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The following morning, Kokichi was the first to awake, his eyes only barely opening in the dim morning light that saturated the colors of the room. He looked around for a bit to find that he was still lying on top of Shuichi, who was sleeping soundly underneath him. His upper body was still bare, too, but that didn't bother the violette to much as he shifted slightly, wrapping his arms around the other and snuggling up against the other's chest.

This must've woken him up though because he moved around a little bit and smiled before petting the shorter's hair softly.

"Goodmorning, Kokichi," he said sleepily.

"Morning, Shu," he smiled back, pulling him closer. They stayed like that for a while, just breathing quietly. Then all of a sudden, the bluette sat up, quickly getting up and rushing around the room for something.

"Ugh," Kokichi groaned, "what are you looking for?"

"My clothes," he explained vaguely.

"What? Why?"

"'Cause we're gonna be late? Come on, get up."

"Late for what?" the shorter whined.

"For school. We do that now. Remember?"

"Shu," he replied laughing to himself, still only half awake, "you're such a dork."

"Hurry up," he urged as he grabbed his clothes to go change. "What are you doing?"

"Shuichi, it's fine. We aren't late."

"Yeah, we ar-"

"Hey, Ko to Shumai," he said jokingly, using the nickname the other had mentioned.


"It's Saturday."

He just turned to face the other and stood there, visibly feeling like an idiot, still holding his clothes in his arms.

"Aww, what's wrong, Shu?" he asked teasingly, crawling forwards to lay on his stomach on the bed, propping his head up in his hands.

"You know what?" he sighed. "Just . . . Fuck you . . . Sometimes . . . Okay?"

"Oh," he grinned widely, "yes please."


He just laughed in response before the taller left to change in the bathroom anyways, his face burning. And eventually Kokichi got up to get changed, too, still laughing to himself quietly.

. . .

After they'd finished breakfast, Shuichi was as still acting flustered about what the other had said, staying pretty quiet and not getting up from the table. So the violette made his way over to him, taking his hat to get his attention, and straddling his lap.

"Hey there, beautiful," he beamed happily.

"Kokic- what are you do-? You can't-"

"Why not?"

"I- uh, well . . ."


"It's just . . . I can't help but think, you know?"

"'Bout what?"

"How I don't deserve you," he muttered.

"Aww, that's sweet," he smiled, kissing the bluette quickly, "but I think I'm the lucky one here. That does remind me though, I've been thinking, too. And I think we should go out sometime."

"Huh? Like a date?"

"Yeah. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. We could always just catch a movie or something, but I think that'd be nice. Everything's been happening so fast lately, moving around and whatnot. We haven't really had time before now. So, what do you think?"

"I . . . I like that idea," he admitted, blushing even more. "I like it a lot, actually."

"Yay!" Kokichi exclaimed cheerily, backing away from the other a bit to clap excitedly. "Hey, Shuichi. You'll never guess what just happened," he continued jokingly.

"Oh, really?" the other decided to play along. "What happened?"

"I got asked out on a date," he giggled shyly.

"No. By who?"

"Oh, only the most beautiful and amazing guy, like, ever. Yeah, no big deal," he said, twirling his hair in his fingers and staring off before leaning close again to whisper to him. "I think he likes me."

"I think he's your boyfriend," the bluette whispered back.

"No way," he gasped. "Really?"

"Really," he replied quietly, pressing their foreheads together and looking into his eyes. Then he quickly picked the smaller up in his arms and held him close.

"Oh," the violette gasped. "What's this?"

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked, ignoring his question.

"Aww, stop that. Your'e making me blush," he smiled back, turning red and hugging the taller back.

. . .

The rest of the day played out pretty normally, as did three test of the two's weekend. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened. It was actually pretty refreshing, compared to how their lives had been leading up to it, anyways. Always changing, constant fear and worry. It was nice.

They both went back to school, and work, the following Monday and nothing too interesting happened throughout the week.

Our so they thought.

They hoped.

But later that week, after school,  Shuichi was called in to work to fill a shift, and so Kokichi walked home alone and he made his way into town, having left an extra uniform there. He'd wanted toko do something special for the violette and had asked for any extra hours he could get, so he didn't think much of it. But that's not what bothered him.

He was almost there, only a block or so away, when he ran into someone unexpectedly, accidentally running into them as he walked around the corner acms making them drop their drinks.

"Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am. Here let me help. Oh, God. How can I ever make this up too you," he began rambling on nervously as he tried to pick up what he could. "Oh, I know.  I work at a coffee shop not to far from here. I'll buy you some new drinks. Are you alright by the way. I realize I didn't ask. That was rude I'd me. Do you need help up?"

"Oh, no it's fine," the one he'd pushed replied politely, standing up.

"Are you alright?" A second voice asked him. There was more than one person there, great. Well this is embarrassing here said to himself. The sun was in his eyes though, so he couldn't see who was speaking.

"Ha, fuckin' idiot! Watch where you're going!" Then it finally hit him. He knew these people. "Well? Ain't you gonna say sumthin'? Or at least stand up? Geez, quit just sittin' around! We've got places to be, buddy!"

Hey, I'm still alive. (Sorry that was pretty bad). And sorry for being gone for so long. I'm still getting the hang of my onljne work and my new schedule and whatnot. But I'm gonna try and get back on a more . . . normal schedule? Like before, I guess and update a little more often. But a quick thing to everyone who still reads my crappy writing and supports me (whether be on here my cosplays or whatever it is) thank you. And I appreciate all of you. Hope you're all safe and healthy. Take care, everyone. ^w^

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