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As I sat on top of the bathroom counter, I wondered what my first college party was going to be like.

Oh, wait, let me fill you in.

So, the rest of junior year went by very slowly. I had to continue to sit next to Cash in math but we never spoke a word. I had tried to contact him multiple times but he had me blocked on every social media site possible. I even went to the boardwalk and sat on the bench in my free time to see if Cash would come by but he never did.

So, eventually, I stopped. I stopped trying because that's what you do when you're the only one putting in effort. I had to get it through my head that if Cash really wanted to talk to me, he would.

Senior year went by so quickly. Cash was actually homeschool so I didn't have to pass by him in the halls. Mav and I had our falling out again as well. Mainly because he wanted to take his brother's side, which I respect. While i was in my senior year of high school, Cailee was off to college about an hour away.

I applied to a few colleges, not really having any motivation to do anything after high school but when I received the envelope in the mail telling me that I got into the same college as Cailee, call me crazy, but it felt like a sign.

And now, I sat in our dorm room. By 'our dorm' I meant mine and Cailee's. Yes, a pure coincidence that Cailee and I are roommates. You can picture the excitement on my face when I knocked on the wooden door and Cailee was the one to answer.

"I just feel like I was so obsessed about our relationship," I told my bestfriend as she curled my hair.

"We only obsess over relationships that feel unfinished," Cailee told me and I rolled my eyes at her words of wisdom. "But that's why we're going out. The first party of the year and it's going to be a night to remember," Cailee added and I smiled to myself, watching Cailee try not to burn herself in the mirror.

"Put this on," Cailee held out a tight black dress which I cautiously took. When I sent her a questioning look, she sighed. "Carter, you're not a scared little seventeen year old anymore, okay?"

"I'm only a year older," I mumbled, slipping out of my leggings and pulled the dress on my body.

"Exactly, another year older another year to forget about your ex boyfriend," Cailee got dressed herself, in a dark red dress that looked absolutely stunning on her. "Carter, there will be so many other boys at this party that you will forget all about you know who."

I knew who. I knew exactly who. His blue eyes were permanently inscribed in my brain. I think of them whenever I look at the goddamn sky. I looked over at Cailee who was taking pictures of herself in the mirror.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me as if the answer was obvious.

"Sending these to Mav," she shrugged, typing on her phone before tossing a pair of nude colored heels at me. "Your feet are a little smaller than mine but you'll survive," I slipped on the heels and watched Cailee as she did her makeup. I felt this whole thing was a little excessive, I'd honestly rather be walking around campus or in the library but Cailee seemed rather excited about my first party so I went along with it.

Mav actually decided to go to college in Florida to pursue music. It was one of those classic stories of a boy chooses between a girl and his dream, the girl doesn't want to get in the way so she makes him chase his dream. They're doing long distance and it's been going surprisingly well.

"Ready?" Cailee asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and looked at the girl before nodding my head.


told you the story wasn't over

if anything, it's just begun

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now