The Boy Who Stole My Heart

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At breakfast the next morning, Shuichi and a majority of the other students chatted as they ate yet another amazing meal, perfected by the Ultimate Maid. And, unsurprisingly, no one had been killed, but Monokuma kept on insisting it was only a matter of time.

"Wow, none of us are dead, yet," Maki stated in a sarcastic tone. "Big surprise there."

"Yeah, I dunno what that pip squeak was thinking, but I don't really see how this is going to work." Kaito said grinning with confidence.

"Yes, Gonta agrees. Gonta would never hurt anyone."

"Well, we seem to still be getting along fine, so let's keep working together and I'm sure we'll get out of here," Kaede announced. "Oh, and Saihara, where's your roommate at? I haven't seen him yet his morning."

"The degenerate most likely up and died or something," Tenko replied in a bored voice. "I could care les-"

"Oh, that little shit?" Miu inturupted loudly before he could respond, "He's probably still in bed, sore from last night."

"Wh- what's that supposed to mean?" Shuichi questioned.

"Well, . . ." Rantaro tried to explain before Miu kept rambling.

"It means that I know you two totally fucked last night and, honestly, you're really bad at lying about it." She continued, pointing out the bluette's now burning face, hot from embarrassment.

"I- no. We didn't do anything. I mean- He would never-"

"But you would. Wouldn't you?" She pressed on with her joke.

"Uh, I- I'd better go check on him." He blurted, excusing himself from the table and running off in the direction of the dorms.

"Ahahahaha! He's so gay for that fucker! It's almost sad! Right, Kaede?"

"Oh, I, uh, . . .yeah." she whispered, not really paying any attention to the conversation.

. . .

"Ouma. Ouma, come on. It's time to get up."

"Okay, okay," the smaller male finally responded, "stop shaking me."

He did and let go of his shoulder, so he could sit up. He strethed and let out a long yawn before looking at Shuichi and rubbing his eyes tiredly, pouting in a child-like manner.

"Hmmph. What's the matter? Did you just forget about me? Breakfast is gonna be over in a minute and I won't be able to eat."

"I tried to get you up earlier, but you said you wanted me to leave you alone. I made sure Tojo saved you a plate, though."

"Aww, Shumai does care about me. How sweet." He threw his arms around the taller and held him in a gentle embrace and smiled.

"I- uh, yeah. Of course. We're all stuck in here together. We're all we've got." He mumbled awkwardly.

"Why are you so nervous?" He quized, pulling away from the hug.

"I- I'm not nervous."

"Wow, and you're a bad liar. Oh, well. I can help you there."

"Oh, I, uh, thanks."

"No prob." He leaned in for another hug, but Miu banged on the door and began shouting at them.

"Hey, you guys still got clothes on? Good? Meeting in the gym in five." Then she left.

"What was that about? What does she mean 'still got clothes on'?"

"I- uh, it's complicated."

"Whatever. I'm gonna change. I'll meet you there."

"Okay. Bye, Ouma."


. . .

Once everyone was assembled in the gym again, Monokuma jumped out from behind his podium, laughed, and then looked out towards the students once again. Just like the day before when he made the last announcement.

"Upupupu, students. No bodies yet, I see. But, no matter. Today's a new day! So good luck to all of you." And with that he dismissed everyone and left.

"Ugh. He couldn't have just said that over the monitors," Kokichi groaned. "I got out of bed for this."

"Get over it," Maki said quietly, exiting with Kaito and the others.

"Hmph. Come on, Saihara-chan." He tugged on his sleeve.

"What?" He asked suddenly pulled from his lingering thoughts, back to reality.

"I said let's go."

"G- go where?"

"Are you really that nervous around me? I can't be that bad. Can I? Geez, Sai-chan. Way to hurt my feelings."

"I'm- what do y- you mean?"

"The stutter. Mind losing it?"

"O- of course. I mean- I'll try."

He smiled up at him in response and made his way towards the door and left, leaving Shuichi alone in the gym.

How could anyone not be nervous around him, though. He practically radiated confidence. So sure of himself. And he was just so perfect. His face. His eyes. His lip-

"Ah!" Slipping into his thoughts again, Shuichi pulled himself back, whispering, "What am I even thinking?"

There was no way they could ever work. On top of the fact that they only just met a few days ago, he was so extroverted and outgoing and he was just . . . not. The complete opposite actually. He was shy and stuttery and nervous all the time and he usually hung out but himself.

Despite their differences though, . . . he wanted it to work. More than anything. He wanted to be the reason he smiled and laughed and be the best boyfriend he could've ever asked for.

He told himself he'd always be there for him. No matter what. Whenever he needed him. And even when he didn't.

But the crippling fear of rejection. The constant anxiety. The lack of self-esteem.

It all added up. And in the end . . . he knew he could never do it.

He reached the door to the twos' room and stood outside it for a moment.

Beyond was the boy he never knew he needed. One who'd changed his life. For the better. The stranger that meant so much to him.

Kokichi Ouma. The boy who stole my heart.

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