Valentine's Injurious (#7)

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Honestly this isn't a great update and an year to begin with! I lost my most precious fanpage on Instagram (ughhhh that stupid app) - ranbiraliafc !!! Yeah some trashy haters and ofc dearest Instagram deleted my freakin page of two years and 10,000 beautiful babies!


It happened on the 5th of Feb and my friend created ranbiraliafc2.0 to get me back on my feet and to maintain my precious contacts with a lot of amazing people I've met through the page. If your one of them who're still thinking where the heck my page vanished into, hey, go and follow my new page! Tbh, I've made my plans clear. Will be active by Brahmastra phase and the page would go inactive thereafter (long story!)

But I really would appreciate if I could stay in touch with all of you *cries* I'm not sure how till how long can I preserve my passion for this book now that I feel quite empty with the whole incident and maybe a bit lost ?! Got some real down-standard throws at me and ykw, I just cannot TOLERATE UNWANTED BULLSHIT ! I have respect and will continue to live with one so yeah I've decided to focus and make my life worth living than being trampled by social media power. 

Ik this isn't fair to a lot of you who really love my work and my page but it had to come to an end, some day and unfortunately that day came quick! So this book will stay here and you can always contact me here or on my Twitter page :)  



[Ranbir's POV]

Monkeying around with ropes on the set of Brahmastra, the cast generated an energy similar to that of a zoo. For the past two weeks we've been doing consecutive stunt scenes. A major chunk of the film's action are to be shot here and as per our team's coordination, we had it smoothly rolling. Brahmastra is a film loaded with VFX and not just any cheap trick but the real mean Hollywood game level!

Ayan had pulled out all the cards he knew to get the best of every world putting together a vision he so dearly nurtured for years. 

Since morning we've been doing the rope play so much that I might create a similar environment back in my home. It's so much fun! No wonder Tarzan was such a swag lass! He got to swing higher and higher without any care. The green set added to my wild life fantasies. As I swung from one rope to the next, a sharp cry reached me and my heart jolted at recognation. Jumping down to the floor I ran along with basically everyone present.

"Move back ! Dalal, call the doctor now! Ritu, bring an ice pack quickly." 

Ayan kept shouting orders to the team while I made my way inside the swarm of people crowded in to see the commotion. There in the middle my eyes laid on a sight I wished I hadn't seen. My love balled up like a shell, eyes tightly closed, tears springing, wincing in pain! Shit! "Aaaahh" she wailed holding her arm in a death grip.

"Aliaaa, oh my how did this happen? How did she slipped ? huh, dammit tell me ! Speak someone." My head throbbed with millions of questions and I couldn't help but bark the anger coursing up my veins. 

I looked at Ayan only to find him opening and closing his mouth like a fish, looking as distressed as I. "What ? Bolegaaa ?!" I stressed while gently laying her head on my shoulder and carefully holding her almost broken arm. "Bro she was practicing the rope stunt and accidently lost her grip and fell down with her arm first on the ground. We guess its fractured" answered Rohit, a fellow AD on the film.

I closed my eyes in despair, mentally calming myself by counting till ten. This wasn't how he had wanted their evening to be! He had a rather exotic plan for her but now it's almost good as dead. 

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