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Renjun was still recovering, Mark was back to the training grounds, things were just as same as it was before. Mark was walking down the palace gardens on his way to the river below when he saw stubby arms that belonged to him pluck flowers from the sunflower bush.
The fluffy golden brown hair visible from above.

"Your highness? What are you doing?" Mark walked towads the gorgeous beauty.

"Plucking flowers you blind mole. Cut the honorifics will you? You kiss my lips but still address me with 'Your highness'." Donghyuck rolled his eyes as he pouted at the flowers.

"Well you are the prince arent you?" The Knight swatted those bouncey pair of lips making the beauty whine.

"Stop messing with me!? Kiss me." The Prince turned to face the handsome knight.

"No way." Mark chuckled backing off. The younger grabbed the olders armor with a threatening glare.

"Its an order of the crowned prince!" Donghyuck growled at the Knight.

"Come with me." Mark chuckled dragging his lover towards the waterfalls.

"Kiss me!! Mark!! Kiss me!" The Prince whined the entire way then went silent when he was pushed through the waterfall. Donghyuck rolled inside drenched to the core of his heart.

"This is a place I hide when I need you know some alone time." Mark skillfully jumped inside making the younger pout.

"Im wet.....What do you plan to do?" The Prince sighed standing with a whine.

"Fuck you!" The Knight winked removing his armor and walking through a direction that had an opening to another part of the forest.

"Weally?" Donghyuck bit his lips as he wiggled out if his pants and shoes as he followed the man he loved.

"Yeah.....You definitly are fuckable right now but lets save that for later." The Knight chuckled guiding the gorgeous beauty up a tree.

"My kiss?" The brunette made a glossy pout as Mark pulled the younger closer as their lips met.

Mark kissed the younger so softly and delicately that Donghyuck only craved for more kisses which lasted for ever. As all ways he ran out of breath as he pulled away but was kissed once again and again until the both of them were statisfied.

"How....d-do hold you breath f-for so long?" The Prince panted leaning up to connect their lips again.

"You make me want to hold it." Mark mumbled into the kiss. Their hands laced together as the sun shined over them drying them sooner than they wanted to.

"Its so warm....." Donghyuck giggled loving the heat on him. Mark admired the boy, the first person to have stolen his heart.

"We should go back. You havent eaten have you?" The Knight whispered holding the Princes arms as the boy stood on the branches enjoying the view below.

"I dont want to go through that cold water again." The Prince bounced falling into Marks embrace with a pout.

"You lazy brat. Ill get our things and lets go through this way." Mark ruffled the brunettes hair as he helped him down and he left to get their things.

"Do I have to wear my pants again?" The Prince pouted so he was carried like a bride to the palace with Marks cape over him.

"Lets go to my chambers." And so Mark carried his boyfriend to his chambers and placed him on the bed as he locked his door not wanting random people walking in.

"I love you." Donghyuck sprawled on the Knights single bed.

"I know Your grace." Mark went into another room to quickly change his clothes. "Do you want to change?" He asked peeking out from the wall.

"No! I'm dry as a sprat. Why wont you say you love me back?" The Prince pouted tugging the olders shirt with his toes. "You dont love me back." Thr beauty huffed turning himself on the bed so the Knight had a full view of those round butt peaches.

"You obviously know and can see that I do. So hush. I only have strawberries and watermelons. Sorry." The Knight rubbed his nape with a guilty feeling evident on his face as he poked those yummy looking butt peaches.

"I love both. Jaemin said you love watermelons." Donghyuck sat up making grabby hands at the slice. It felt nice after a really hot day out in the blazing sun.

They ate in silence as the Prince curled up on Marks lap too sleepy to do anything else. He dozed of very quickly. Sadly the Knight had duties to be at so he tucked his lover in his bed and kissed the lips that were agape as he wore his armor and left the chambers.

"Mark?" Donghyuck woke up the next morning to an empty bed which worried him. The fluttering of a paper made him turn around. And in messy but attractive inked letters the letter had been addressed to him.

My Darling,

I left for my duties as a Knight,
Dont be saddened by my absence,
I shall return to you sooner,
Take care,


The letter made the prince smile shyly as he cuddled up in bed again, immediately falling asleep amidst the fagrance of his boyfriend. He was so tired after his mini adventure with the man he loved so much. He hugged the letter close it his heart.

Taeyong sat before the large looking glass as he sighed, closing his eyes trying not to cry. He didnt want to dress up anymore for he saw no reason to be all decked up.

"You look gorgeous." A familiar voice whispered at the Queen making Taeyong jolt up and gasp.

The tears in the Queens eyes were beyond describable, he didnt know how to react, whether he had to be happy or sad he didnt know. He started ringing the bell of call which made all the knights come marching in. Taeyong was shaking like a tidal wave, his literally thought he would burst out of the feeling was feeling right now.

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