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I walked into math, which was my first class of the day. I sat in a desk and pulled out my phone to text Cailee. Maybe I can explain to her what just happened since my only "class" with her is lunch. Cailee is a senior and I'm a junior meaning she'll be leaving for college next year and I'll be stuck here by myself. Things were so much easier last year when everyone was friends with everyone. But, people change and sometimes you're forced to move on.

"In this classroom we have a strict no phones rule," I looked up to see the teacher staring down at me.

"I am so sorry. I was just trying to text my friend." I sputtered.

"What's your name, miss?" The teacher asked me.

"Carter." I squeaked.

"Well, Carter, I'm Mrs. Bennett and I think we'll get to know more about each other in detention." She said, taking my phone out of my hand.

The first day of school and I'm already in trouble. If Cash would've saw this happen, he'd be proud.

As if on cue, Cash walked in the door and sat in the desk next to me. "You're late." Mrs. Bennett said, her eyes burning into Cash now. "That's unacceptable. What's your name?" She continued when Cash didn't apologize.

"Baker. Cash Baker. But you can call me sexy." Cash said, winking. Everyone in the class erupted into laughter, everyone except me, I found my self cringing at his ridiculous way of introducing himself.

"Well, I'll see you and Ms. Ryan after school today," Mrs. Bennett said, handing us each a slip of folded paper. I unfolded it with shaky hands already knowing what it said.

Detention slip. My mother's going to kill me.

I looked over at Cash who just shoved the piece of paper into his backpack. Guess a detention on the first day of school was nothing new to him. I looked forward and pretending to pay attention when really I was coming up with a way to tell my mom what just happened in my head.

"The Carter Ryan just got a detention? On the first day of school?" Cash whispered, mocking Mrs. Bennett's voice. I stifled a laugh and just nodded, still facing forward.

"Sweet," Cash said. I turned to face him and his eyes were moving up and down my body. I suddenly felt so self conscious and I forced myself to look forward again, pretending I didn't just notice Cash checking me out.


Right before lunch I waited in the hallway for Cailee and when I saw her I ran over and hugged her. We walked into the cafeteria and sat with Cailee's friends. I looked around and saw Cash sitting with all his friends. They used to be all mine and Cash's friends until they took Cash's side but I'm grateful I had Cailee. I told her about my detention, leaving Cash's name out of the whole thing.

"Oh my gosh! What's your mom going to say?" Cailee asked.

"I don't know I'm scared to call her. She wants me to be perfect and this detention is going to mess up her expectations," I said.

"I'm praying for you, girl," Cailee said. We both laughed and finished eating. When the bell rang for lunch to be over, I said bye to Cailee and headed to my next class.


It was right before the last period of the day and I still had to tell my mom about my detention but I couldn't call her because I didn't have my phone. I went to my locker and saw Cash standing by it again.

"Can't you stand anywhere else?" I asked, annoyed.

"Go call your mom," Cash said, avoiding my question and holding out his phone.

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now