Chapter 13

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Fang ran through the forest "CANYON NOSE!" She called out. The burns that she had while saving Phantom had disappeared when she freed herself from Zorea. Now she doesn't get anymore burns because of her water and fire.
"Fang!?" Canyon Nose called Fang saw Canyon Nose.
"Here! I'm here!" She called out.
"Fang! Zorea is gone!" Canyon Nose said relileved that the real Fang was back.
"Let me help" she said using her water to help. Soon the flames were gone.
"Canyon Nose, I'm going to go back to camp ok."
"Alright I'll see you there," Canyon Nose said as Fang rushed to camp. as she arrived there Dark was waiting
"Are you okay? Where’s Canyon Nose?" Dark asked.
"I'm fine and Canyon Nose is with the others clearing out the dead trees" Fang said
“Oh… well where is Eagle Heart?” Dark asked.d.
"Don't know" Fang said "I just got back here" as Fang walked further in the camp gasping was heard and the line "It's Fang! She's back to normal! We'll have a strong alpha again after Ice Tail dies!" Fang just walked past and Dark followed.
"Wow… they really depend on you don't they?" Dark said.
"Yes they do…" Fang said "How many wolf out casts have you run into?" Fang asked.
“One, and two fox outcasts. Why did you ask?” Dark asked.
“Because I ran into one,” Fang said. “His name was Five Claw. He is one of the four outcasts, and Maple Wood is gone so there's only three lef-” Fang was cut off.
“But why?” Dark asked, “Why do we need to know outcasts?”
“The wolf ones… are murderers. They can kill anyone they want” Fang said keeping her voice low.
“Well… I was going to tell Eagle Heart about Creek Fur so, I guess I see you later,” Dark said heading to Ice Tails den.
If Five Claw found me and Maple Wood found Dark, then that means… Dark is going to run into Scar Claw and I'll run into… Fear Pelt, My aunt's killer… Fang thought. Dark came back “Ice Tail has no idea where Eagle Heart is. Do YOU know where he is?” Dark asked.
“Like I said I-” Fang cut off "WE NEED TO FIND EAGLE HEART!" Fang yelled remembering who could find Eagle Heart easily.
Dark groweld “you don’t have to announce it to the whole pack and the other pack too.”
“Well how else are we supposed to find him!?” Fang retorted.
“I… don’t know,” Dark said trotting out to the Forest. Fang was at the edge of camp. She knew nobody could see her. Fang heard a growling from behind her.
"Got you!” It was Fear Pelts raspy voice, black fur, and blue eyes. The two wrestled until Fang threw him on his back bit his neck and ripped his tail open to the bone. He started to lose blood then passed out.
"Dark!' Fang yelled at the top of her lungs. She needed Dark okay instead of Dark being in trouble.
“What,” Dark growled annoyed “I was looking for Eagle Heart.”
"Look" Fang snapped pointing at the unconscious body of Fear Pelt".
“Is that an outcast?” Dark asked suspiciously.
"Yes his name is Fear pelt and he killed my aunt," Fang said giving Fear Pelt a large scratch on his nose.
“Well then get him out of here before he wakes up!” Dark hissed.
"OF COURSE I AM IDIOT! I'M NOT STUPID! I CAUGHT HALF OF THE PRE EXISTING OUT CAST'S!" Fang growled angrily. The flames on her side looming over Dark.
“Eagle Heart!” Dark said sniffing at the ground, “and blood too!” Dark raced through the forest.
"Wait…" Fang smelled the air oh no, both of them are going to die if I don't get there soon Fang thought dragging Fear Pelt out to the middle of the clearing before dashing out of the entrance of the camp…

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