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Cailee walked in the dorm room with tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?" I shot up from my bed in a panic, mind already assuming the worst. Cailee stood by the door and dropped her bag to the ground.

"We- we broke up," she sniffled and I was immediately by the girl's side, taking her hand and sitting her down on her bed. I took a seat on my bed and watched Cailee kick off her shoes aggressively.

"You and Mav?" I asked. It was a dumb question but I didn't know what else to say.

"Well, I broke up with him and- and then I left," Cailee wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"Why'd you break up with him? Did he cheat? Did he insult you?" The questions came one after another and I couldn't stop myself. Mav must've done something incredibly stupid for Cailee to break up with him.

"I- I got scared," Cailee took her hair out of the ponytail and ran her fingers through it. "We hadn't been talking a lot recently and I thought he was going to break up with me so I did it first," Cailee explained. I grabbed a box of tissues and tossed them onto the bed beside Cailee.

"You broke up with him because you thought he was going to do it first?" I asked and Cailee nodded to confirm. "And then you left?" Cailee nodded her head again and I sighed.


"I know, it was stupid! But I didn't know what else to do," Cailee dried her eyes with the tissues and tossed them into the trashcan, one after another.

"Okay, just take a deep breath. Maybe later we can go and see if he's still at the hotel and-" I was cut off by a sharp knock at the door. Both Cailee and I looked at each other in confusion before I decided to answer the door.

"Carter! Hi," I was enveloped in a hug by someone. I froze in place, not exactly knowing who it was.

"Ms. Evan's, hi," Cailee's words made my eyes widen. I pulled away and came face to face with my mother.

"Soon to be Mrs. Richard's," my mother answered, holding up the ring on her finger that I'd seen a million times. "That's why we're here actually," my mother added, stepping into the room and mindlessly looking around.

"We?" I repeated and on que, Mr. Richards walked through the door.

"Ladies," he grinned and I raised my eyebrows. "Did you tell them yet, hun?" He asked, stepping over to my mother who shook her head.

"Oh god, did someone die?" I placed my hands on my chest and both adults laughed. "Well, I guess that answers my question," I added, gesturing to their happy faces.

"We're getting married!" My mother practically shouted. Cailee and I looked at each other, a monotone look on both our faces.

"Yeah, we know," I dragged out.

"No, we're actually getting married! We picked a date and everything," I've never seen my mother so giddy. Mr. Richards couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face.

"You came all the way here to tell us that?" I asked. I wasn't mad that they were getting married considering this is the happiest I've ever seen my mom. I just thought it was a little soon but that wasn't my problem so I switched out my pursed lips for a smile.

"Well, we still have to tell Josh and we," my mother paused, "we wanted to spend time with you two," she added. I looked back at Cailee who's eyes were still red.

"Well, Cailee and I were-"

"-just finishing up some homework but we're done now so she's all yours," Cailee smiled and pushed me forward. I pulled my eyebrows together and looked at the girl.

"Don't worry about me, we'll talk later," Cailee whispered to me and I nodded. She grabbed my hand, giving it a small encouraging squeeze before releasing it.

"Great, let's head over to the frat, shall we?" Mr. Richard's had his hand on my mother's back, ushering her out the door. I followed behind them, shooting Cailee one last glance before shutting the door.


this chapter's so short i'm so sorry i'll update sooner than usual to make up for it <3

sorry for any typos i write these in like 20 minutes time periods and i don't reread them over before posting

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now