Where Is She

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It's been days and still nothing, not a word or phone call from Santana or from the police... Jaxson and Liliana keep asking for her but, I don't know what to say to them... I am finding it hard to live with myself, I'm so, full of guilt that I don't sleep at night thinking she's out there somewhere alone... This is all my fault; I delayed the choosing of a house... I was raging at myself for what had happened...

I walked into the kitchen Liliana is still  eating breakfast...

"Where is Jaxson?". I asked her...

"He's not hungry". She says and takes a spoonful of her cereal... I kiss the top of her head and walk up to Jaxson's room... I opened the door and look at him laid in bed...

"Jaxson... What's wrong". I asked in a soft tone...

"I miss mummy". He says and starts to cry... I walked over to his bed and sit... His tiny little face full of sadness I pick up his tiny little body and place on my lap and hug him...

"Little prince... I am sure mummy misses you too... We are still looking for her". I say... I had to tell them that she was missing. They kept asking for her and I had no answer to give them so, I told them she was missing...

"I just want mummy to come home... I want to go home". I placed my huge hand on the side of his head and pull him into my chest...

"I want mummy to come home too and just for now this is your home". I could feel his little body shake as he cried... I closed my eyes hoping Santana would just walk in and show me her smile...

The days are now turning into weeks and still nothing... I was giving up hope of ever seeing her again... Damon took the children to school and I went to my office in the penthouse... I looked at the photo I had on my desk of Santana and my children... I just sit crying wanting her to walk through the door... I felt lost without her and our children were missing her immensely... Jaxson was having nightmares and he couldn't sleep well at night... He started to withdraw and not talking much... He was just like Santana in always... It was his way of coping with what had happened... I needed to get him help before he shut himself of completely... So, I did get him into therapy just so, he could open up and be a little boy that he's meant to be... I didn't realise how close the children were to Santana till now... I was watching my children fall to pieces and that did hurt in more ways than one...

I was still sitting at my desk just looking at the paperwork when Damon walks in...

"I stopped by the police station and they said they would contact other counties just to see if they know anything". Damon says and sits down...

"Santana... Must have been in a very dark place for her to have done this". I say looking at Damon...

"Hunter... I know it's been a couple of months but, we will find her one way or another". Damon looked unhappy as did we all...

"I hope they find her alive... I just can't stop hearing her gun going off... I know I have shot people and I've been shot but, when it comes to Santana it hurts me deep in my heart". I was just barely coping with it all myself...

"Hunter... If she comes back you need to sort yourselves out... Either you love each other or you don't but, either way you need to talk and sort the whole mess out". Damon says. He stands and walks towards the door... I know he's right I just need her here so we can sort out our differences...

"I know mate... I have wished every day since she's been gone to walk through the door or to hear something"... I don't even know what happened to me... I love Santana so, much, and yet I keep hurting her... I just want to hear her voice and to see her beautiful smile... Is that so, much to ask for? Yes, it is because I had hurt her it would take a lot for her to forgive me... I wouldn't blame her if she didn't... I carried on with my paperwork that I thought I was doing but I wasn't... My day ended with bathing the children and putting them to bed...

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