Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ethan's POV

We turned around to see Julio, with a gun in his hand, and mom and dad by his side. "Put her down, and no one gets hurt." Julio said. James steppes protectively in front of me and Mari. "We will NEVER give her up. She doesn't belong to you, we have custody of her." He said. Mom cackled.

"You're funny, you know? You're so funny James. We WILL get her. If it's the last thing I do." My crazy mother said. "Dispareles." My father said. Which means "shoot them." I turned away to shield Amari, but there was no shot. We turned to see our father and cousin on the floor and our mother breathing heavily and looking disheveled.

We looked at her with shock. Then we see another woman who looked EXACTLY like mom to turn the corner and see us. Mom grabbed the gun and immediately shot her. We flinched at the sudden noise but we see the woman dead on the ground. Aaron looked at mom shocked.

"M-mom?" He stuttered, obviously shocked. She smiled sadly at us. "Oh my babies. Look at how much you've grown!" She exclaimed. We stared at her incredulously. "B-but you were, what? Mom, is this really you?" Ollie asked obviously very confused. She smiled sadly. "That was my twin sister, Mary. She had the biggest crush on your dad and when he divorced me-" we gasped. We had no idea she was divorced.

"When he divorced me, I knew there was another, and when I asked who, he didn't answer but point at me." She said. At first we were confused, but she kept explaining. "I realized that he fell for Mary and he wanted to start a life with her, and that being, taking Julio who is the golden child, and Mari, who they knew would be a delight to take care of." She said. We took that in for a minute. Then she started speaking again.

"How's my baby? Is she hurt?" She asked. I looked down at Mari and she started shaking. James took her from me and laid her down. She started shaking even more and Ryan realized what was happening. "SHE'S HAVING A SEIZURE!" It all happened in slow motion, Ryan shoved everyone out of the way and held her up.

"It's ok Mari, it'll be over soon." I look to see mom sobbing, James had a look of shock and was comforting mom, Ollie and Aaron were crying, and I just stood there helpless. I hated seeing my partner in crime hurt.

After a couple minutes, she stopped shaking. Ryan just held her and picked her up, it looked like she was unconscious again. We all walked out and got in the car, our mom was coming with us. We were driving home until I had a thought, what about Aunt Mary and dad? "Guys! What about Aunt Mary and dad?" I asked. Everyone was silent. Well, I guess we're going to have to watch our backs.

Hey guys! Crazy plot twist huh? Well I'm at soccer city, and I got bored so I decided to write another chapter. I'll write another one later tonight. Byeeee

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