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"Carter? Earth to Carter?" Cash waved his hand in front of my face and I blinked a few times. We were on our way to the movies where Cash was taking me on our date.

"Sorry, just zoning out," I watched as Cash gripped the steering wheel with both hands, pulling into the parking lot.

"What movie are we going to see?" I asked and Cash shrugged.

"I didn't think that far yet," Cash spoke, getting out of the car and I laughed, following him towards the large movie theater doors.

"Shoot," Cash stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed. "I forgot my wallet at home," Cash spoke and all I could do is laugh.

"Oh, my God you idiot," we both laughed. "I left my wallet had home because you forced me to," I explained before Cash had a chance to ask. I felt a raindrop on my nose and I assume Cash did too because I went cross eyed and he laughed.

"Uh oh," his eyes widened as rain started falling harder. I laughed as Cash's hair became matted and stuck to his forehead.

"I'm going to go stand in the rain," Cash told me before running towards the now empty parking lot.

"Who's going to let you do that?" I asked, following him as the rain soaked through my clothes.

"Who's going to stop me?" Cash responded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Come and dance with me. The earth is spinning, we can't just stand on it," Cash spun me in a circle and all I did was laugh and take in the moment.

"Cash, this is silly," I laughed again and looked up at the sky, feeling the raindrops hit my face.

"It's only silly if you make it silly," Cash pulled me close to him and sighed. "But, we should get back in the car before either of us catches a cold," Cash suggested and I nodded, grabbing Cash's hand and dragging him towards his car.

"Cash?" I asked and Cash hummed. I have to tell him about the dare before anything gets too serious. I have to. Right now. "I have to tell you-" I was cut off by Cash's phone ringing.

"Hold on, Carter," he spoke into the phone before hanging up. "That was Mav, my parents are waiting for me to head home so we can have dinner. I'll drop you off?" Cash asked, starting the car and I nodded.

"Yeah, thanks," the car ride was silent and my thoughts were racing around my head. Twenty minutes later, Cash pulled up to the apartment complex and my phone dinged.

Josh: my dad just got back from dropping your mom off

Josh: good to know they're getting to know each other so well

I turned my phone off after reading the messages from Josh and huffed.

"Everything okay?" Cash asked as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I barely gave him a response before I opened and slammed the car door shut. I heard Cash's car speed off down the road as I stepped inside the apartments.

Swinging open my door, I was met with my mother on the other side in the hallway taking her earrings off.

"How was your date with Mr. Richards?" I asked, taking my shoes off and hoping onto the counter, crossing my arms.

"Excuse me?" My mother was clearly taken back by my words as she mirrored my actions by crossing her own arms.

"Thanks for letting me know you're going out with the guy who's family was driven apart by my own father," I spoke, hoping my words made sense.

"You know that's not what he did," my mother's words were sympathetic, but why?

"Do I know? Because all this time I really don't know the full story. All my life I've been told that I know but I don't!" I felt the tears burning my eyes, itching to come out but I didn't dare to blink.

"I don't want to have this conversation," my mother pulled her hair out of her ponytail and picked at her nail polish.

"You never do," I mumbled and my mother's head shot up.

"What about you? You don't think I know you're hanging around with Cash again?" My mother's words hit me like a mac truck.

"W- what?"

"Mr. Richard's son Josh told me. He seems like a lovely boy. Why can't you hang around him instead of Cash?" My mother's words burned holes into my skin. She had no idea what she was talking about.

"If you actually cared about what went on in my life, you'd know that's not true. All you care about is whether or not I'm ruining your reputation," I spat, hopping off the counter.

"That's no way to speak to your mom," my mother spoke as I started to walk down the hall.

"Well then start acting like my mom and maybe I'll start speaking to you the way you approve of," I said to her calmly before taking deep breaths to the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mother asked as she started to set the table for dinner.

"For a walk. Don't wait up," I opened the door and didn't wait for a response before heading outside.


i'm stressed a lot

was that even a proper sentence?

yo the blond really jumped out in me earlier today when i asked what almonds were made of

is it blond or blonde?

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now