Just Hit 'Restart'

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This is just a quick author's note, so you can skip it if you want. So, I just got a new phone and wasn't able to transfer everything over and I got kinda lazy and didn't want to edit any photos, so have a picture of my baby. His name's Steve and I love him.

And thank you again to everyone who's reading this and to everyone who also appreciates the work I put into my cosplay stuff, and I just recently did one of Kaede I'm really proud of, I'm gonna put a pic at the end of the chapter for you to see. So, now that that's all out of the way, back to the story.

"Alrighty, kiddos!" Monokuma called over the academy speakers suddenly. "Mandatory meeting in the gym in fifteen minutes! So, come on, get to it! I expect to see you all there!" After that, a quick staticy sound, then it was quiet and the students made there way, once again, to the gym for another one of the headmaster's announcements.

. . .

"Well well well," he began once everyone had finally arrived, "it looks like we're all here s-"

"Just get to the point you half-and-half hairball," Miu interrupted. "Some of us have got places to be."

"I'm getting there! I'm getting there! Hold on a moment! Geez!" he shouted back. "Now, as I was saying  before I was so rudely interrupted," he said glancing briefly at the Ultimate Inventor, "I hope you've all enjoyed your days so far because it's time for a new incentive, shall I say!"

"Dude," Kaito exclaimed, "we just finished the last one. Can't we have a break from you and all this nonsense for a while?"

"Ah ah ah! As your headmaster and the principal of this fine institution, I demand that you all take part in this activity!"

Several signs and groans followed this comment. And it almost made the whole situation seem normal, like they'd just realized they had a test in biology that day that they hadn't studied for or maybe that one annoying kid got paired with them for the group project.

"Oh, hush up! So," he continued, "if no one has any questions, right this way!"

He jumped off the stage and made the students follow him down several long and twisting corridors to a hall, much like the one to their dorms, lined with doors on either side.

"Now then! Each of you has a door with your name and the name of your roommate from this past week, find it and let yourselves on in!"

"And why would we do that?" Tenko asked.

"Yeah," this was from Kaede. "No offense,  but this is pretty sketchy, don't you think?"

"Just do as your headmaster says already! Go on! Get!"

"Fine," a few of them mumbled, not really being able to do anything else about the situation at hand.

"Shumai," a short, purple haired male said excitedly, jumping up and throwing his arms around Shuichi from behind, startling him.

"O- Ouma. Hey."

"Aw," he whined as they found their door. "Aren't you at least a little happy to see me?"

"Oh, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"True," he joked. "I'm just so irresistible, aren't I, Shu?"

"You're pretty irritating, that's for sure."


Shuichi just laughed quietly as Kokichi followed him into their room.

Once everyone was in their new assigned areas they realized that these rooms were almost exactly like their other ones, with the exception of their lack of the owner's personal items. This and the model of the doors that at that moment suddenly slammed shut behind them all. And with a loud, echoing click, they were all locked in.

"Oh, come on!" Kokichi yelled out in annoyance. Then a large screen flickered to life, revealing the face of the principal.

"Alrighty then! Welcom to my newest form of entertainm- oops! Sorry about that! Motivation was the word I was looking for! Anyways! I've noticed that many of you grew quite close with one another during the last attempt I had to get you to kill one another!"

He paused for a short while, almost like he was awaiting a response, which no one could give to him of course, then began explaining the situation.

"Now, I'm going to be using that against you! Our time together will be cut a bit shorter than I'd have liked, but oh well! Geez! The things I do for you guys!"

"Get on with it!" the violette yelled at the screen, unable to actually impact what the other was saying.

"If you haven't noticed already, on your beds you will find a large variety of weapons ranging from small pocket knives and rope to pistols and cleavers! The point of all this you may be wondering! Your new goal is to kill your roommate, your new friends! Do that and I'll unlock your door and you can leave free! Free from the game! No consequences! Meals will be provided for five days, but after that you won't be fed until you escape! And of course, as another incentive, after ten days, if you haven't starved already, your room will be filled with a poisonous gas, made by yours truly, of course!"

"What!" practically everyone asked, though Monokuma couldn't hear a single one of them.

"I could care less which one of each of the pairs makes it, just do me a favor and make it interesting! So, other than that, have fun, kiddos! See you on the other side! Upupupu!"

Then everything was silent. Like everything had just decided to go to sleep or just up and died.

In Shuichi and Kokichi's room, the two just looked at each other, a worried expression on the bluettes face, one of surprise on the other's.

"Ouma?" he said quietly, breaking the silence. "What are we gonna do?"

He didn't answer him, his mouth just hanging slightly ajar.

"Ouma, come on. Answer me. What do we do? His do we get out?"

"I don't think we can," he finally replied after a deafening moment of quiet. "I think we're really fucked this time, Shu."

"Ouma?" the shorter wasn't looking at him anymore.

"I don't think . . . ," then he looked up, into the tallers bright eyes, his watering, tears rolling down the pale cheeks of his hopeless face, "I don't think we're gonna make it."

So, let's start the week off with this. Anyways, I didn't feel like cropping it out, so my TikTok username's in the photo, but oh well, if you enjoy it enough you'll find it eventually.

And just real quick I'm gonna point out that it was at 69 likes when I took the screenshot, you know, cause I'm really just a kid on the inside and I'm immature. Once again, I was really proud of g.j or she turned out, eventhough it's not cannon.

Also, sidenote, my mom just ordered me Danganronpa V3 and I'm super excited. It should be here in a few days. I don't know how many of you could tell, but I've never actually played the game. So, oof. I fake it till I make it.

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