Chapter 6

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Dark stalked through the undergrowth. She had been following the Rabbit all day. She pricked her ears there Dark leaped. She landed on the rabbit and bit its neck. “Yes!” Dark praised herself. “Although… I haven’t caught ANYTHING else yet… sooooooo… maybe that Squirrel over there!” Dark crouched down ready to leap. She stepped on a twig crack! “NO!” Dark yelled. Dark leaped only to be kicked in the face with dirt from the Squirrel. Uhhg! Dark thought this is impossible! Why am I hunting when i’m, training as a protector!? Dark stood up. "Another miss. If Eagle Heart makes the protectors learn hunting as well as fighting and the hunter learn fighting as well as hunting… then we should be called something else!”
    “I thought I said not to make a single retort!” Eagle Heart walked out to her.
“Well then i’m not listening!” Dark growled “HEY! GET YOUR WING OUT OF MY FACE!” I hate that my mentor has wings. He put them into my face! “Try not to get so mad when a wolf, fox, or coyote harasses you,” Eagle Heart said jumping up into the air his tail tip as wingtips alight with fire. Dark rolled her eyes “I wish I still had Sun Fang as my mentor!” Dark stomped off to the camp. Slate ran up to her “whats wrong?” Slate asked. Dark refused to look at her.
“Eagle Heart sucks as a mentor!” Dark growled, “I just wish I still had Sun Fang!”
“well at least Eagle Heart is nice” Slate said.
Dark spun around “no he’s not!” Dark stormed off to her den. Slate ran up to her “STOP!” She growled, "you can’t accuse the ALPHA! He's the ALPHA, for crying out loud! To make matters worse, he’s also your mentor. He’s also your family!”
    Dark glared at her “You don’t know anything about my family!” dark blasted Slate with lightning. Dark gasped “sorry!” Dark tried to shake Slate but she wouldn’t wake up.
“SLATE!” She screamed,
    “What’s going on he-” Heather Breeze stopped “Slate! Oh no! Did you do this!?” Heather Breeze asked outraged.
    “I-I-” Dark stammered. Heather Breeze growled, “i’m asking Eagle Heart to get you a new den partner! I don’t trust you with my precious Slate!” Heather Breeze looked out of the den “SNOW CATCHER!” She called. Snow Catcher hurried in, “how did this happen?” She asked.
    “SHE happened!” Heather Breeze growled pointing to Dark with her tail.
“I didn’t mean to,” Dark whimpered.
“I’ll have to get a healing remedy,” Snow Catcher said, urgency in her voice. Slates breathing was raspy now. “RAIN!” Snow Catcher called. “Yes Snow Catcher?” Rain said.
    “I Need the stars remedy okay!” Rain nodded then hurried off to the healers den. Rain came back with a glowing leaf bowl of remedy. Rain gave it to Snow Catcher. Snow Catcher quickly slipped it into Slates mouth. She then used her magic to numb Slate. “I have to numb her. The remedy is painful but it heals,” Snow Catcher said. Snow Catcher made her way out of the den, Rain following. Dark looked at Slate who’s breathing was gradually getting better. “Huh? Where am I?” Slate said hopping to her feet. “I’m sorry,” Dark said. Slate tilted her head, “why?” Slate asked. Dark shifted her paws, “I hit you with lightning,” But… Dark… you would never do that woul-” Heather Breeze interrupted  her “you will have a new den partner tomorrow! And it’s not going to be Slate!” Slate gasped “but Mother!” Slate flicked her tail “I-I” Slate shook her head then ran out of the den. Heather Breeze turned to Dark “now, I want you to stay away from my pups from here on out!” She growled. Heather Breeze stalked out of the den. Dark ran out of the camp. She stopped at the evergreen. You are very special to me, Dark thought. Dark curled up to sleep.

Dark woke up the next morning. I’ve been out here since yesterday! Dark thought. Dark heard sniffing. “Dark!” Many foxes were calling her name. Great Dark thought. Dark ran towards the one voice she wanted to hear. “Slate!” She called. Dark ran up to Slate. “Did you hear who my new den partner would be?” Dark asked. Slate nodded.
    “Shadow, since he had no other apprentice to be a den partner he took the opportunity. He always said he needed to be less lonely.” Dark gulped, Shadow was the last fox she would be willing to share a den with. Dark walked back to camp with Slate. When they got there Heather Breeze growled lashing her tail that Dark was even close to Slate. Dark sighed, I wish Heather Breeze wasn’t so protective over her pups… but then she wouldn’t be a mother would she. Dark thought. Dark walked over to her den to find Shadow waiting for her. “Long time no see,” Shadow said, brushing his tail on Darks paw. “Hey!” Dark growled pulling her paw away.
    “I won’t do it again,” Shadow promised, “only if you ask.” Dark growled then pushed past him into the den. Shadow slunk into the shadows then out again. Dark swiped at him “you sleep over there! I hope you can find respect for me you idiot!” Shadow just stood there watching her. “Okay,” he sighed then he jumped up to the ledge in the den where Slate used to sleep. Why does he want to be close to me all of a sudden? Dark thought. Dark curled up to sleep. She was half asleep when she felt Shadow cuddle close to her. He was about to put his tail on Darks paw when she growled, “don’t even think about it!"

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