Chapter 29

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Fang Crystal woke up.
"Blood Fang… where's Dark Moon!?!" Fang Crystal asked prodding at Blood Fang. Blood Fang woke up.
"I don't know," Blood Fang said.
"Imma go find her" Fang Crystal said.
"Be careful, Fang Crystal," Blood Fang said.
"I will" Fang Crystal said she went out to the clearing and flew up in a spiral. Fang Crystal scouted the area above the trees then she heard more panicked yelling. She looked down and Shadow Slayer was defending himself against Scar Claw. Fang Crystal dove down.
    “WELL THEN HELP ME WITH DARK MOON’S INJURY!” Shadow Slayer yelled back.
"MOVE!" Fang Crystal yelled landing hard into the ground in front of Shadow Slayer.
"You need to take Dark Moon back to your territory If you stay here it won't end well for any of us" Fang Crystal said facing Scar Claw.
    “Um. How will you be able to protect yourself if he is like a bone ripping wolfy wolf!?” Shadow Slayer asked.
"That is called the bone rip. It is only in one bloodline. He killed them all except himself and his son. He’s a psychopath," Fang Crystal said
“Who is his son?” Shadow Slayer asked.
"Dude you killed him!" Fang Crystal said. Just then Scar claw lunged at Shadow Slayer. Shadow Slayer Tried to stop Scar Claw but couldn't. Fang Crystal rammed into Scar Claws side.
"Run!" Fang Crystal yelled.
"How did that not work?" Shadow Slayer Said.
"Why do you think he's not dead already? If the Blood star worked on him he'd already be dead" Fang Crystal said.
"So… he can kill anyone?" Shadow Slayer asked.
"Yes but the only wolf he can't is my mom she can kill him." Fang Crystal said. Scar Claw Lunged for Fang Crystal. Fang Crystal Flew up and jumped on Scar Claws back then jumped back up.
“Well I need to take Dark Moon to Rain Fall!” Shadow Slayer said scooping Dark Moon onto his back.
"I TOLD YOU TO GO ANYWAYS! NOW HURRY UP!" Fang Crystal yelled from the air.
"I’M WORKING ON IT!" Shadow Slayer growled. Shadow Slayer ran away taking Dark Moon with him. Good now I can deal with him alone…

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