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"Carter, will you hurry up?" Cailee called out. I huffed, slipping on black jeans with rips in the knees. I pulled on an oversized band tshirt and walked out to where Cailee was leaning against the countertop.

"This okay?" I asked and watched Cailee look me up and down.

"Carter, you look great" Cailee came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Plus, it'll be decently dark so it shouldn't matter," Cailee shrugged and I nodded, slipping on shoes and heading down to where Cailee's car was parked outside the apartments.

We were headed to Cash and Mav's for the New Years party and I was beyond excited. Cash and I were better than ever.

"Josh didn't need a ride?" Cailee asked me, pulling into a familiar neighborhood.

"Nope," I shook my head, rolling my window down a little. "He headed over earlier to help set up."

"I never asked how was Christmas with them?" Cailee asked, pulling down the street.

"Decently well," I told the girl. It was good, we had lunch and just hung out, watching The Grinch. I could barely pay attention, however since Josh kept tossing popcorn at me which resulting in us having a mini food fight. I smiled at the memory, shaking my head.

"Good," Cailee pulled onto the side of the road and we both got out of the car. I saw people filing in and out of the house, cars packed up and down the sides of the road.

"Woah, I wasnt expecting this many people," my eyes were wide as we made our way into the house. I dodged people who were dancing around the living room to where Cash and Mav were in the kitchen.

"Hey, you," Cash's face lit up when he saw me. Pulling me close to him, he pressed a kiss to my temple. "Happy New Years," he mumbled into my ear.

"We're going to go dance, you guys want to come?" Cailee shouted over to us. I turned to Cash who nodded. The four of us made our way to the open space in the living room. Cash grabbed my hands and spun me around clumsily.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" I asked, giggling. Cash just shook his head with the biggest smile on his face. He grasp my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Not a clue," he mumbled in my ear again and I got shivers up and down my spine.

After twenty minutes I felt myself getting sweaty so I excused myself to the bathroom. I made sure it wasnt occupied before stumbling in and splashing my face with cold water.

"Hey," a voice slurred. I looked to see Josh leaning against the doorway.

"Josh?" I asked, drying my face with a towel and tossing it in the laundry basket. He came closer to me and practically tripped over his own feet.

"I just wanted to say that you and Cash make a really good couple," Josh hiccuped and I started to get a little uncomfortable. Not because I was around Josh, just because I really didn't know how to handle this situation.

"Thanks," I murmured, grabbing a paper cup from the closet and filling it up with the water from the sink. I handed the cup to Josh who carefully took the cup from me. He downed the water as if it were a shot and I laughed at his actions. I knew for a fact that this entire night would be a blur for Josh tomorrow.

"You know," he hiccuped again, "I was going to tell Cash about the dare tonight but I decided not to. You want to know why?" Josh asked.

"You know, Josh, I really don't car-"

"I knew it," a familiar voice spoke out. Josh and I both turned to see Cash standing in the bathroom doorway. "See, the funny thing is that I fucking knew something was going on. But I kept telling myself that if something was really going on, that you would tell me," Cash gestured to me, his eyes filling with tears.

"Cash," I felt my own eyes brim with tears as I took careful steps towards him. "I'm... I'm-"

"Don't," Cash spoke through his teeth. "Don't say sorry because I know you're going to," Cash shook his head and I shut my mouth, swallowing my words. I shifted my gaze to watch a tear fall down Cash's cheek. I watched it land right on the tip of his shoe.

"All you had to do," Cash inhaled, taking a shaky breath, "all you had to do was tell me," Cash ran his hands through his hair, his voice cracking once more.

"Well, this seems like a very intimate conversation so I'm going to go," Josh tossed the cup in the small trash can by the sink and made his way to the door but Cash stopped him.

"And you," he started, "we used to be buds but then I found out how mean you were being to Carter. And now the two of you are the best of buds? How- how does that even happen?" Cash asked and I blinked, not fighting the silent tears coming out of my eyes anymore.

"Well, I wouldn't say 'best of buds' necessarily," Josh answered, putting air quotes around best of buds. I watched Cash's fists ball by his sides before he released them.

"I- I'm leaving," Cash held up his hands before turning and walking down the hall, leaving me and Josh in the bathroom.

"Well?" Josh furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at the door. "Go after him, you dumbass!" In all honesty, I thought it was ironic that Josh was the one calling me a dumbass when he was the one to dare me in the first place. But, I decided not to dwell on it considering the fact that I was the one to accept the dare.

I made a break for it down the hall, bumping into a couple making out by the stairs. I passed Cailee who stuck her arm out to stop me.

"Woah, hey," she placed both hands on her shoulders before studying my face. "He found out?" She asked and I nodded frantically. She didn't say anything else, just let my shoulders go so I was able to leave the house.

"Cash!" I shouted at the boy who was already walking down the sidewalk. I moved my legs to catch up to him but he never stopped walking. "I thought we weren't going to walk away from each other!" I shouted again and this time he stopped and turned around.

"And I thought we were going to start communicating!" He shouted back, throwing his arms up in the air before letting his hands his his sides.

"How can we communicate in this relationship if you're going to walk away?" I asked him, using my wrists to wipe my eyes.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that," Cash responded, "we aren't in a relationship anymore," he sent me a sarcastic wave before walking down the sidewalk.

As soon as I bolted home, I walked into the apartment, shutting the door harshly behind me.

My mother took one look at my tear stained face and sighed, stirring her tea around with a small spoon. "Did he break your heart again?" She asked me.

"No," I mumbled, already walking last her to my room, "I broke his." I told her before shutting my bedroom door.


this chapter's a bit longer than my other ones so you're welcome

just want to say that i've been in cash's situation and it SUCKS

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now