The chaos

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Angie's POV

-STOP!!!!!! And now began the chaos...

It was a woman in a formal dress. She stood between the two row of chairs with 2 police (???) beside her. Then Felipe stood up and went next to her. Everybody was in silence. You could saw the mortal fear in Prisilla's face.

-Don't do anything Mr. Started Felipe.

-What's happening??? Asked German while everybody became more curious.

-Tell it to them, Eva honey. Said Felipe with an evil grin on his face. Wait he said that "honey"??? Omg!!! :D

-Well...started she -Prisilla Ferro is a cheater. She uses up millionaires for their money and maybe they'll get married but later she'll move away with the money and the men will never hear from her and his money. She is WANTED in South of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and now here in Argentina. She's already used up maybe 6 men.

-Mum??? Is it true?? Asked Ludmilla while she stood up. I couldn't say anything just stared the sence and wait what will happen yet.

-It's nefarious slander!!! Shouted Prisilla.

-Oh yes??? And is your daugther know where were you 2 years ago?? Asked the woman and the policemen went to her and manacled her.

-You haven't got proof against me!!!!! Shouted she.

-Oh we'll show you them. Said the woman and she wanted to follow the policemen but Felipe stopped her. And what??? They were kissing???

Everybody was shocked. Ludmilla and German talked about something and they hugged.

Later Felipe and I wanted to go home but German stopped us.

-Can we talk? Asked he from me.

-I wait you in the street. Said Felipe and walked out. Now we were alone.

-Angie... what I said before the ..chaos. .started he and moved closer.

-German...pls clear your mind and talk about it later when there won't lots of problem... please... said I and wanted to leave but German grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

-Felipe is cheating on you!!! I saw he and the policewoman were kissing!!!! Said he and our lips were 11 cm from each other's.

-German Felipe's and my relationship is complicated...but..said I.

-But? Asked he and leaned closer.

-I... I..started but I couldn't end the sentence because he gently pushed me against the wall.

-Angie... I love you!!! Said he and kissed my lips passionately...

I hope you like the story!! :)
Sorry for the bad chapter.

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