The Accident

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Kokichi woke up early the next morning and exitied Shuichi's room quietly to get breakfast for the two of them. The floors of the school were cold beneath his bare feet as he walked down the halls to the kitchen where Kirumi was making food for everyone, but he didn't pay much attention to this detail.

"Hey, Tojo. What's for breakfast?"

"Oh, good morning, Ouma." She said, keeping her attention on the stove. "I was just going to make some- oh!"

"What is it?" He asked once she turned around.

"Um, it's just that . . . the others will begin to arrive shortly and you're . . . well you're not exactly dressed yet." She gestured to his appearance.

The shorter looked down and realized that he was, indeed, still in Shuichi's shirt and his boxers.

"Oh, it's fine," he shrugged it off, "I'm going to be eating in Shuichi's room. Is his food ready yet, or will it be a minute?"

"I could finish a plate for each of you if you'd like. Just a moment. Would you mind handing me some plates, please?"

"Sure. No problem." He responded reaching into the cabinet above him.

"Thank you." She said grabbing them from him as she began plating their food ellegantly, before sending him on his way.

"Thanks again, Tojo." He called as he raced off with their breakfast.

She didn't say anything back, but he knew she was smiling politely in response.

. . .

Back in the room the two males now shared, Shuichi slept soundly, but he suddenly awoke to a crashing sound and muffled sounds of pain.

"O- Ouma!" He said sitting up immediately, "Are you alright?"

"Mmm- ah, yeah. I'm gre- ahh. I'm great." He managed to say.

Shuichi couldn't see him, but he noticed that the door was ajar and that his voice seemed to be coming from the other side of the room.

He stood up and raced around the bed, but Kokichi told him to stop as he finally saw what had happened.

"Ouma! What happened? Are you okay?"

"I said I'm fine. I- ahh. I promise. Just don't come any closer, you'll get cut."

"Ouma, you're bleeding. Stay put. I'll be right back." And with that he sprinted out of the room.

The truth was, he was actually in a lot of pain. In his rush to get breakfast to Shuichi he'd tripped. The food was alright, but he'd dropped one of their glasses of juice and it broke, his leg landing in it's shattered remains when he fell.

He returned shortly, in record time probably, not that anyone was keeping track, with a first aid kit and a towel.

He laid the towel over the blood  and juice mixed on the carpet and put as many of the glass shards as he could find onto it before pushing it aside and sitting down next to Kokichi.

"What happened, Ouma?" A clear tone of worry was in his voice.

"I- uh, . . . it's nothing. I was just- ahh, just trying to get us some breakfast. And I might've fell. That- ow. That's all. Really."

"Ouma, you don't have to do things like that, not for me at least."

"But I wanted to and you were just s- aahhhh shit, that burns."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, but this will stop it from getting infected. I read about, promise."

"If you say so. Mmm- but it still hurts."

"I'm sorry, again. You're lucky, though. None of it got stuck in your leg, it's just a bunch of scrapes and scratches. There's not as much blood as it looks like, either."

He nodded in response, closing his eyes tightly, flinching and biting his lip in pain as he finished disinfecting the wound.

"Almost done." He reassured him quietly.


He pulled out some bandages from the kit next to him and wrapped the smaller's leg carefully with it.

"There. All better. Well, more or less." Shuichi said. "I'd like to recommend that you don't put to much pressure on it for a while."

"But how am I supposed to tease everyone if I can't move around?"

"Well, . . . I guess . . . I could carry you if you really want me to."

"Aww, really?"

"Sure, why not?"

"You're such a gentleman, Nishishi."

"I . . . ," he blushed deeply at the compliment, but didn't entirely believe it. "Thanks."

"Are you getting all flustered again?" He teased.

"I, uh, n- no. Of course not."

"Hmm," he hummed as he stood careful, looking up at Shuichi. "You're a really bad liar."

"I- no. No I'm not."

"Yeah, yeah you are." He put his hands on Shuichi's shoulders to prevent himself from falling over or onto his injury, but it freaked him out even more and he tried to move away.

He quickly remembered the incident and tried to hold him up, but the two fell back onto the bed, the violette above the taller, both speechless.

Why does this keep happening to me? Shuichi wondered while Kokichi just pondered how the male below him could be so incredibly attractive and not know it.

Kokichi then got off and sat down next to him, an awkward silence filling the room.

"Uh, I'll go get you another glass." Shuichi said suddenly, jumping up to escape the strange feeling in the air, and making his way down the hall.

. . .

After eating in their room and changing into more proper clothes, Shuichi carried Kokichi around for a while who annoyed random students they happened to cross paths with as they wandered around, no particular destination in mind.

They ended up in Miu's lab area where Kokichi and the Ultimate Inventor got in yet another heated argument that Shuichi, of course, didn't want to be a part of.

He was staring off into space for most of it, but they were yelling at one another and after a while Shuichi got tired of it and just carried the smaller boy back to their room where he fell asleep almost immediately.

The taller was awake for a while longer, reading, but he, too, drifted off with time, into a deep slumber.

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