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Fang woke up Ack! I slept here!  Fang thought. Fang looked at her mom's grave Mom… you used to take me here and I won't forget that…  Fang thought rushing back to Fait pack territory she entered the entrance sniffed the air… FIRE!  Fang thought running towards the apprentice dens. No… NO! Fang thought running towards Phantoms cave that was engulfed in flames. Phantom was in the middle unconscious. Fang ran through the fire avoiding the worst of the flames. She picked Phantom up and carried him to her den. She dunked him in the water, then took him back to dry land "Phantom wake up please… please… for me…" Fang said softly hanging her head and putting her ear towards his heart. He's breathing shallowly the smoke messed with his lungs. Fang thought. She looked out of her den. Fox was sniffing the air.  "Fox! Please hurry" she called out. Fox ran to her "Fang! Those burns!" He said alarmed.
"No time for me come in, hurry!" Fang said, urgently in her voice. Taking Fox to Phantom
"Oh no… Phantom… I can heal him but I'll need to fetch my mom after," Fox said putting his paw on Phantoms chest. Smoke started to come out of Phantoms Mouth
"His breathing is steady again now I'll go get silver Wing" Fox said Fox dashed out of Fangs cave to get Silver Wing. Fang Put Phantom on the mat that she healed Dark on. Fang layed her tail on Phantom, tears started to roll down her face. Later Silver Wing came in and healed.
"He has a lot of burns but nothing fatal he'll be fine once he gets some rest River and Ice Tail are done with the flames- OH my! Fang! Why didn't you tell me!? You have burns all around your ankles and snout! Your tail too! Let me heal you… Phantom will wake up tomorrow" Silver Wing said.
"Ok…" Fang said dismissively as Silver Wing and Fox walked out of Fangs cave after healing her Goodnight Phantom… please wake up soon Fang thought as she laid down next to Phantom and slept for the night.

Fang woke up the next day she sat up and looked at Phantom he was stirring. Fang prodded Phantom with her snout Come on wake up dummy… Fang thought soon after he woke up
"Firefox! NO!" Phantom gasped.
"Hey hey calm down it's okay" Fang said Phantom looked up at her.
"Fang… Oh my- long have I been out!?" Phantom said.
"A while… Sliver Wing said we can't do any training" Fang said.
"What?... Oh no! Fang! You're burns! I'm so sorry!" Phantom said.
"Huh? Oh these? It's nothing" Fang said "plus I've had… worse…" Fang said glancing at her scar.
Phantom sighed "I'm gonna look at the damage of my cave at least."
"Let me come with you" Fang said
"Ok let's go…" Phantom said as he swam across the river with Fang, they walked towards Phantoms cave.
"No! No! DANGIT!" Phantom said looking at the burnt cave full of ashes from the vines that once covered his cave.
"Well it looks like I can't sleep here now… but what do I do now?" Phantom sighed.
"You could sleep in my den for now, until we get yours cleared out," Fang said.
"Thanks Fang can… can I go back to your den for now?" Phantom asked.
"Yeah, I'll be back ok? I need to do something" Fang said.
"Okay then... just… be back soon" Phantom said walking back to Fangs den. Oh Phantom why are you so stupidly cute and sweet? Fang thought as she snuck out of pack territory ok Phantom said something about a fox he can't mean our fox because the one he was talking about is associated with fire that it started… now I just need the sent… got it Fang thought as she picked up a burnt smell that mingled with a fox sent inside wolf territory Fang smirked then silently ran to the pack.
"Phoenix wing!' Fang yelled
"Fang!? What's up!?" Phoenix Wing said (Phoenix Wing power: Flames she can create fire but she also takes no harm from it)"there's a fox inside our territory I have a feeling that it's the same fox the set Phantoms den on fire!" Fang said. Quietly Phoenix Wing noded
"I'll get a capture team" Phoenix Wing said dashing off to find Ice Tail. Good now we'll be able to capture another Fox Fang thought as she walked into her den.
"Hey where did you go?" Phantom asked
"I picked up a sent I followed it slightly out of pack area but I came back when I smelled a fox" Fang said
"Ok… also where do I sleep?" Phantom asked awkwardly.
"Over there" Fang said pointing to a ledge close to hers "it's the only other sleeping area I haven't used yet."
"Okay thanks" Phantom said as he walked past Fang to the other sleeping area and brought some moss into the area to make a small nest. Fang went up to her bed and fell asleep.

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