The Great Escape

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Shuichi just smiled, tears falling from his amber eyes as he said, "I'm so glad you're okay. What happened? How?"

"Well," Kokichi laughed, a thin trail of blood still trickling down his face, "if I told you that, it'd take all the fun out of it, don't you think?"

The bluette didn't say anything in response, he just laughed in agreement and pulled him into another hug. And after thinking he'd lost the other, every moment just became more precious for Shuichi. He noted every little detail, his soft hair, his pale skin, his vibrant eyes. Everything.

"Hey, you okay there, Shu?"


"You're shaking," Kokichi explainined.

"Oh," the other realized, "yeah, I'm fine. Come on. Help me out with this door."

It took a while, but eventually they managed to push it open enough to slip through into the outside. The entrance had been overgrown with tall, large plants that twisted across one another like a bunch of snakes. That must've been why it had been so difficult to move.

It was a pretty tight fit to the other side, but not too bad. Shuichi went first and extended a hand out to help the shorter through, but something was wrong. He just stood there. He didn't move at all. It was like he was paralyzed. Like he'd just suddenly given up on finding an escape, but when they were this close? Why?

"Ouma? Are you alright? What's wrong?"

He said nothing, looked down at Shuichi's hand, took a deep breathe, then suddenly he just started sprinting down the hall in the other direction.

"Ouma! No!" Shuichi called out trying to go back through the door and chase after him. Jut his luck, though, because he tripped and got his leg tangled in the vines from the door and he couldn't get them off. He kept on screaming out the other's name anyways, though. "Where are you going! Come back! Please! KOKICHI!"

He continued yelling until his throat felt raw and he couldn't breathe properly. The air outside grew colder, despite it still being early and he decide it'd be best to just wait, attempting loosen the grip on his leg. Because there was nothing else he could do, was there?

. . .

Finally, after what had seemed like years, Kokichi returned. He ran down the corridor towards the blue haired male when he saw him and helped him up, walking with him through the door.

"O- Ouma," he shivered quietly, "where d- did you go? You scared m- me. I was so wo- worried."

"Aww. How sweet," he smiled. "It's not important right now, though. But I promise, when we're clear of this awful place and get settled down, I'll tell you everything."

Shuichi had hurt his ankle when he fell, so Kokich was helping support him as they walked onwards. They hadn't really noticed it before because there was another door they had to go through, but now they stood outside the school and looked out into the world around them.

It was completely normal.

There were streets lined with houses and small businesses. People walking here and there, some with their dogs or kids. Green grass gave off the fresh scent of spring. All under a beautiful blue sky. It was breathtaking. How had no one noticed the killing hell Monokuma dared call a school in the middle of all this?

Kokichi looked back and didn't tear his eyes away from the sight before him, causing Shuichi to do the same curiously. And what he saw shocked him.

It looked completely normal, like everything else in the area. It was a normal looking school. So why did it look like this to everyone else? How could noone've thought to help the students trapped there? They were all just kids after all. Weren't they at least labeled missing? Was anyone even looking for them?

"Shumai, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he lied, realizing the pained look on his face. "It's just my leg." That wasn't entirely wrong, though, because, to be honest, it hurt like hell.

"We should get you to a hospital," he decided, ignoring what he knew was an obvious lie. "Here I'll ask someone."

"No," he said, stopping him. "We need to go to the police. They can help us and the others who are still in there."

"No, you're my top priority right now. I don't care about the others."


"I- fine. But no more detours, we need to get you help, okay?"


The two males were still in their school uniforms so they stood out amongst the sea of people on the streets. The first person they came across was a short, older woman. She was really sweet and gave them directions to the station before having to cross the road and waving them goodbye.

They went where she said to and soon enough, they saw it. The station was only about a block away now as the boys limped closer then up the stairs to the front door.

They entered and Kokichi lead the other to a nearby chair. Shuichi sat down and waited while the violette walked up to a window, knocking on the glass to get their attention.

"Hey kid," one guy said, "hands off the glass. What can I do for you?"

"My . . . friend," he said hesitantly, "and I need your help."

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"The school," Shuichi spoke up. "There are still several students trapped in there. We need to help them. Please officer."

"What are you talking about? That place has been closed down for years. What makes you think I'd believe two litl- wait a minute. What's your name, boy?"


"Both of you."

"Well, I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, but you can call me-"

"Ouma, knock it off. Shuichi Saihara. Junior detective in training."

"Stop that. You're a detective. No less. You always have bee-"

"You two are . . . the missing kids?"

"I suppose that would be accurate, sir."

"But, . . . how are you alive?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to put it simply, . . . you guys are supposed to be dead."

Sorry for being gone for a while, I had a bunch of school work to do and stuff. I hope this helps make up for it, though. And for those of you who like the cosplay stuff, I just did a Toko Fukawa and later today I'm planning on doing a genderbent Katuki Bakugou, so yay.

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