Chapter 8

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Dark looked out at the vast lake. “Wow… it-its beautiful,” Dark said astonished.
"Wait until you see the fish" River said. River bounded out to the lake the rest of them following. Dark hesitated I don’t know… she thought, this is their territory… Dark looked up at the moon.
“Dark!?” A voice said behind her.
    “Shadow!” Dark hissed. Shadow took a step forward, “I-I-I thought you would want to… take a walk around the lake… would you?” Shadow asked.
    “Well… I… don’t know. Wouldn’t they be worried?” Dark said confused.
    “No, I told them that I would find you. So… about the walk?” Dark hesitated “well… I guess…” Dark said. Immediately Shadows eyes lit up. “Great!” he exclaimed. Shadow flicked his tail for Dark to follow him. Why though? Dark thought,. Dark trotted closer to Shadow, “maybe we should find the others,” Dark said. Shadow shook his head “were fine. Anyway, do you want to see my… my secret spot?” Shadow asked.
    “Sure, I guess,” Dark replied. Dark followed Shadow to a small hole in a rock. He gestured for Dark to go in it. Dark went in. She expected to find darkness and shadows that swallowed her up forever. But instead, there was a small fire illuminating the room. There was a nest on the side of the room, and a small pool of water on the other side. On the top of the room was a small hole showing the moon. All Dark could say when Shadow walked in was, “wow!”
    “I dug the hole myself. I stole  Snow Catchers moss for my nest, he he. I also put everything here. I took a lot of moss here for that tiny drinking pool,” Shadow said.
    “I never realized you were more than a stupid lazy pig,” Dark said. Shadow smiled “well I guess but then you have to be a stupid lazy sparrow,” Shadow replied. Then he knocked her over. She got out of his grasp and ran out of the doorway. They rolled through the grass for a while laughing. “I… think… we… should… go… back… now,” dark said out of breath. Shadow and Dark walked side by side. “Dark! Shadow!” She heard someone call.
    “I think they're looking for us. They probably think we've disappeared,” Dark said. Dark ran ahead “were fine!” She called out as she saw her brother Spotted and Night come out from the trees. “Dark!” Spotted screamed running up to her and knocking her over. “I was so worried! I thought you’d died!” He yelled. Dark pushed him off. “I’m fine Spotted,” she growled.
Spotted had a look of hurt in his eyes. “Bu-but I was only trying to… help,” he whimpered. Dark rolled her eyes, “we need to get back to camp,” she hissed. I wish that moment with Shadow could last forever Dark thought disappointed. They walked back to Fait pack camp. She said goodbye to Shadow and went back to Fangs den. “What were you doing with Shadow?” Fang asked.
“Nothing,” Dark replied. Completely nothing Dark thought. Dark climbed into the nest Fang had made for her and fell asleep.

When Dark woke up she stumbled through the den opening. She blinked up at the sun. Fang climbed out after her, “you should be able to go back to your camp in a few days, Fang said. Dark nodded, heading for Yins den. “Hey Shadow!” She called, “wanna go to the… ss?” She asked. Shadow came out from the den, “ss?” He said confused.
Dark leaned into his ear, “The Secret Spot, or ss for short,” Dark whispered. Shadow nodded excitedly. Dark and Shadow crept through the shadows unnoticed. When they were out into the moor where the ss was, Dark crashed into Shadow rolling through the grass. Dark felt a breath on her ear he is evil. “What!?” Dark utterly confused. “But your not evil Shadow… are you?” She asked.
    “No! Who would’ve told you that!?” He asked.
    “A voice… like an old voice. It smelled of the wind or-or the trees,” Dark stammered.
    “Do you think it’s star pelt?” Shadow asked.
    “But nobody has ever seen them besides the leaders!” Dark said astonished.
        “Well… I guess we should try to speak to them,” Shadow said confidently.
    “Well… what if… it’s an earth wolf or fox!” Dark said, “or a coyote,” Dark finished.
    “You know,” Shadow said, “you know I will do ANYTHING for you right?” Shadow asked.
    “Yes,” Dark said leaning into Shadows fur.
"Aww so cute two secret love birds. Any how, have you seen my camp i’m… losssst" A voice said from behind them. Dark spun around “who is it!” She growled. Shadow growled, swiping his paw at the air.
"My name is Maple Wood. Now have you seen my pack? I admit I'm an outcast, but if you don't" Maplewood came out of the shadows. Her tail covered in iron. "I’ll kill you where you stand" she was incredibly fast. She ran to Dark and Shadow showing her blade like tail she slightly cut Shadow and Darks neck enough to bleed.
"So what do you say?" Maple Wood asked.
“There,” Dark growled pointing with her tail, “find a clearing in the middle of those trees. It’s not very far… outcast,” she growled.
"Thank you now I have unfinished business with that brat Fang I'd love to kill her and see Ice Tails pain thank you," Maple Wood said running to the camp.
“NO!” Dark yelled rushing to Maple Wood. Dark hit her tail with lightning. The metal was strong though. The lightning reflected and hit Dark back. Shadow came running to her side. “Are you okay!?” He asked frantically searching her for wounds. “I’m fine,” Dark said. Shadow rushed at Maple Wood. he used his blood star magic trying to control her. But before he could Maple Wood rushed at him cutting his leg open. He fell to the ground. “Shadow!” Dark yelled. Dark rushed to him. She looked at the sky. She closed her eyes imagining lightning. Right before her eyes she was lifted with Shadow by lightning. “I didn’t know I could fly on lightning!” Dark exclaimed. “But… Fang… she’s going to be… killed.” Dark soon saw the wolf camp come into sight. She was put on the ground and rushed into the camp. “Snow Catcher! Rain!” She shrieked. Snow Catcher came running, Rain behind her. “Quick just take him!” Dark said rushing for Fangs den. Fang looked startled.
"Maple Wood is coming to kill you!” Dark screamed.
"Maple Wood!? No… then…" Fangs eyes widened "I'll have to… no I can't.. I’ll lose my body and control… but I have to…" Fang started to mumble.
“Hurry up and do something!” Dark growled. Fang sighed,
"If I don't come back then… fine… I'll use my power in this certain way but if I don't come back… I have been exiled for… not being me anymore," Fang said.
“But how is not being you going to get you exiled. Plus if you get exiled who’s going to be the alpha of Fait pack for crying out loud!” Dark hissed.
"I-I won’t be me if my power takes my spirit out and controls me…" Fang said looking at her paws terrified like it's happened before.
“Well… well… I guess...I can fight her alone…” dark said running out of the den. But I have to tell Ice tail and Eagle Heart first Dark thought. Dark ran into Ice Tails den “MAPLE WOOD!” She yelled running out into the forest to find maple Wood growling at her.
    “Well well well. Thanks for luring my prey here” Maple Wood said as she jumped over Dark. dark grabbed her tail in her mouth not caring if blood welled up on her muzzle. Then she saw something horrifying Fangs eyes were blood red and she was baring her teeth she was so… bloodthirsty like she couldn't control her lust for blood as it came out of her mouth. Dark looked at Fang horrified so that's what she meant Dark thought. This wasn't Fang THIS was the power she used and IT was controlling her. Dark looked at Maple Wood and Fang battling and it made Dark want to bury her face in Shadows fur. Dark ran back to the camp to find Ice Tail talking to himself. “Ice Tail!” she called, “quick! Fang is battling Maple Wood and her power is controlling her!” Dark yelled.
"What! No! NO!" Ice Tail howelled alarmed. He ran out then stopped dead. He looked ashamed of himself.
"I can't… she's had training all we can do… is hope she comes back to us…" Ice Tail said. Dark nodded “well then i’m gonna check on Shadow,” dark said heading for the healers den. “Hows Shadow?” Dark asked
“Better” Snow Catcher replied
"We made sure to clean the wound up" Silver Wing added.
    “Well… we did but… he has to not run or do ANYTHING at all with his leg for five days,” Rain said mixing a remedy.
"My tears haven't helped so all you need to do is make sure that he doesn't walk or well as you heard Rain say, anything at all with his leg. Oh and also, do give him this at least once" Silver Tear said giving Dark a small vial of what looked like Silver tears tear mixed with Honey.
“Thank you,” dark said as she put it in fangs den waiting for Shadow to appear. Soon he was limping to the den. “Shadow,” Dark laughed “you look like Scar Nose except his face is on your leg,”
Shadow smirked “well, at least your not hurt.”
“You can watch out for yourself once in a while. I’m not going anywhere,” Dark said amused. “Anyway Silver Tear told me to give you this for you,” Shadow took it from her. “It sure smells weird,” Shadow said pushing it onto Darks nose. “Eww! Your right that does smell gross” dark said cheerfully.
“Well… it’ll help at least,” Shadow said. Shadow tried to rub it on his leg when Dark pulled him back. “You drink it stupid lazy pig,” Dark said. Shadow laughed, “well you got one part right stupid lazy sparrow,” Dark took it from him and shoved it in his mouth. “There,” she said with a smug smile on.
“Well that was THE MOST disgusting thing I have ever tasted,” Shadow said wrinkling his nose. Dark put the vile in a corner of the den.
“I’m gonna hunt.” Dark said, “I'm hungry and I bet your hungry too,” Dark said heading out to the forest. When Dark got to the forest she saw Mape woods dead body lying on the ground.  I almost forgot about that Dark thought. Then not too far away was Fang. Half of her was that crazy blood thirsty side and the remaining half was normal Fang crying and someone else was there... Slade, he was talking to the normal half of Fang. Dark couldn't tell what he was saying to her. But her crying started to slow Finally Slade said something and her other side turned to normal she started crying again Slade rested his head on her shoulder for a few seconds then left to barry Maple Wood. Dark ran up to Fang. “Fang!” Dark yelled.
“Dark! I'm so sorry you had to see me like that” Fang said shakily
“It’s okay.” Dark said “I just want to make sure your okay. The last time I saw you you were… bloodthirsty and killing Maple Wood. but don’t worry, I have a bad side too.” Dark finished.
    “Thanks, but I'll need to explain my power to you further on" Fang said. Fang turned around "Slade! Are you done?" Fang asked
"Just about" Slade replyid walking over to Fang.
“Are you sure your mother’s bloodline won’t make you evil like her!?” Dark asked growling.
"Whoa! Calm down. Geeze who set your tail on fire!? Anyways blood doesn't mean anything except who your family is. It doesn't exactly pinpoint your personality" Slade said helping Fang stand up. There where cuts and bruises all over Fangs body and a couple cuts on Slade.
“Well… in that case, I guess I can trust you. But you need to tell me about Shadow Eater and Shadow Heart. Because they seem to have evil in their hearts.” Dark said.
"Shadow Eater power is Shadow feed,” Fang said "This lets her bite through anything like it was air then the Shadows feed the power every time it's used but causes gaw strain and random blackouts in the middle of the day. She needs a healer after. So she doesn't use it that much. Plus she lost her father and mother when she was one year old and she doesn't get much sleep" Fang said.
“Wow,” Dark said astonished “I guess she gets blamed for most of the deaths in my pack for no reason… but what about Shadow Heart!?” Dark demanded.
"Shadow Hearts power is the blood scar" Fang said "the blood scar is where he can control others by manipulating there blood. He can even make them explode from the inside out. But for Shadow Heart, he has chest strain after and his father was the only family he had until he died," Fang said.
Dark stretched her eyes wide “but… but then… but then our hatred for him and Shadow Eater is fake! They are the only wolves to get blamed for ALL fox deaths except for when the healer can’t heal them!”
"Dark… would you like me to explain my power?" Fang said shuffling her paws.
“Well…” dark started. She looked at the trees. But Shadow! I forgot to hunt! Dark thought. “I guess I have t-” Fang interrupted her.
"Oh! The Hunters are coming back. Come-on, let's get back to camp. Then once they drop off the prey we can eat," Fang said trotting towards Fait pack camp. Dark sighed well… Dark thought. Dark took one look back at the forest. I guess I don’t have to hunt Dark thought. When they got back to the camp the kill pile was full. Dark took a deer off the top and took it to Yins den entrance. “Hey Shadow!” She called. Shadow came out limping. “I got a deer, well… I got it from the pile I got distracted and Fang said it should be full so…” Dark said. Shadow smiled ‘well i’m glad you tried anyway,” Shadow said helping her carry the deer. Shadow stopped. “Wanna got to the ss? With the deer?” Shadow asked.
“Sure,” Dark replied. Dark trotted to the ss with Shadow. They took the deer into the ss. But when they got in the place was trashed. “What happened!?” Dark asked astonished. They heard a growl. “Who are you!?” A voice asked growling.
“Shadow and Dark from Storm pack,” Shadow growled.
“Never heard of you,” the voice hissed. A fox as black as night stepped out from the shadows.
“Well then who are YOU!?” Dark hissed.
“Shaded Tree. I have been an outcast for years on end. I want back in. All I did was make a wolf called Griffin Wing die… and Light Claw banished me.” Shaded Tree growled.
    “Light Claw? Whos Light Claw?” Dark asked.
    “The alpha and she's yours too. Unless she died and her son Eagle Heart took over,” Shaded Tree said.
    “It’s Eagle Heart… as the alpha right now. I think you should leave… now,” Shadow said lashing his tail. Shaded Tree dipped his head,
    “Please have him let me back into the pack,” as soon as he came Shaded Tree was gone. Dark sat down next to Shadow. They soon finished the deer. Dark walked into the camp thinking how am I going to get an outcast into the pack!? Especially if he killed Fangs mom! Dark thought heading for Fangs cave. Dark swept past Fang ignoring her words. Dark curled up in the nest and fell asleep worried.

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