Could he make you feel as good as I do?

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"Um....can I help you? Why are you staring at me?"

"Could he make you feel as good as I do?"

Seb was bored. With a bottle of beer in his hand he walked through the club, heading towards his trainer who was already chatting up some random girl. While Antti seemed to love the single life, Seb was not a fan. He'd only been single for a couple of months and already he was missing the company, stability, friendship and love that being in a relationship gave him. He stopped, did he really want to go over there and play the third wheel while Antti continued to chat up this girl? No. What he really wanted was to go back to his hotel room, alone. He turned around and looked for the quickest route to the exit, his eyes scanned over the dance floor and the throng of happy, sweaty bodies that were dancing without a care in the world. That's when he saw her. He couldn't help but stare. Nearly as tall as he was himself, with long legs, shown off by the short dress and heels she was wearing and long blonde hair that finished almost level with her behind, what looked like perfect breasts in that tight dress and a stunningly pretty face, this woman looked beautiful and in a way, exotic. And she was with someone. And as she kissed the man, Seb realised that this woman certainly wasn't single. The couple turned slightly and she broke away from her lover's lips, she slipped her arms around him, joining her hands at the back of his neck. It was then when Seb found her looking right back at him, over the man's shoulder. He held her gaze, even though he knew he should look away. She was taken, he shouldn't be looking at her in the way he was, but he couldn't not look at this beautiful creature. He wasn't in to one night stands and he never had been but for her, he'd gladly change his mind. He wondered if he could tempt her to stray. He'd be leaving tomorrow on a flight back to Italy and she could go back to her boyfriend and no one would ever know, except the two of them. The more he thought about it, the more tempted he was. If only he could get her alone, he'd take her back to his hotel suite and spend all night making her forget this other man even existed. He wondered what it would feel like to be deep inside her, how her breasts would feel beneath his hands, how her lips would feel against his own and what she'd sound like as she screamed his name. He blinked, the man had gone and she was walking towards him, looking rather puzzled. Seb tried to act casual, but then how could he when he'd been caught openly ogling this gorgeous woman?
"Uhm....can I help you?" She asked, frowning. "Why are you staring at me?"

"I.....uhm...." Would it be too much to say how beautiful he thought she was? He noticed a look of recognition appear on her face.

"You're Sebastian Vettel aren't you?" She leant in close to him so that they could hear each other over the music and he noted her rather posh sounding English accent. Fuck she'd sound hot screaming my name and talking dirty with that accent.

"Erm...yeah." He was going to come out with some witty remark but she'd scrambled his brain cells just by being close to him. He was virtually tongue tied.

"I'm Victoria." She held out her hand to him. Posh bird, posh name, I'd absolutely destroy her if I had the chance.

"I'm Sebastian." He said before any of his other thoughts slipped out

"Yeah, I know." She giggled.

"You're beautiful." He said before his brain got into gear. "That's why I was staring."

"Oh." She was taken aback, not used to compliments. "Thank you."

He took another sip of his beer, he was going to go for it. "I don't usually do this sort of fact I've never done this before....would you like to come back to my hotel suite for a drink?"

"Oh Seb....May I call you Seb?"


"I'm really flattered that you asked me but I'm with someone."

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