Chapter 19

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Fang woke up to a pain it felt like fangs were digging into her skin.
",What the!?" Fang jumped up and backed up.
"Heh heh" Someone snickered
"BLOOD THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" Fang yelled Blood turned visable again and started running laughing.
"Come back here!" Fang called laughing running after Blood. Blood,Yin, Slade,Sand Phantom,River,Fox,Night,Frost,sun,Yang, Sora, Ivy and Fang all collided and landed on top of one one another in a tangled mess.
"Watch it!"
"Get off of me!"
"Wach where you put your fangs!"
"Hey get off my tail!"
"That's my tail you bafoon!"
"Who bit my leg?"
"Who's tugging on my paw?"
"Hey! Let go of my tail!"
"Wait that's your tail?" Someone called in the mess of Wolves piled on top of each-other. Finally they untangled from each-other.
"Well today is our big day guys!" Blood said happily.
"Yeah... it's all so... different…" Night said
,"It's… it's been a while since we've been turned into Apprentices hasn't it?"Sun said they all sat down.
"We should get ready for the ceremony." Ivy said everyone nodded as the boy's headed to an empty cave and the girls headed to another.
"Ok I'll go get some flowers and leafs" sora said
"Ok we'll save a spot for you!"Fang called
Sun,Yin,Ivy,Fang,Sand,River and Fang made spots for themselves.
"Sun should go first!" Ivy called everyone got up and rushed over to Sun. Sora came back with butiful leaves and flowers.
"Sorry fang I had to get most of these from the mysic leaf" Sora said
"It's fine today is special! did you get a orange sun flora?"Fang asked with a smile
"Yes here"Sora said grabbing a Orange flower that had butiful petals with a darker orange at the tips that fades into a yellow in the middle. Ivy put the flower behind Sun's ear. Then they helped smooth her fur and used some water to make her fur look more sleek.
"Ivy is next!" They came over to Ivy. They grabbed some mint green leaves that where attached to each other with Berry's in the middle then they put some folwer-vines around her head. Ending with a Emerald green flower that fades into a blue in the middle.
"River is next!" They grabbed some blue roses and de-thornd them then put three behind her ear River created some butiful diplays of water around her feet just as they put a blue flower vine hedress on her Dark moon walked in.
"What the!?" Dark moon yelped.
"Ack! No no go you cant see us while we're prepareing for the ceremony!" Fang said pushing Dark moon out of the cave.
"Sora next!" They put some red flowers behind her ear and sleeked her fur down a bit.
"Next is Sand!" Sand helped make a strong glass flower by creating sand and having Fang heat it up then they washed the sand out of her fur and sleeked it down.
"Night is next!" They put a night bloom behind Nights ear and gave her a vine headress.
"Yin is next!" They grabbed black roses and de-thornd them and set two of them behind her ear then some black tree branches as well they smoothed down and washed the dirt out of Yin's fur.
"Fang's turn!" Fang sat down while the others helped her get ready they put two blue flowers and two red flowers behind her ear then Fang made her Fire and water display around her then she was given a vine headress as well. That had alternateing blue and red flowers. By the time everyone was done it was afternoon.
"Our coranation is almost here" River said
"Yeah… look the sun's starting to set!" Sora said
"It's sunset let's go" Fang said just as Ice Tail called all of the wolves out except for the ones becoming Hunter's or protecters
"The First wolf to becone a Protecter is… My own daughter Fang!" Ice Tail called as Fang walked out of the den all the wolves were cheering. The Fox's stared like this doesn't happen in there pack. Fang walked up to the Bloodstone.
"Fang for being brave and stronger than many wolves above your age it is your time to become a Protecter just like your mother" Ice Tail said "Your new name is Fang Crystal!" Ice Tail howelled Fang was lifted up in the air My power is evolveing Suddenly Fangs Fire and Water turned into Cristal wings.
"You have Completed Fang cryistal you are now a official Protecter" Ice Tail said as Fang Cryistal flew down turn back to fire and water Fang Cryistal thought they did what she thought and turned back into fire and water. Fang whent to the right side of the Bloodstone.
"The next wolf Is River!" Ice Tail called River walked out and came to the front of the Bloodstone.
"River for your bravery and hard work your sister would be proud!" Ice Tail called
"Your new name is River Heart!"Ice Tail called. An aura formed around River Heart a bubble of water appered around her
"You have been accepted Creak Frost would be proud to call you her sister" Ice Tail said. River Hart Walked over to Fang Cryistal.
"Next is Sun!" Ice Tail called the crowd still cheering Sun walked out
"You have been patient and your powers have grown you are now a Hunter!" Ice Tail called Sun lit up fire blazed up into the sky.
"Sun Flare is now your name!" Ice Tail said
"Yin is our next wolf but! We can't keep twins apart Yin and Yang are next!" Ice Tail called
"Yin smoke and Yang Flare are your new names!" Ice Tail howelled Yin and Yang were lifted into the air. Yang gained wings that looked like wings of a dove. Yin had black smoke wind around her legs. Yin sat next to sun and Yang sat on the other side of the Bloodstone.
"Next is Ivy!" Ice tail called Ivy walked out
"Your bravery and skills are amazing and your contol of your power is beyond perfect you are now Ivy Claw!" Ice Tail howelled Ivy backfliped and a green aura came around her
"Sleeping gas?" Ivy said as she walked over to the others
"Next is sand!" Ice Tail called Sand came out
"You are brave and ready to accept your position your new name is Sand Fall!" Ice Tail announced Sands eyes turned white as sand came around her legs then her eyes turned to normal. Sand fall walked over to sit with the others.
"Next is Sora!" Ice Tail called Sora walked out to the front.
"With hard work and a creative mind you have done many things that honor this pack your new name shall be Sora Tail!" Ice Tail howelled Soras flowers began to multiply then it stopped Sora sat down with the others. So far the line is of Fang Crystal, River Heart, Sun Flare, Yin smoke,Ivy Claw, Sand fall, and Sora Tail
"Next is night!' Ice Tail called Night walked out
"You are brave and your training is more then complete your new name is Night Shade!" Ice Tail called Nights eyes turned balack then back to normal just as Night Shade sat next to sora tail someone unexpected came into the clearing
"Well I hope I didn't miss the whole ceremony" Griffin Wing said.
"Mom!?" Fang cryed Fang ran over to Griffin wing
"Oh Fang I missed you…" Griffin wing said
"I-I thought you were dead" Fang Cryistal said tears of joy rolling down her cheeks
"I wasn't Zorea trapped me when she took your body over when she was freed I was able to come back home" Griffin Wing said.
"Everyone! Our Strongest wolf is back!" Ice Tail howelled. The others graduated and The ceremony was almost complete all of them wrote their old names in the Bloodstone.
"Now I would like to meet some Foxes… who should I meet first?" Griffin Wing asked
"Dark Moon!" Fang cryistal said Fang cryistal lead Griffin wing to Dark Moon. Dark Moon was surprised.

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