Now, Where Were We?

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Shuichi was still blushing deeply when Kokichi put his hand up to his face to turn his focus towards him, carefully.

"It's alright," he said soothingly, rubbing his thumb across the taller's warm cheek. "You don't have to be afraid. I'll only do it if you're alright with it. 'Kay?"

"Mm-hmm. I'm okay, promise," the bluette nodded quickly.

"Alright, then," he said, slowly closing the space between them. "Just stop me if you need to."

Shuichi began to nod, but stopped when their lips touched softly and, as their eyes fluttered shut, the whole world just seemed to stop. Nothing else mattered anymore. Everything else disappeared. The Killing Game. The other students. Everything. It was just them, and no one else.

Somewhere in-between all this Shuichi had sat down on the end of the bed and Kokichi had made himself at home in the taller's lap, one arm around his back, the other resting on his shoulder, both of Shuichi's wrapped around the smaller's waist.

This kept up for a short while before the violette started running his hand down the other's chest. But the bluette shifted uncomfortably and Kokichi broke the contact, looking up at him concerned.

"You okay?"

"Never better," Shuichi said simply before crashing their mouths back together, but more roughly this time as he slowly grew less tense, melting into the kiss and grasping gently onto the back of the shorter's shirt.

"Hey, Ouma?" he inquired as the smaller began trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck.


"Before . . . before we do anything else . . . I have something I . . . something I want to tell you."

He didn't say anything, just stopped what he was doing and stared up at him, curiosity shining in his eyes, awaiting his words quietly.

"I . . . ," he began nervousness creeping into his voice, "I love you, Ouma."

Kokichi smiled in response and replied, "I love you, too, you idiot," and with that he threw his arms around the taller, burying his face in his neck, then he continued, saying, "but I am curious, Shumai. What 'else' did you have planned?"

"I- no, what I mean to s- what I meant wa- It's-"

"Nishishi," he laughed teasingly, "have I ever pointed out to you how cute you get when you're all flustered like that?"

All he could do was blush, like he always did in the presence of the other male, and turn away, smiling.

"Hey," the shorter pouted grabbing his hat away from him to get his attention and prevent him from covering his face any more, setting it off to the side, running his fingers through the other's soft navy blue hair and gazing into his amber eyes. "You're beautiful. You know that, Shu?"

"Ouma, it's fine, you don't have to lie to me."

"Lie? Me? Never," he defended himself sarcastically. "You, being the great detective you are and all, should know better than anyone that I hate liars."

"How ironic."

"Hmm. I know, but it was worth a shot, right? You shouldn't be so modest all the time. Oh, and by the way," he commented, lowering his voice to whisper the last part, cupping his hand to his ear, "you're a really good kisser."

This only turned him into a stuttery mess all over again, making Kokichi laugh, happily snaking his arms around his roommate and swaying them side to side at the edge of the bed slowly and calmly, humming to himself.

"I wonder what else you're good at," he said, stopping his humming momentarily and dragging a finger down Shuichi's chest lightly, the male suddenly froze at the remark, a sharp shiver shooting down his spine at the contact.

"Well, . . . I know one way to find out," was the bluette's response.

This seemed to have thrown the other off because he just stared at him for a while, seemingly not knowing what to do. So, he eventually just gave up trying and  pushed him back so that he was laying down on the bed, Kokichi hovering just above him.

"Oops," he giggled hugging him. "What's gotten into me? I'm such a clutz."

"I- I think you just fell for me," Shuichi said deciding to play the incident off like the other would to get a reaction. And he did.

"Stop it," Kokichi blushed cutely, pulling himself closer to Shuichi. "That was supposed to be my line."

The bluette smiled and kissed him again softly, moving his vibrant purple hair from his glowing amethyst eyes, "Well now it's mine."

They were suddenly inturupted when a static-y sounds filled the room out of the blue for a few seconds before the animatronic voice of the academy's headmaster suddenly rang out through the school, "Well, here it is, the final night. Geez, you guys really just won't kill each other. What's with that!? Seriously!? Anyways, it's ten 'o clock, now. And you all know what that means by now. That's right, nighty-night, kiddies. But I'd just like you to know one last thing: I'm not mad at you guys, . . . just disappointed. Well that's that. 'Till tomorrow, everyone."

"Well, that plan kinda flunked."

"Yeah," the taller of the two responded, "but I'm glad he did it."

"Mm-hmm," he nodded, resting his head on the other's chest and fidgeting with his dark blue hair again.

"So, . . . Ouma?"


"Um, . . . So what are . . . What are we exactly? You know, . . . after everything else?"

"Well," he said, kinda of spacing out and not moving from his spot, "I was thinking . . . if you were alright with it, that is, . . . I'd like it if we could . . . If you'd want to be my boyfriend."

"I . . . I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, actually."

"Me, too," he grinned happily, grabbing onto the other's open hand and lacing their fingers together, snuggling him again. His other hand had been placed on Shuichi's chest while his was resting on the smaller's lower back.

"Are we gonna tell the others?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe."

And those were their last words before the two of them finally drifted off to sleep.

So, you guys know the drill about posting being more fucked up over the weekend, so if I don't post as much, I'm sorry. I don't really have a writer's block for this story yet, though. So, who knows?

Also, side note, does anyone care about the cosplays enough to want to see pictures? I don't know, I'm still a beginner, but I like to show other people my improvement, so thoughts on that?

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