Work Day Pt. 3 (Mason)

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Mason's pov

I looked at the clock. 10:30. Thats it? i haven't even been here for 3 hours. Today was never gonna end. I looked at my computer screen and remembered I had a meeting in a half hour. I wondered how Jessie was doing. I called Winny, and he told me that she was watching Aladdin.

I wish i was there with her...I'd kiss her neck. Cuddle her, never let her leave my side. Run my fingers through her soft hair and stroke her soft skin. God I was going to go crazy. I got up and left the office, deciding to take a walk to the coffee shop down the street.

I stepped inside, the smell of freshly ground coffee beans washing over me. It was pretty busy unfortunately. I joined the line feeling tired of waiting around for everything. After a few minutes I got to the front of the line, feeling even more tired when i saw the look on the cashier's face.

"And what can I get for you handsome... Perhaps a slice of cake? It's on me... especially since, *her sexiest smile* we don't serve cake..." She licked her overly red painted lips while looking me up and down. Disgusted, i looked up at the menu.

"Just give me a smore's latte with an extra espresso shot." She rang me up and paid. Before i left i looked her in the eyes. "I don't want any cake, it's probably stale and old. Thanks for the offer though" I smiled graciously and stalked off to the other side of the restaurant. Now i missed my little princess even more. And only 15 minutes had passed. I'm so fucked, i thought to myself as i rubbed my face.

They called my name for the latte, which had chocolate sauce, milk, toasted marshmallow flavoring, and whipped cream. It was my favorite. I headed back to the office for my stupid annoying meeting where I would probably think of nothing except Jessie and her perfection.

~3 Hours later, the meeting finally ends.~

I sat down in my office and replied to some emails before getting a text from Winny. He said Jessie had just woken up from a nap, and that she had a little incident with wet paint but it was taken care of.  I called him and asked for Jessie.

"Jessie! Your daddy is on the phone for you!" There was some shuffling and a couple squeals before the most heavenly voice came through the line. I ached for it like your lungs ache for oxygen in a "Who-can-hold-their-breath-underwater-the-longest" competition. 

That's just it. She was my oxygen. She was my beating heart, my everything. The sunrise and sunset, the beauty of the countless stars in the sky, the stunning beauty of nature in its most raw, pure form. She was the salt in the ocean, the heat in the rays of sun. Everything about her just gave me this sense of completion, like the ending you were hoping for in your favorite movie and that's why its your favorite.

"Hi daddy!!! I miss you are you coming home are you here?!?!" I chuckled softly, putting her on my earpiece and opening a certain app on my phone.

"I'll be home in just a couple more hours baby. I miss you too. You're my whole world and i wouldn't have it any other way." With a devilish grin, I put her remote controlled vibe on a medium wavy setting. Her soft moans told me she enjoyed it, so i turned it up a bit.

"Mmmdaddy please come home..."she trailed off, and I could hear her squirming. "Not much longer angel. Don't cum. I love you sweetness. Bye now" I heard her mumble a 'bye daddy' before the line clicked off. Just then, another problem walked into my office.

"Rogers? What the hell are you doing here and what do you want?" I hoped i'd never have to see this guy's face again.

"I need a car. Obviously" he smirked. I called for security.

"I told you. After what happened last time, you're not welcome here and we are never doing business again. And before you start i have zero desire to hear your little mirror-practiced tirade."

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