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"Alrighty, kiddies, it's time for a new motive!" Monokuma's animatronic voice rang out over the school speakers. "All of you, meet in the gym in twenty minutes!"

'Ugh, not again' was the thought that ran through everyone's heads as they met up in the requested location a little less than a half an hour later.

Everyone filed in through the doors on the far end of the room and slowly occupied the space facing a large stage with a podium on it. After all the students were present, the headmaster revealed himself and did his signature laugh before moving on.

"Upupupu!" The bear sang. "You're all here?" Without waiting for an answer he continued. "Great! I've got quite the treat for you all! I've noticed that you guys aren't killing each other, . . .yet! So, I've been monitoring you're behavior towards one another and noticed that some of you aren't on good terms with others!"

"Yeah, so what?" Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor, questioned.

"Sooo, . . . Using this I've decided to pair you all up, randomly, of course, with one of your classmates for a whole week! One of you is bound to get sick of your roommate by then! And of course that calls for some good old-fashioned murder!" He explained excitedly. "So are there any questions before we get to the pairings? No? Alrighty then, line up!" He announced. "Does anyone have a hat of some sort?"

"Here!" Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, called, taking the Ultimate Detective's hat and trowing it up to Monokuma before the latter could grab it back.

"Thaaank you!" Monokuma said before bowing down to dump a bunch of folded sheets of paper into it. "Now, so there's no confusion, each piece of paper has a number, 1-8, and a letter, either A or B! Once you choose a paper you can look at it! If it has an A go to that far wall and if it has a B go to that one, then wait for further instruction!" He said gesturing to where he wanted us to stand. "So, who's first?"

"Well, I guess I'll go." Rantaro Amami, volonteered taking a slip and walking off. Everyone else did the same thing until the hat was empty and the headmaster gave it back to its owner.

"Now," he continued, "A's, find the student on the other side with the same number as you! These will be your new roommates! Good luck!" And with that he left and the room was filled with a low chatter.

"I'll laugh at whoever ends up with Kokichi," Miu whisper-laughed to one of the other students.

"I know, right?" They responded.

After a few minutes they were all paired up and sent back to their rooms, half of which were now locked to prevent anyone from trying to cheat.

The pairings were:

Tenko Chabashira:Himiko Yumeno
                   K1-B0:Kaede Akamatsu
Tsumugi Shirogane:Ryoma Hoshi.        
   Rantaro Amami:Korekiyo Shinguji
          Kiumi Tojo:Gonta Gokuhara
Maki Harukawa:Kaito Momota.  
  Kokichi Ouma:Shuichi Saihara
Angie Yonaga:Miu Iruma.    
(*I'm really sorry if I spelled some of them wrong*)

For the most part, the students were pleased with their new partners, or at least would be able to put up with them for the next several days.

Shuichi headed back to his room, it being the unlocked of the groups rooms, and went to settle back in the new shared space. When he arrived, Kokichi was already jumping on his bed and messing up the sheets he'd just folded.

"Look, Shuichi! I can touch the ceiling!" He jumped and his fingers barely grazed it as the bluette climbed up to stand on the bed with him. He touched the ceiling by raising his arm only slightly and pressing his whole palm to it."Hmph. No fair!" Kokichi shoved the taller playfully and jumped off the bed and walked over to the bathroom to look around.

"Hey," Shuichi began, fixing the sheets and pillows as he spoke, "since we're going to be stuck together for a week, why not get to know each other better?"

"We have only been here a few days, I suppose." He called back as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet. "So, why don't you start? Ask me anything, then I'll go."

"Oh, okay." He sat on the bed looking towards the bathroom, but not wanting to enter knowing it'd just be another mess he'd have to clean. "Um, favorite thing, just in general."

"I'd have to go with carbonated drinks." He said after a short pause to think it over. "You know, the fizzy ones. Grape Panta's my favorite, though. So, what kind of stuff are you into?"

"Definitely novels. I read a lot. Or, at least I did, I think, before all this happened."

"Yeah, I get that. I've got a whole organization of over a thousand members awaiting my return." He laughed.

"You do not."

"Well, I might be lying," he peeked his head through the doorway to finish, "but you'd be totally screwed if I wasn't and they found out about you saying that."

"I guess."

Kokichi walked back into the main area and sat himself down on the bed next to Shuichi, hands clasped behind his head, smiling. "What's up? You're quiet all of the sudden. Are you always like this?"

"I, uh, no, not really. Well, sometimes. I was just thinking."

"'Bout what?"

"I . . . it's nothing."

"Fine. If you change your mind I'm here though."

"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't do that to anyone else."

"Do you want to know a secret?" He asked suddenly, changing the topic.

"Uh, sure. Why not?"

"Alright, but you got to promise not to tell anyone. They might get jealous, or I might even have to contact my organization to get me out of here."


"'Kay. Come here," he whispered leaning closer to the taller and cupping his hands to his ear. "The truth is . . ."

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