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I woke up in my bed, alone. I looked over at my nightstand where Cash's wallet laid.

Hm, must've left it.

I shrugged off my pajamas and slipped on a pair of jeans and a random shirt before walking across campus to the frat house where I assumed Cash was. The front door was open a crack which was highly dangerous. But I cracked it open a bit more and heard voices in the living room.

"What do you mean?" A voice I recognize to be Sam's speaks.

"I left early, didn't want her to get all clingy when she woke up and found me there," another voice speaks. I immediately know that it's Cash and he's talking about me.

I opened the door enough to fit my body through and I stood on the other side of the wall, fumbling with the wallet as I listened it.

"I didn't peg Carter as the type to come off as clingy," I heard Sam say. I heard the crinkling of trash bags and assumed they were picking up from the party last night.

"I didn't peg you as the type to ask so many questions," Cash retaliated. I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Sorry, man, just trying to get to know you," Sam spoke. From what I've heard about Sam, he seems like the type to stay back while you tie your shoe when the rest of the group walks ahead. "So you don't like her?" I heard Sam add.

"No," Cash responded after a bit of hesitation. I knew they were talking about me and I couldn't convince myself that Cash was lying. I knew that he didnt like me anymore. I mean, how could he?

"Good to know."

"It is?"


"It's good to know?"

"Yeah," Sam responded. "Good to know you don't like her."

"Why?" Cash pressed. I leaned against the wall, shutting my eyes and listening.

"'Cause dude, she seems pretty cool," Sam told Cash and I let the corners of my lips turn upwards. "But I'll only make a move if you're over her."

"Of course I'm over her," Cash scoffed. I heard footsteps and held my breath.

"Hey guys," a voice a knew to be Josh's spoke up. "Mychael can't zip up his pants and I'm pretty sure he's on the verge of tears," Josh added, making both boys sigh.

"Again? I told him to not rush to put them on," Sam groaned and I heard footsteps once again before they disappeared, meaning Sam had gone upstairs to help Mychael.

"How's Carter?" Josh asked.

"Hm? How would I know?" Cash answered quickly.

"Because you went over there yesterday. I'm not an idiot, I heard you on the phone," Josh scoffed and I almost laughed.

"She's fine. Doesn't matter, though. I'm done with her," I heard Cash say. I didn't have enough time to process my next move as my feet stepped away from the wall and into the livingroom. Both Josh and Cash had their eyes on me, Josh wore a smile while Cash looked angry.

"Were you done with me when you had me pinned against the wall yesterday?" I questioned without a second thought. I tossed the wallet at Cash but he made no move to catch it, letting the material hit his chest and then the ground.

"Don't worry, guys, I got my pants zipped!" Mychael called out, gathering all of our attention.

"Thank god, we were all worried," Josh deadpanned, crossing his arms.

"Carter," Sam breathed out, coming down the stairs, "hi," he smiled.

"Hi," I answered with a warm smile. I didn't have to look at Cash to know his eyes were burning into me.

"Why are you here? To spy on me?" Cash asked, dropping the trash bag that was in his hands.

"Bringing back your wallet," I gestured to the black leather on the floor. "I'll see you guys around," I added when no one spoke up. I headed for the door, only to be stopped by Cash.

"Why are you really here?" He asked in a whisper.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed. "You're acting like how you did the first time we broke up, you're- you're changing again back to the person you didn't want to be, why?" I added, watching Cash's gaze soften but it's gone as soon as it comes.

"This is who I want to be," Cash responded but I shook my head, lips pursed.

"No it's not, we both know it's not," I crossed my arms and watched Cash run a hand through his hair. "I thought things between us were good. After the dare," my voice got quieter, "we had time away from each other but after last night I thought we were good,"my voice had gotten much softer but Cash's gaze hardened even more.

"After you were dared to get back together with me, oh Carter, that made me so happy," Cash slightly laughed at the memory. "But what hurt the most was the fact that you knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that didn't stop you," Cash shook his head and I placed my hand on the doorknob, turning it.

"Then I'll stop hurting you and your ego then," I spoke, leaving the frat house without another word.


sjdlsjdjs i don't know what i'm doing

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now