Rumor Has It

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"Shuichi. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, I'm bored. Shu, get up."

The bluette awoke from the third night in the shared room to Kokichi shaking him, not violently, but enough that he was dizzy when he sat up.

"What is it, Ouma?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck and yawning.

"You fell asleep on the floor." He responded in a pouty voice.

"Have been for three days."

"Yeah, but not at the foot of the bed. You okay?"

"I was sleeping. But yeah, I'm good."

"Sweet! So can you walk me to breakfast? My leg still hurts."

"I suppose. Climb on." With that the taller stood and leaned over to help the smaller up onto his back. Once he was settled, the two made their way to the cafeteria to eat.

The meal, once again delicious and beautifully prepared thanks to the Ultimate Maid, was finished quickly and the students began to chatter among themselves as a few of them left to help Kirumi with the dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

"So, how've you been Saihara? I didn't see you at breakfast yesterday. Were you not feeling well?" The Ultimate Pianist questioned.

"Oh, I ate in my room. I'm alright. Sorry to worry you." he reassured her quietly. "So, what about you guys? Anything new?"

"Well, no one's dead." Maki pointed out bluntly before taking another long sip of coffee and returning her attention back to whatever she was looking at.

"Well, Miss Akamatsu is a great roommate." Kiibo said, ignoring Maki's pessimistic attitude. "If anything, the experience has brought us closer."

Kaede smiled and nodded in response and looked over at Angie in curiosity, urging her silently to answer next.

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Irima and I have been getting along quite well. Isn't that right?"

"Sure. Whatever you say Yonaga."

It basically became a big chat about how everything and everyone was great and things were fine. In the commotion Kokichi whispered to Shuichi, who was sitting next to him. He didn't pick up everything he'd said, but he did hear 'Irima needs Atua anyways'.

. . .

Later that day, Kokichi had wandered off to mess with the others while Shuichi went back to their room to continue reading. His leg still hurt, but it felt a lot better and he could walk somewhat normally now.

"What's up, bitches?" The violette asked as he walked up to Miu and Kaede outside Kaede's lab.

"Excuse me."

"Why you little shi-"

"Irima, wait. He's still hurt."

"Like I give two shits about the bastard's well-being." She scoffed, ready to hit him. The two exchanged glances in some sort of telepathic girl language or something and agreed to put up with him for the time being. "What do you want?"

"Aww. You guys care about what I want? That's so sweet of you."

"We don't, but Saihara does and we care, somewhat, about him."

"Wait what?" he was taken aback by this sudden and new information.

"Well, what she means i-"

"The guy's gay for you, you oblivious fuck." Miu inturupted. "Everyone knows it, but you, apparently."

He took a moment to process what she'd just said, but when he did he looked up at her and smirked, clasping his hands behind his head. "Wow. Bitchlette and Piano Girl actually thought they could lie to the Ultimate Supreme Leader? Nice try, I'll give you that, but jokes on you, he's got his eyes on someone else," he lied, or at least he hoped he did.

"Ha! I wish. But for once it's true. No games. No clue what he could see in you, though."

"That's bullshit and you both know it."

"I could care less if a loser like you believes me or not, and I'd just love to continue this conversation, but unfortunately I just don't give a fuck. So, bye." She said sarcasm laced in her voice, bent down to his eye level before walking off with Kaede.

"Wait, but-"

"Go suck a dick, Ouma!" Miu yelled back at him.

There's no way she's telling the truth, though. About Shuichi. It was a lie. Right?

. . .

Kokichi was now making his way down the hall that led to the room Shuichi was most likely still reading in. His head was swimming with thoughts, though and the hall seemed to grow longer and longer the faster he tried to walk down it until he finally reached the door, putting his hand on the doorknob like it might disappear if he let go or didn't hold on tight enough, but his body refused to move to open it.

He just stood outside like an idiot. What was he even going to say? He had no clue, but just then his hand moved and he opened the door without even realizing it.

Guess I'll just wing it.

Shuichi sat on the side of the bed with one of his books quietly, but he looked up when the other male had entered and he smiled politely, setting his book on the dresser to greet him.

"Oh, hey Oum- ahh . . . W- what are yo- you doing?"

It was like his body was on autopilot and he was trying to keep up with it. He had somehow got from standing in the doorway to hovering just inches above Shuichi, pinning him to the bed, hands on either side of his head.

"Hey." That was all the shorter could manage to say. His voice sounded confident, but on the inside he was confused and worried that Miu might have been lying. Did he want that? Or did he want this? Did he want Shuichi? Did Shuichi want him? That was important to him, too. What was happening? What was this? These feelings. This whole situation.

"H- hey?" He didn't look scared, that was a good sign. He just seemed taken aback and flustered. Curiosity in his eyes.

Kokichi didn't respond, he just traced the side of the taller's face with his thumb until he got to his chin and lifted it slightly to look at him more directly.

"W- what is it?" He asked.

"Well," Kokichi responded, not really sure what to do, now tracing his finger down the upper part of the other's chest lightly. "Rumor has it you've got a thing for me." He smirked.

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