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Hey, sorry for not publishing anything for a while. I've had writer's block and I've been really out of it lately. But anyways, this'll be the last part to this story. I had originally planned on making it a few more chapters, but I can't keep it going and still be interesting. I still do intend on working on a Pregame book though, so I'll start that some point soon. And thank you to everyone who's read this and supported it and enjoyed it. You're all so amazing and I can't thank you enough.

It was finally Friday evening and both males were getting ready for the dance before it started, changing into the clothes that Kaede's mom had helped pick out for them a few days prior.

Kokichi's was a white suit with a deep purple button up and a checkered tie they'd managed to find so he wouldn't wear his scarf with it. She thought it'd look unprofessional or something like that if he did.

And Shuichi had a more traditional black suit with a white undershirt and a dark blue neck tie to go with it. It wasn't anything too fancy, but they'd decided it suited him well.

"Hey, Kokichi," the other called from where he was waiting at the door. "Are you almost ready?"

"Uh, yeah. Just a second," he called back, fixing his tie in the bathroom mirror once more before rushing out to meet the taller. "Alrighty, I'm rea-" he began but quickly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, its just," the shorter explained blushing slightly, "you look . . . really nice tonight."

"You do too," the detective simply said, smiling then holding out his hand invitingly for the other to take. He hesitated for a moment, but then took it, allowing the bluette to pull him towards himself carefully and kissing his forehead softly, before they finally left.

. . . .
(Alright, so one of you keeps going through and claiming all of these. And that's fine, but these four are mine and their names are San-D, Maga-Z, Jum-P, and Cham-P. Because I said so.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.)

They arrived a few minutes later and were almost immediately spotted by Kaede, who was wearing the dress they'd helped pick out with her and her mom. It was a short, strappless dress with a light pink color at the top that faded into a glittery white towards the bottom of a puffy skirt. She hesitated for a moment, but then walked over to greet them nervously.

"Hey, you two," she smiled. "I, uh, you both look great."

"Thanks, Akamatsu," the taller of the two males replied. "And you as well."

"I, um, thank you. Uh, have either of you seen Irima anywhere? I can't seem to find her."

"The bitch is probab-"

"Kokichi," the bluette suddenly cut the other off before returning to Kaede. "You could always hang out with us until she gets here. It shouldn't be long, right?"

"I suppose," she agreed half heartedly, but seeing how the shorter male reacted, she wasn't to sure.

It took longer than they'd expected for the inventor to show up, but she eventually did, and in a rather revealing outfit to say the least, and Kaede went off with her instead, leaving the other two to themselves.

"Well that was annoying," Kokichi sighed after she'd finally gone.

"I know. I'm sorry, but we've still got the rest of the night. And hopefully forever after that, too."

He just smiled at that and looked down at his feet, blushing deeply. Then, all of a sudden, he felt himself get pulled towards the taller who placed the smaller's hands on his shoulders, wrapping his around his waist and grinning down at him.

And after a bit, the violette rested his head on the others chest and held him closer as they began swaying side to side with the slower music that had begun playing.

"This is nice," Kokichi said quietly as they were dancing. "I'm having a better time than I thought I would."

"That's good. I'm glad you're here with me."

"Yeah, me too," he replied about the time the song had ended and everyone started walking around and conversing again. "Hey, let's go."

"But we just got here. And I thought you said you were having a good time."

"I am," he reassured the other, "but theres something I want to show you."

Shuichi just smiled and shook his head as he let the other grab a hold of his hand and lead him back outside. It was pretty dark and somewhat hard to see, but they managed.

He eventually brought him up to an area behind the school that was high enough to almost fully overlook it and had a great view. The detective just stood there admiring the town from how high up they were until the shorter laughed a bit and grabbed his arm again to have him sit down with him.

"Not that," he said simply, motioning for the other to lay down. "This."

And when he did he saw what the other was talking about. The night was filled with bright stars scattered across its wide and endless sky and it was dark and clear that evening, so they shone even more brightly.

"It's beautiful," the bluette said quietly.

"It really is," Kokichi replied, taking the other's hand in his own once again and turning to him happily. "Just like you."

Shuichi just turned to him with a soft smile. Then the violette leaned over and kissed him lovingly before laying back down on the detective's chest and looking back up at the sky.

"I love you, Shu," he said, still cuddling his upper body.

"I love you, too," was his response as he wrapped his arms gently around the shorter. "More than anything."

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