Long Talks

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I'm not as dead anymore but i am getting sick so typos might be more prominent the couple chapters coming.

Thanks for the support loves 💜

Nahee POV

The ride home was quiet but I couldn't really focus on that with all the attention Jungkook was smothering me with. His subtle purrs and rubbing his chin on the top of my head was the only thing I really noticed the whole ride but I could guess that a lot of the other things I would've noticed was the subtle looks and jealousy of the other boys. However his tight embrace released my worries and sent my mind to wonderland as I zoned out.

Instinctively my own arms wrapped around his torso and I could hear the small gasp and harsh snuggle that followed as I got comfy. That was until Jimin spoke up.

"Are we Just gonna ignore the fact that Nahee beat the shît out of a bunny or..." Tae chuckled but with the glare Jin sent him quickly cut it off.

"Yes we are until we are home and can actually sit down and have a good chat." Jin left no discussion on the matter and the car returned to silence whilst I sat wondering what the next few hours where going to be like once we filed out of the safe car and into the possible volcano that would be Jin. Kook didn't seem to mind whatsoever however while he just giggled and nuzzled into my hair and ears, giving a few licks to the fur while receiving intensified looks from everyone else.

"Jungkook, get your head back down here and be apart of this conversation since it involves you directly." Namjoon attempted. Everyone was a little off put by the fact that after his Hyung's effort all he recived in return was a growl and a reluctant 'no' before continuing his work. I froze upon his words and even looked up to make sure he was okay, it's really not like Jungkook to deny Namjoon anything since he really did look up to the wolf in almost every way.

"Oh we are so having a conversation when we get home." Namjoon growled at the blatant disrespect towards him.

Sure enough the moment we rolled into the spot and filed out of the car I was snatched out of the protective cheetah's grasp. I couldn't stop the small yelp of surprise when I felt myself transfer to another set of arms. Upon the scent entering my nose I immediately knew it was; Hobi. There was the similar warm feeling and semi citrus scent that engulfed my senses. The only other thing that jumped my attention was the loud growl that erupted from Kookie.

Cue the smack that came from a rather enraged Hyung.

"Jungkook get into the parlor room and wait for us to get in there. Don't move. Hobi, take Nahee upstairs and then come back down. Nahee stay in that room till we come get you." Jin demanded. I couldn't help but look at him incredulously while I'm taken away.

"Um, no. I want to be there too. I was apart of all of this, let me be there." I tried to squirm my way out of Hobi's graps but he just tightened his arms and continued his trek. "Hobi, let me go. I want to be there and I don't want to just be in my room. Don't leave me in my room, I want to be with everyone-" I rambled still struggling.

"No, we need to all talk together on what happened and then you can come down and we can all chat. We need to sort some things out without the added stress." He tried to explain but I couldn't get past that they wouldn't let me.

"I just cause stress?" My voice was smaller and Hobi sighed while placing a small kiss on to the top of my head.

"You know that's not what we mean sunshine."

I deflate as he sets me down on my bed and gently brushes the small strand of hair that had fallen into my face, behind my ear. Moving on his way out he blows me one last kiss before shutting the door and I hear his footsteps retreat. Luckily he didn't lock the door and I stared at the possibilities of what I could do with that information.

So, upon hearing an obviously tension filled chat begin I creeped towards the door and snuck out. Taking each step at a time I hear more and more of the conversation.

"What were you thinking Kook?! Not only did you mark her in that place, which let me be the first to say was a dumb idea purely on the fact that you know how we react once a mark is placed on her!" Jin's voice carried over while a couple murmurs on 'calming down' so it didn't get hyped up.

"It was a moment thing and yes I should've thought, but I couldn't. You know how hard it is for me to keep the cat at bay especially when stuff like this happens." Kookie rebutted. Namjoon sighed.

"That aside we need to talk about the fact that you mated her fully. Fully Jungkook. Was she even ready for that? None of us even talked about this prior to it happening, what if you lost control?" Namjoon scolds. By the time he makes that statement I'm already in the hallway just watching it all go down. The frustration in the room seems to mask my scent so nobody really notices my being there.

"Not only That but did you see the way Nahee went for her neck. She went almost feral, that can't happen." Hobi lightly added with a soft expression. I could tell he didn't want to bring it up but he needed to in their opinion.

"Not to mention that! Good god, that was the most irrational thing I've ever seen. Starting a fight there, if she were to get hurt then I know for sure we would've had criminal charges on us and we don't need that drama along with everything else."

Damn. That one hurt. A lot.

I stare at Jin while his hand runs through his hairy tying the keep himself calm. It seems that the marking affect is making a lasting impression in all of them and riling them up but that gives no excuse to take it out on me. If it was reversed we really would've had to call the police.

"Speaking of which we need to figure out what is going to happen with her. She can't just stay inside with us all the time. She needs her own life." I knew Jimin's words weren't meant for harm but with the existing small crack that was just the driving stake. Whilst they finished their talk I made my way out of earshot and grabbed some shoes.

I needed to go for a walk.


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