B.❤.B. 6- The interrogation

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*Ilhaam POV.*

I sneak out when everybody was busy getting ready to go to work and school, once again. Mum is definitely going to notice, because I never leave before having breakfast; it's a crucial meal for me.

I escaped interrogation yesterday, didn't show up for dinner, prayed in my room then faked to be asleep. Truth is I couldn't sleep, I was praying for the morning to come I needed to solve this problem and fast. Because, soon Dad is going to ask about the school receipt.

My stomach roars like a lion, and the woman sitting next to me in the bus glares at me. I gaze at her like 'What? Never been hungry in your life?' and she turns back to minding her business. Last meal taken was a snack, yesterday morning.

 Last meal taken was a snack, yesterday morning

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I arrive at the shop and Mr. Abdul was already opening. Alhumdullilah I found him and not his wife, she is annoyingly picky."Assalam alleikum." I greet him.

"Walleikum Salaam." He greets and looks surprised on seeing me. "Didn't you ask for a couple of days off?" He asks.

"Yes, but I need to ask another favour." I say managing a smile. He cocks his head to a side already expecting trouble from me.

It's not like I'm a trouble maker; okay, my high school reputation is not quite beautiful, but that is not the point now.

"Ilhaam." I hear his son say coming in our direction. I mentally roll my eyes, he is one of the reasons of why I hate boys. He really thinks that his conversable impresses every girl, well I'm not every girl.
He definitely doesn't know how to keep his gaze low and say only the convenient.

"Assalam Alleikum." I say to him and turn to talk to Mr. Abdul. "I really need a favour, please."

"Ok, let's go in." He says to me. "Khalil, continue opening the shop." He demands.

I have been sitting for fifteen minutes in his office trying to convince him to lend me the money. And I even used the last card in my sleeve, 'My father is jobless now.' Allah forgive me for lying, I just had no choice.

"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important for me. I really, really, really, really, really, really need the money."

"Do your parents know you are here?" he asks.

"No, I'm doing this because it's my degree that is on the line. I promise I will give you back every penny, I will work extra hours, I will sell your best pieces."

"This is not about the money, I can give you the money. But it won't be right with your parents. They will ask where you got the money to pay for the college."

"I will tell them it is a scholarship, you can be like a godfather." I suggest optimistic. "I can't lose a year, Mr Abdul please. I promise your money won't go for waste, I will study twice as much, I will be the best student in college I promise, I will remember you in all my prayers. And if you think I'm lying I will bring you the receipt."

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