into her cave and curled up to sleep.

Fang woke up due to her hearing a rustling in the leaves but it wasn't normal usually Fang could hear the thoughts of plants. But this wasn't normal gossip this time it was of why is she here? And stay away she burns things Fang got up and ran towards where the chatting began but she stopped It's in Fox territory She thought she started humming to find her favorite tree the Mystic Leaf…

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