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"Alrighty, bitches! Let's do this!" Kokichi kept saying ad they all gathered around in a circle on the floor.

"Do we really have to do this?" Maki asked as she sat down with everyone else.

"Duh," he replied. "Now, come on. Me first! I choose . . ."

"Not so fast, spin this," the Ultimate Inventor ordered, handing him and empty bottle. "Now there's no favorites."

"Hey, you guys drank all the Panta and didn't even let me have any! Wow, rude."

"Just go or were kickin' you outta the game."

"Fine. Alright. I'm going. And the winner is . . . ," he began as he spun it, "Shirogane!"

"Huh? Me?"

"Uh, yeah. What other Shirogane is there? Whatever. Anyways, now's the fun part. Truth or Dare?"

"Oh, uh, . . . Truth."

"Lame. Oh, well. I can work with it," he shrugged. "Shirogane . . . have you ever cosplayed as a real person to pull a prank on something or something like that?"

"What!? No, of course not! That's not what cosplay's supposed to be for! I can't anyways, not even If I did want to! I break out in horrible cospox! It really is awful! I could show you if you'd like!"

"Nah, it's fine," he decided. "Your turn."

"Okay, then." Then she took her turn with the bottle. "Amami, Truth or Dare?"


"Hmm . . . A good dare. Oh, I know! You and some of the others should reenact the bridge scene from the end of Oran High School Host Club," she drooled. "Ouma, you could be Haruhi, 'cause you're the shortest. And-"

"What!? Am not! Besides, no one here besides you understands all that that nonsense anyways."

"Oh, alright then. I dare you to help all the boys paint their nails. And any of the girls who don't know how. How's that?"

"Fair enough," he agreed.

And so after about ten or fifteen minutes everyone's nails were done and dried and Rantaro picked up where they left off.

"Gokuhara, Truth or Dare?"

"Gonta choose Dare."

"Hmm, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room," Rantaro grinned.

"Ah, no! Sorry, Gokuhara, you'll have to go with second best. Wait no third! Himiko's not an option either!" Tenko shouted defensively.

"It alright. Gonta know Chabishira no like men." Then he made his way across the circle and bowed deeply before kissing Kirumi on the cheek.

"Aww, thank you Gokuhara, but you must know I'm not the prettiest one here."

"No, that not true. Gonta think miss Tojo is very beautiful," he smiled. And she smiled back in response  before he finally made his way back to his seat, as Miu pouted in the corner quietly.

"Ah, yes," Angie said. "He is true gentleman."

"Okay then. Truth or Dare . . . Irima."

"Ha! Whichever one of you shits is next is fucked! Truth!"

"Hmm, Gonta want to know if Irima want to be Gonta's friend."

"H-huh? Wai- what?" Miu asked, obviously confused and getting quiet. "You wanna . . . Be friends? But why would yo- how? Um, well . . . I . . . Sure. I'll . . . I'll be your friend, I guess."


"O- okay then. Next u- up is . . . Ah! Shyhara!" she shouted excitedly.

"Oh, uh, . . . Dare. How bad could it be, right?"

Irima just smirked.

"Wait, you're not gonna make me do anything like that, are you?"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"Well . . . What did you have in mind?" Shuichi asked nervously awaiting the inventor's response.

"I want you to tongue the little purple haired fucker next to ya."


"You heard me. I mean . . . I won't stop you if you wanna do some more, but you gotta do it. No backing out."

"Well I-"

"I'm okay with it if you are," the violete spoke up.


"Yeah, do it!" Miu said a little too excitedly and she somehow got the others, a few of them at least, to start chanting with her.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" They kept saying.

It was loud enough that he almost didn't hear the other whisper to him quietly before grabbing a hold of his shirt, pulling him close, and closing the space between them.

It took the taller a moment to process what was happening before he finally kissed back, wrapping his arms around the other's waist. A few of the others cheered excitedly, but Kaede just sat in her seat across from them in shock.

She had finally decided to get up, storming out of the room, only a few seconds later, but noone really seemed to care. Most of them were either looking away in embarrassment or cheering them on.

And it only got more heated when the shorter began running his hands up and down the others chest and around his neck, licking at his lips for entry.

It took a few seconds, but the taller responded, parting his lips slightly for the other to enter, reciprocating his actions.

And after a short while of this they finally pulled apart, a thin trail of saliva still connecting them before they wiped it away nervously. The two of them breathed heavily, but did their best to hide it, only partially succeeding.

Kokichi immediately licked his lips before turning away and hiding his face from the others, smiling happily. While Shuichi on the other hand was blushing deeply and looking over at Miu curiously.

"W- well?" he finally said, breaking the silence that had been formed. "Am I d- done now?"

Miu looked just as nervous as he was, not saying anything back to him.

"I- Irima? What's w- wrong?"

"I uh, . . . didn't think you'd actually do it. I just said that so you'd . . . you know, . . . back out and I could make fun of you again," she whispered.

"O- oh. Well, I u- um, . . . I'd better get g- going now."

"Yeah, it's getting a little late," the violette pointed out. "I'll just head home with him. Bye guys." He stood up then, helping the detective to his feet and walking him towards the door.

"Whatever, do you what you want," the inventor called out over everyone else saying goodbye, having gained back her confidence. "Just don't fuck him to hard, you little bastard. A few of the others were wanting to walk with him to get drinks or some shit tomorrow."

"Oh, I'll take care of him," the leader shouted back jokingly. But Shuichi wasn't quite sure if it was really a joke or not. And he almost didn't want it to be.

Okay, so I'm posting this a little later than I normally do updates, but I couldn't think for a little bit and I actually found out that I'm gonna be moving again earlier today. Before the end of the month, hopefully. So things might get slow again and I just wanted to apologize ahead of time just in case I don't update for a while.

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