Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Amari's POV

I woke up in a bed and with someone stroking my hair. I look up to see Ryan with his eyes closed and humming softly. I coughed letting him know I'm up. He opened his eyes and smiled, but the smile couldn't reach his eyes. "Hey baby sis, how did you sleep?" He asked. I groaned and shook my head. I know I didn't fall asleep, something happened to me.

"What happened to me Ry? I'm so confused." I said. He sighed and sat up. "You were poisoned. Cristina probably put something in your drink to knock you out." He explained. But the thing is, I didn't have a drink, I went to the table and laid my head down. "I didn't have a drink Ry. I just went to the table and laid my head down, next thing I know I felt a stab in my side, like someone poked me with their fingers." I said.

Ryan had a look of concentration on his face, like he was trying to figure something out. He got up and left the room, and made a motion for me to follow him. I followed him down the stairs to see Cristina sitting on the couch shaking. Suddenly, the only thing I could see was red. I mean, this bitch had the audacity to try and kill me, while I tried to help her through her time.

I ran past Ryan, I almost knocked into Ethan who was standing waiting for me to hug him. I will later, but right now, I need to give Cristina a punch. I stared at her and she looked at me in terror. "Mar-." She started but I tried to dive on her, but someone held me back. "Mari! Mari, calm down hon. Please." A calm voice said in my ear. I knew who it was, Ollie. "She tried to kill me. She wanted me to be dead, how are you all so calm?!" I screamed.

I see Cristina crying and screaming in fear. I kept screaming mean words at her, mostly cuss words in Spanish. "Mari! Enough hermana." James scolded. I made a motion at Ollie, asking him to pick me up. He complied and picked me up while I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the other couch so I'm far away from Cristina so I wouldn't attack her.

Everyone sat down, making sure to stay far away from me, except for James, who was trying to calm the situation down. "Cristina, please explain what happened, Mari, please try and calm down and listen." James said. I nodded and leaned back into Ollie and let him wrap his arms around me. Cristina took in a shaky breath and sighed.

"I'm sorry Mari, but my brothers threatened me." She said. I closed my eyes and nodded. I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to keep calm. "What did they threaten you with?" I asked. She had tears streaming down her face. "They threatened to kill my mother. She's alive." She said. I did a double take. But that's impossible! Aunt Isabel killed herself!

"But, Aunt Isabel killed herself. I'm confused." I said. Cristina looked up at me for the first time after I attacked her. "She pretended to kill herself so we could run away." She explained. I nodded, silently saying for her to go on. "She threatened to expose their biggest secret, I'm surprised she's not dead." She said continuing. "What's their secret?" I asked.

"My brothers killed our father."

Bam! Chapter 16 is out. Chapter 17 is going to be a happy chapter. This has so much drama so now I'm going to post a happy chapter.


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