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The next afternoon I was at Cailee's aid while she tried to cure her hangover. I had class in the morning and the rest of the afternoon to myself. Cailee was planning on spending the night with Mav. She told me that Mav was on his way here and they were going to spend the night in a hotel downtown since they wanted privacy.

I totally understood what she meant though I didn't want to think too much about it. It was around four in the afternoon when Cailee finished packing. She was placing the final things into her bag like toiletries when she spoke up.

"I saw you head upstairs with Cash last night," my eyebrows raised as I sat on my bed, legs swinging back and forth as Cailee ran from all over our dorm room to make sure she remembered everything.

"We just talked," I shrugged. No need to get into what Cash admitted to me last night. "Why are you so frantic? You're only going downtown for a night." I added but Cailee didn't answer, she just sifted through her underwear drawer.

"Did you love him?" She asked and I snapped my head up.

"Yes," I answered in a heartbeat.

"How much?" She asked me, tossing a few bras into the open duffle bag.

"Does it matter?" I asked, leaning back on my bed on my elbows.

"Why does it not?"

"Because it wasn't enough to make him stay," I shrugged, watching Cailee struggle to zip up her bag. She slipped on a pair of shoes and I stood up, ready to say goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babe," Cailee spoke, pulling me into a tight hug. I said bye and Cailee left, leaving me alone in our dorm room. The first thing I did was clean up the mess Cailee left behind before turning on the TV on top of the dresser and watching whatever cartoon was on.

I must've fallen asleep becaus I woke up to my phone ringing. I blinked a few times before checking the time that read nine at night. I answered my phone, annoyed at the constant ringtone.

"Hello?" I hoarsely spoke into the phone. I cleared my throat and waited for an answer. There was obvious music playing on the other line, for the bass was way too loud.

"Carter?" A familiar voice hiccuped. I rolled my eyes before responding.

"Cash," I deadpanned. "Are you drunk?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and rolling myself out of bed and stretching.

"Um, I don't know," he answered.

Well, there's my answer.

"Cash, it's nine at night."

"So? Drinking has no time limit," Cash slurred. "It's five o'clock somewhere," I heard Cash giggle to himself.

"That's-" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Are you okay?" I felt like asking even though it wasn't necessary.

"I'm fiiiiine," Cash hiccuped again before continuing, "are you okay? Can I come over? Parties are boring without you," Cash whined and I pictured him to be pouting.

"I'm fine," I sighed, weighing my options of letting Cash come see me. On the one hand, we're not together anymore. But on the other hand, I kind of wanted Cash over my dorm too. "Where are you?" I asked into the phone.

"Uh," Cash went silent for a minute. "I left the frat house and started walking. I think I'm at your dorm but I could be wrong," Cash spoke and I pulled the phone away from my ear, groaning before bringing the phone back to my ear.

"You think you're here?" I asked, heading for the door. I didn't get an answer since when I opened the door, I was met with a smiling Cash, sitting against the wall opposite the door I had opened.

"Carter!" Cash was quick to stand up. "I found you!" He shouted and my body went stiff as he wrapped his arms around me. With Cash attached to my body, I dragged both of us into the dorm room, shutting the door behind me.

"Alright," I mumbled, prying Cash off of me. "Sit," I told him, pointing to my bed and watched him obey, sitting on the edge of my bed. I grabbed a glass of water and a fea pieces of bread. I handed both things to Cash and he took both eagerly.

I left Cash in the dorm room and walked into my bathroom, changing into a pair of black joggers and a small white tank top. I walked back out and watched in the doorway as Cash traced his finger gently across a small shelf near my bed. He turned around at the sound of me padding over to him and he nearly jumped.

"Hi," he mumbled, a small smile on his lips as I raised my eyebrow, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Find anything interesting?" I asked, watching his gaze move back to the shelf. He gently picked up something small and held it in the palm of his hands. I looked down and saw the purple bear Josh had given me for Christmas years ago in Cash's hand.

"Why'd you bring this to college with you?" Cash asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking the bear from his palm and holding it in my fingers.

"Like," Cash started, running a hand thorough his hair. I could tell by his gentle actions that he was sobering up. "When you're packing for college, you have a whole room to pack up and as you were looking around your room, you decided that you were going to bring the purple bear, why?" Cash's eyes were trained on the bear in my hands while my eyes were trained on his.

"I think it shows how people can change," I shrugged. "Josh used to bully me but he started changing his actions and now him and I are going to be step siblings," I think back to how close Josh and I had gotten.

"Oh, so when Josh called you his step sister last night, he was being serious?" Cash asked and I nodded.

"My mom and his dad are planning to get married sometime soon," I tell the boy in front of me.

"Wow," Cash mumbled. "I guess things do change."


just want to point out that when cailee calls carter "babe" it's in a friend way. i love calling my friends babe it's nothing romantic

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now