I will love you, always

907 17 1

I hate my life! How ca-can he do this!
Ahhh! Fuck!

Suddenly rang my phone. "Millie" . No I can't pick this. I hate Millie!

How can all my close ones break me like this! Am I piece of shit? My eyes are now filling with tears.. No I don't want to cry! My head is paining like hell. I don't know when I drifted into my dreams.

I suddenly woke up and checked the time in my phone. God! It's 9pm now.I think Jungkook is still in his room. I checked my phone again and saw 15 miss calls from Millie. Should I call her back or not? I want to know why she did this to me. I need to know. Finally I called her.

"Hello? Y/n?" she seemed worried through her voice! Worried? About what? Me? No way!

"yeah" I replied in straight tone

"See Y/n I just need 10 mins. I need you to know everything. Please just listen to me please! "

"Only 10mins"

"Thanks, see this is all just a bullshit! You know I will never do like this! You need to trust me! "

"How can I trust when all are saying the same shit"

"How can you come into their words. They don't know anything! "

"This explanation is not enough for me to trust you too Millie! You know how I feel for him! And I can't join all the broken pieces of my heart in such an explanation! "

" OK so I need to tell you something. When you were drunk when we were at the club, I-I told jungkook about your feelings.."

"What? How can y-"

"Because Jungkook need to know your feelings. If he wouldn't know, you both would not be together forever! Understand me y/n!"

She is right though but she promised me not to tell anyone

"I know I promised you but it was just to help you" she answered my question. I didn't say anything.

"And jungkook just came to thank me for this. And he wanted to keep this private so that there won't be any crazy rumors! Jungkook loves you a lot! He can't do anything like this with you! For fuck's sake"

I don't know what to say! I'm feeling dumb now. I should not have argued with Jungkook. Fuck!

"And I love you too y/n... We both love you from deep of our heart

"You will never leave me right? No matter what. "

" I will never leave you. And neither will him. I promise you. This time with surity"

I am crying now. I love Millie so much!

"Then I love you too" I can hear she sobbing too

"Now go talk to Jungkook. Bye"

How should I apologize to Jungkook now? Will he even forgive me? I should have trusted him.
I went to his room. He was not there. I checked the washroom. Not even there. Where is he? Did- did he left me? No no he can't do this! Fuck!
This all is not what I expected! Why? With me? Why?

Maybe he went outside to take some fresh air when I was sleeping. I should be positive. I know he won't leave. He can't leave like this. I called him but he is not picking up! Fuck!
It was now 11pm.I have called him thousands time but he is not picking up.I can't wait now. It is too late . I started to cry ! It all happened because of me.. I need to find him! I want to spend my life with him. I got up and unlocked the door and....
At the same time Jungkook was standing in front of the door.

Jungkook P.O.V

The second I opened the door, I saw y/n in front of me. Damn! She is crying! No way. Her cheeks are full red and I can see her swollen eyes filled with tears. I hate seeing her crying.
"Baby why are you crying? " I cupped her cheek
"I-i am sorry Jungkook. I don't want to hurt you. I should have trusted you. Please don't leave me. I really am sorry. "
She is stuttering like hell!
"No no baby.. Don't apologize to me.I love you.. "

I wrapped my arms around her waist. I missed her, I missed her so much.. I should not have left her. I just wanted to give her enough time to think about us.. I can feel her pulse relaxing every second I'm holding her. I hugged her more tightly. I want her to know that I will always be with her.
"I love u so much... " I said through her hairs. I can feel her body shivering by my words. I'm happy to know she is affecting by my words. I know she is desperate for my words.
After long minutes of hugging I took her to the bedroom and sat with her on the bed. Our knees touching.
"Why didn't you told me that Millie went to you to tell what I felt for you"
She asked me staring at her fingers.
"I don't want to break your relationship with her. Trust me y/n this was my only motive. "
I touched her hands and intertwined my fingers with her.. Her hands are cold. Too cold.
"I trust you.. I just-i don't know. It was so random. " I take her face between my hands so that she can look into my eyes.
"I love you baby.. So much. I hate seeing you crying. I'm sorry, I made this all shit. "
"Don't apologize. This was all my fault. "
Our foreheads are now touching. Her face just inches away from mine. I need her right now. I can feel her pulse increasing and I gently tucked her hair behind her ear.
The fire crackles under my skin when I finally bring my lips to her. This is what I was waiting for in this whole day. I press my body against hers and she slides her hand over my shoulders. I gripped her thighs and lift ed her up on my lap. And she buried her fingers in my hairs. Her lips are moulded with mine constantly.
"You know that I will always love you right? " I said between our kisses.
She nodded."I love you Jungkook... ". She said and I pulled her closer. Today has been so stressful day and this is what I was longing for all the time. I wanted to kiss her and now I can feel electricity flowing inside my body.
I laid her down on the bed not breaking the kiss and pulled my t shirt. I can see her being desperate for me.
I kissed here again, this time more tenderly and slowly. to make every kiss special. She saw me looking at her chest and she unzipped her chain of her silk middy. I completely removed her dress from her body.God! She is so sexy! I want to do so much with her. I bring my lips from her neck to her collarbone and then chest and she moans. Fuck! I want her moans! Her fucking sexy moans!
"How can you be so sexy y/n..."
She moans again. I bring my mouth to hers again. I love the way I feel right now. I want to be with her. Always.
"Can I - take off yo-your bra? "I asked nervously not knowing what she will answer.
She nodded hastily. And it took me no time to remove her bra. She is so beautiful. I just love her body. Her soft skin is filling me. I cupped her breast and she moaned. I can see her being wet only by touching her.
She breaks the kiss and looked into my eyes. I'm confused.
"What happened? " I asked her
"I want to do that.. " she looks so innocent and nervous. I know what she wants. But I want to have it slow. I want to prove myself best in her eyes.
"Baby we need to take it slow. "
She looked more embarrassed now. She looked away.
I lifted her cheek up to look at me.
"Hey baby.. Look at me.. I know I want it too.. But I just want you to trust me fully. I know you have not done that before and I want to make that special.. I love you y/n.."
I added that last sentence to soften my words.
"You make everything with me special. " she said desperately looking into my eyes. Her words filled my heart. But still I want to make it slow.
"Baby... " I don't know what to say.
"It's okay I should not have said that -"
She looked upset. No I want to make her smile not like this..
"But I can give you pleasure"
I smirked and kissed her again. This time more roughly.

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