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It's now a week into December, apparently a lot of peoples favorite month. As I walked the halls to math, I watched a few people exchange gifts with each other. I still had to get gifts for Cailee, Cash, and even Mav. I felt bad that things between us have gotten so awkward and now that Cash and I were in a good place, I decided to make things right again.

I had texted Cailee inviting her on a double date with Cash and Mav and she agreed, saying she'd convince Mav to come. So here Cailee and I were, at her house, getting ready.

"So, how are your mom and Mr. Richards?" Cailee asked as she slipped on a pair of leggings and a hoodie. We collectively decided as a group to go downtown to look for Christmas trees and decorations.

Cash and Mav's mom, Tara, was cleaning out the attic recently and threw a bunch of Christmas stuff away so Cash came up with the idea of going on a late night Target run and we all agreed.

"They're pretty good, they've been going out almost every night which leaves me to spend more time with Cash," I shrugged and followed Cailee down the hall.

We heard a car horn honk and both looked at each other, knowing it was Mav and Cash.

"Ready?" Cailee asked and I nodded, making our way to where Mav's car was parked poorly on the side of the road.

"Hello, ladies," Mav smiled as Csilee got in the front seat while I sat next to Cash in the back.

"You look," Cash paused and took my hand in his. Lacing our fingers together, he got closer enough to me to speak in a whisper, "really pretty." I watched his face turn a bit red and mine did as well.

"Somebody's whipped," Mav mumbled loud enough for everyone in the car to hear. Cailee swatted his arm and I watched Cash send his brother a dirty look. I looked out the window and watched the sun slowly set as Mav's car sped down the road.

"Carter, how's everything?" Mav asked probably to break the silence going on.

I looked around the car until my eyes landed on Cash. He shot me a warm smile as I switched my gaze to back out the window. "Good. Everything's really good."

"Carter told me about the New Years party you guys have been planning," Cash chimed in and Cailee shot me a look. I quickly shook my head, eyes wide, hoping she'll get the hint.

"Oh, yeah..." Cailee dragged out and I internally thanked God that she went along with it. "We were thinking just a small thing at your house," Cailee explained.

"Small thing?" Cash practically scoffed. "It's New Years, you have to go all out," Cash begged and I placed my hand on his knee to stop him from ranting. Mav pulled into the Target parking lot and we made our way inside the large store.

"Alright, Cailee and I will go look at Christmas trees so you two," Mav pointed his finger at Cash and I, "can do whatever you want. But, keep it PG."

"Yes, boss," Cash saluted his brother who flicked Cash's forehead. Carter giggled and followed Cash down the many aisles of the store. "Let's get food," Cash spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"Cash, we're supposed to be getting Christmas decorations," I reminded him but he ignored me, walking down the chip aisle. I watched his eyes light up as he grabbed a bag of Lays and dropping it in the cart.

"You know," Cash started, grabbing the cart from me and rolling it to where the frozen pizzas were, "Christmas is coming up soon," Cash hinted and I raised my eyebrow, catching on to what he was saying.

"And?" I asked.

"I was just wondering what my girlfriend wants for Christmas," Cash spoke and and stepped closer to the boy, locking my arms around his neck.

"Nothing," I told him, playing with the hair at the nape of Cash's neck. "I have everything I need."

"That was cheesy," Cash told me, arms subconsciously wringing themselves around my waist, "and we both know you dont have everything you need," Cash pressed a kiss to my nose.

"Let's see, I have Cailee, a decent relationship with my mom, even Mav," I watched Cash's eyes search my face as I fought the smile coming onto my face.

"That all you need?" Cash asked, pulling me impossibly closer to him and I nodded.

"Yeah, I mean who else would I need?" I teased, pulling out of Cash's grasp and walking the opposite way down the aisle. I didn't dare turn around, I already knew Cash's eyes were on me. I stopped and pretended to survey the frosting in the baking aisle, leaving Cash by the frozen section. I yelped when I felt his arms around my waist from behind, my back against his chest as Cash picked me up and brought me back to the shopping cart.

"Put me down," I giggled, kicking my legs but it was no use. "Please!" I cried out and Cash set me down, hands on my hips to turn me around to face him. I looked into his blue eyes as he tried to keep a straight face.

"You sure there's no one else you need?" Cash asked and I gave him a warm smile, my hands cupping his cheeks.

"You," I whispered, pressing my lips to Cash's for a short time before pulling away. "I need you, always."


hi i love you

anyways sorry i haven't been updating i've been too stressed

feel free to follow my fan page on instagram it's softiemavandcash

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now