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I'm back. Just real quick, I'd like to welcome you to me posting four story parts and a random part within the span of about five minutes because I already wrote all of them, but kept spacing out on actually posting them because I've been hella busy lately part 1. So here we go. Enjoy.

Kokichi immediately grabbed the taller's hand as soon as they stepped outside into the cold, intertwining their fingers and smiling up at him, walking close without saying a word. And he didn't have to.

Once they were only a little ways away from home, though, the shorter spoke up.

"Hey, Shu. I was wondering . . ." he trailed off.


"Would you mind carrying me the rest of the way," he whined innocently. "It's late and I'm too tired to walk anymore."

"Do you just want me to pick you up?"

"Well, sort of," he admitted. "So, do you mind?"

"No, not at all," he said, kneeling down for the violette to climb up onto his back. "Hop on."

"Yay," he cheered excitedly as he wrapped his arms carefully around the taller's neck, pulling himself close before the other stood back up and started walking again. "Hmm," he giggled, "you smell nice."

"Oh, yeah, . . . I, uh, . . . I showered this morning. Before school, remember?"

"Huh, guess not. I like it."

"I, . . . thanks?" he replied, unsure the proper way to respond, walking the rest of the way in silence, speaking again to the other once they arrived. "Anyways, we're here. Wanna get down now?"

"Do you want me to?" he asked as they walked inside, Shuichi closing the door behind them.

"Well, I mean, . . ." Truth be told, he didn't mind having him that close to him, but he didn't want to come off as needy eithe-

"It's okay, Shu," he whispered in his ear quietly, interrupting his thoughts, almost as if he'd read his mind, "I like being close to you like this, too."

"How did you . . ."

"Just something you pick up, you know, being an evil supreme leader and all," he smiled, getting down and walking around to face the taller.

"Oh, . . . uh, you should teach me that sometime."

"Yeah?" the violette asked, looking him up and down. "I don't know. I don't think you have what it takes to help run an organization like mine. You gotta wear a mask all the time and I'd miss seeing your pretty face."

"Whatever," he grinned, shaking his head.

"Yeah, you know it's true. Oh, by the way," he changed the subject, "you know, back at Piano Girl's place . . . you actually weren't that bad."

"I, uh, . . . Thank you?" he said, not quite sure if that was the correct way to reply. "Do you . . . I mea- nevermind." Then he turned to walk away to the other room.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Kokichi asked, following him to the bedroom as the taller searched around for something to change into for bed.

"I- it's nothing," he tried to convince the shorter.

"Come on, Shu. I know a lie when I hear one. And you know how much I hate liars."

"That's kind of ironic. But it was stupid anyways. Just forget about it." But the violette wasn't having that, he walked up to him pouting, making sure the other noticed. "What is it?"

And when he still didn't tell him the shorter pushed his clothes out of his hands and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling them close. "Tell me," he said, looking up at him.

"Fine, geez. I- I just, um, . . . I was gonna ask if you, . . . you know, uh, . . . wanted to do it again?" he seemed to ask, looking away from the shorter, embarrassed for even thinking about it.

"Hmm," he thought for a moment before replying with a simple, "I wouldn't mind it."

"Wai- really? You're sure?"

"Yeah," he agreed before pulling the taller down a bit to whisper in his ear, "and this time no one's here to tell us we have to stop."

He just stood frozen like that for a second, a shiver running down his back from those words, before he let it slide and pulled back quickly to kiss him.

Kokichi was a bit surprised that the taller had decided to take control of the situation, but he didn't complain. Instead he just kissed back, somewhat roughly, but still full of passion, managing to intertwine their tongues once again as he pulled him closer.

By the time the two males finally broke apart for air Kokichi's hands had gripped onto the front of the taller's shirt while he held onto the violette's waist firmly, their heavy breathing echoing throughout the room.

"What is it?" the detective asked, noticing the smaller looking at him strangely. "D- did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's just," he explained, putting a hand up to his face, gently carressing it, "you're so beautiful."

"Kokichi," he blushed, turning away, "stop that."

"It's true," he smiled, turning his head back to look at him. "That's not a lie, promise. I could never lie to you about something like that.

"Well, I- I mean, y- you are, too."

"Aww, is Shumai nervous?"

"I, uh . . . a little."

"You're cute when you get all shy like this," the violette grinned happily. "While I do enjoy it, mind if I ask why? You're usually fine around me. Is it something I did? Or something we did?"

"Uh, sort of . . . But I was also wanting to . . . to maybe ask you something . . . Something else."

"Oh, and what might that be," he asked curiously.

"I was wondering if I'd be okay if . . . uh, if we . . . if we, well, you know what I mean!" he said nervously.

"I might," he said. "But I can't help you if you don't specify it."

"Oh, come on. Really?"

"Mm-hmm. Just in case it's not what I think it is."

"I uh," he sighed, "if you're okay with it, . . . I want to try . . . can we have sex?" (Don't worry, for anyone concerned, I didn't put any smut in this chapter.)

"Oh," he replied with obvious surprise. "Well, . . . That was not where I thought that was going. I thought you wanted to go out to dinner real quick or something."

"S- sorry," the bluette quickly apologized in embarrassment. "Are you hungry? We can go get something. I didn't mean to-"

"But sure. If you'd like to. I do want something in return though."

"Wait, this is a compromise?"

"Nah, I'm just messing with you," he laughed. "But seriously, I want a pet."

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