Chapter 10

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Dark was running. Running for her life. Some kind of living creature was chasing her. She knew it was alive since it had blood. She had ripped lot’s of it’s blood out in deep scratches. It’s blood was all over her paws. She stopped, luring her lightning towards the creature. It stopped. “Fang has been released and now I want you,” it said.
    “I don’t even know what you are!” Dark spat.
    “Zorea,” it said.
“The demon?” Dark asked. Zorea nodded. It rushed at her consuming her whole until she blacked out.

When Dark woke up she was in the middle of the forest. Blood was all over her body. “I’m going to die!” Dark yelled. Dark tried to stand up. “But… this isn’t MY blood! It’s wolf and coyote blood!” Dark ran following Fangs scent. She stopped at a glowing ball. Hmmmmm? Dark thought picking the ball up in her teeth. “So what are you?” Dark asked the ball. “Oh well if it can’t tell me… well it’s a ball now a talking creature! Am I going insane!?” Dark yelled. A murder of crows took off. Dark started to explore the forest. She found lots of things including frogs in ponds which she had never seen before. Dark tried to pick one up but it jumped into the water. Kill it a voice said. What! No! I can’t it’s a living creature and for all I know it’s poisonous! Dark yelled back at the voice. Then i will and Dark blacked out.

Dark woke up to find a mossy swamp full of creatures she had never seen before. You need to go to the mountain the voice said Why!? Dark said back you can free me the voice replied fine! But only this once Dark said. Dark walked around the swop keeping a close eye on the creatures in it. One of them came closer. Dark hit it with lightning. It died. “That’s what you get idiot!” Dark snapped. When Dark was fully around the swamp she heard a noise. “Who’s there!?” Dark demanded.
    “Just me,” Shadow said as he stepped out of the trees. “Shadow!” Dark exclaimed as she ran to him. “We have to go to the mountain!”
    “Why?” He asked.
“I’ll tell you when we get there.” dark said as she nuzzled his snout. He nuzzled her back. “Lets go, we’ve got a long way to go,” Dark said. I kinda wish I was a cat so I could purr. Because if I was I’d be purring up a storm Dark thought. Dark suddenly had a feeling. A feeling of protection. She would protect Shadow. Even if he could protect himself. Shadow stopped, “we have a stowaway,” he growled as an outcast by the name of creek Fur stepped out of the trees. “Creek Fur?” Dark said surprised, “your an outcast and… and Crescents… mother.”
    “I… am an outcast… I was only accused of killing Light Claw… but I saw it with my own eyes… Scar Eye… he’s a true murderer… and Eagle Heart accused me… because I was standing next to her with her dead body,” Creek Fur looked crestfallen.
    “I’ll remember to tell Eagle Heart all about it when we get back… so… bye,” Dark said turning around.
“I also came to say I am joining you on your journey,” Creek Fur said bravely.
    “Look, we don’t have anymore room so… go… NOW!” Fart growled.
    “No! I will not leave. Have you seen what water tails power even does!?” Creek Fur asked.
    “No… why?” Shadow asked.
“I can kill things by just wrapping my tail around their neck… so… can I come now!?”
    “Uhg… fine!” Dark growled, “but stay out of our way, got it!”
    “Okay okay, geeze,” Creek Fur said with a bounce of delight.
    “Now let’s see what dangers the mountains hold.”

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