Chapter 14

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Dark bolted to Eagle Hearts side. He was bleeding heavily on his chest and right wing. She shapeshifted into a tiger picking Eagle Heart up. She dashed back to the camp. "TIGER!" the pups screamed as Dark looked around for Snow Catcher and Rain. they were standing below her baring their teeth. "Put him down! He needs healing!" they growled.
"No no! It's me!" Dark said transforming into a fox again. She gave Eagle Heart to them and they raced for the wolf healers den. Ice Tail followed. Dark sighed with relief knowing Eagle Heart was in good paws. Dark looked to Fang,
"DARK! Are you okay!?and do you know what happened to eagle Heart" Fang aksed.
"I'm fine... but... Eagle Heart. But yes i do know what happened. He had the scent of wolf on him," Dark said.
"Oh no..." Fang wimperd looking at her scar. Dark turned her head. "That's the wolf smell!" Dark said attacking the gray-black wolf. Dark turned into a tiger swiping massive blows at the wolf. "This is for Eagle Heart you jerk!" Dark yelled as the wolf passed out. Fang ran over to her "is this an outcast?" Dark asked.
"Yes... but not the one who injured Eagle Heart" Fang said "that's HIS offspring,"
"Who is HIS?" Dark asked questioningly.
"The one who gave me this scar... Scar Claw... he can kill a tiger. Heck he already has..." Fang said. "do NOT go after him h-" Fang was cut off by a voice.
"There you are an old target that escaped" the stranger said his voice rang.
"Is that... Scar Claw... or is it Fear Pelt?" Dark asked flexing her claws ready for a battle. Fang didn't answer. Instead her flames shot up and her eyes grew with Fear.
"This... i-" Fang was cut off when Scar Claw jumped on her back and bit her throat enough to make her pass out.
"I'll kill you Fang. But only in front of Ice Tail," Scar Claw threatened to the unconscious body on the floor. He was bigger than Dark with huge shoulders and massive paws. He was bigger than a tiger! His eyes.. the-they lust for bloodshed Dark thought with a shiver. She charged at him turning into the only animal she thought could defeat him... a lion. She swiped her claws at him missing his face by a whisker. He did something that made her shiver part of his skeleton came out of his body and turned into daggers bigger than a lion's paw. Dark avoided each one ripping them in half. She swatted him but he was unexpectedly fast. Suddenly he stopped. He twitched and then passed out. "Bu-but how!?" Dark asked herself. Shadow walked over to her, "my magic is stronger than you think," he said winking. "Fang..." dark said stopping at her still unconscious body. Dark dragged Fang over to Silver Tear and Silver Wings cave. "It's Fang!" She called. They rushed out. "Thank you," Silver Tear said. Dark nodded. "Can I visit Eagle Heart?" Dark asked.
"Sure!" Rain said from the back of the cave. Dark walked in to a nest with Eagle Heart sleeping peacefully. Dark sighed did Scar Claw do this? Because it's not really that severe Dark thought. Dark walked out of the den. "Shadow!" She called. He walked over to her "whats up?" He asked.
"Eagle Heart shouldn't have been hurt by Scar Claw. It wasn't severe enough. So I thought we should check out the spot he got hurt," Dark said. Shadow nodded. When they got to the spot Shadow examined the blood on the ground. "There's Eagle Hearts and some wolf blood. But I can't tell which wolfs blood." Shadow said.
"Let me see," Dark said walking over to Shadow. "It's the blood of a wolf-fox mixture!" Dark said astonished.
"Well we have to follow the trail," Shadow said.

They had been following the trail for hours on end. The moon was high in the sky. Dark heard a growl. "I thought I was done with you!" Zorea said leaping at Shadow and Dark.
"Your a shapeshifter too!" Dark growled. Great Dark thought leaping at Zorea as a tiger. Zorea turned into a lion shaking her head. Dark was blown into the trees. A tree fell onto Zorea's tail. "OWWW!" She screamed. Zorea set the tree alight with fire sending some onto Shadow missing by a whisker. Zorea leaped into the air, her flying tiger form. "You won't get away this time!" Dark yelled turning into an eagle. She grabbed ahold of Zoreas tail. Zorea spat fire at her. Darks wing set alight with fire licking at her wing. She dropped from the sky turning into a cat. Cats land on their feet right? Dark thought. Dark landed feeling a spasm of pain shoot up her leg. She collapsed onto the ground. Shadow rushed over to help her to her paws. "I think I broke my leg," Dark said lifting her leg.
"Let's get you back to camp," Shadow said, worry filling his voice.

When they got back to camp Eagle Heart was healed. I guess the wolf healers know their stuff well huh Dark thought. Dark tried to run over to Eagle Heart when she tripped on her broken leg. "If I hadn't broken this leg Eagle Heart would be overwhelmed by my yelling and hissing for him being out of camp without backup," Dark said sighing. Shadow pushed her into the healers cave. "Dark!" Snow Catcher and Rain ran to her. "What happened!?" Rain asked.
"I broke my leg obviously," Dark growled.
"Let me do this okay," Silver Wing said pressing her paw onto Darks leg. When Silver Wing was done she headed back to a wolf pup with a thorn in his paw. Dark walked out of the den to a surprisingly happy Shadow. Dark walked to Fangs den saying goodby to Shadow. Fang was there deep in thought to notice Dark. Dark curled up in her nest to sleep.

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