Podemos ♥

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Angie's POV

I was at the music room and I was crooning the Podemos. then Jeremias came there. He just walked opposite to the piano and started play that.

Then I started sing:

No soy ave para volar,
Y en un cuadro no se pintar
No soy poeta escultor.
Tan solo soy lo que soy.

Las estrellas no se leer,
Y la luna no bajare.
No soy el cielo, ni el sol...
Tan solo soy.

Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar.

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción,
Y tallarme en tu voz.

When I finished we smiled to each other. I felt the same when I sing with German. I don't know why but he always remember me to German. Why do I still love him so much?? Why?? No sé...

-You've got beautiful voice. Smiled Jeremias.

-Thanks I enjoyed singing with you.Smiled back.

-Sorry Angie but I need to go. Chau.said he and quickly went out.

German's POV

I really enjoyed Angie's voice. I can listen it all day. Ohh and she'll hate me if she find out who I am.

I hope you enjoy the reading!!
Sorry for the bad chapter!!! :(
It'll be better :)

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