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The next morning I was honestly exhausted from yesterday with Cash. My mom told me she was going to be in her room for most of the day and that I shouldn't interrupt her; which I wasn't planning on doing anyway. I grabbed my drawstring bag and emptied out what was inside. I took Cash's sweatshirt, t-shirt, my bathing suit, some of my other clothes, and made my way to the washing machine.

Cash let me wear his shirt and paid for our late lunch yesterday, the least I could do was wash the clothes he left.

I made my way back to my bedroom and my phone lit up with a text from the one and only.

Cash: I wish you were at the party it was really boring

Carter: i think it's better that i stayed home

Cash: Why would you miss a chance to party with me?

Carter: have you ever read those stories online? people like me and partying don't go well together

Cash: But we're not in a story, you know that right, Carter?

Carter: yes, cash, i literally believe that we are two characters in a wattpad story

Cash: Wait you actually believe that?

Carter: no stupid i was being sarcastic

Carter: was it really that boring without me?

Cash: You have no idea :(

Cash: What'd your mom say about you wearing my shirt?

Carter: i told her it was my friends shirt

Cash: A friend? That's all I am to you?

Carter: no

Carter: well

Carter: i don't know

Cash: Relax I'm messing with you

Cash: Enjoy your Sunday and I'll see you at school tomorrow :)

I spent most of that day in my room, either on my phone or watching Netflix. I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. I didn't respond to Cash after he told me to enjoy my day. I honestly didn't know what to say back since our relationship at the moment is complicated.


Waking up on Monday morning was honestly easier than I expected, I was excited to go and see Cash at school. I slid on a pair of black leggings and a dark blue Champion crewneck. I emerged from my room and didn't see my mother in the kitchen. I cut a bagel in half and slid it into the toaster.

"Are you doing all your friend's laundry now?" A familiar voice asked. I looked towards the hall to see my mother balancing a laundry basket between her arm and hip. I must've forgotten to take my clothes out of the dryer yesterday. She dropped the basket on the floor with a thud the same time the toaster dinged. I pinched my fingers and tossed the bagel onto a plate as my mother walked over to me holding a grey sweatshirt and the t-shirt I had on from the beach.

"I didn't recognize these when I took your laundry out of the dryer. Both of these belong to your friend?" My mother spoke, hanging the pieces of clothing along the back of a kitchen chair. I just nodded, watching her walk back over to the laundry basket and walking down the hall to her room. I took a bite of my bagel and stuffed the clothes into my backpack.

"I won't be home until later tonight," my mom called out, walking down the hall and sitting on the couch in the living room. "I have a date," she added, casually. After hearing those words, I started choking on my bagel. I pounded my fist into my chest and then hurried to grab a bottle of water.

"A...a date? Like, with a guy?" I wheezed after chugging half the water bottle.

"Yes, Carter with a guy. God, you act like I'm 80 years old," she scoffed. "But I expect you to come straight home after school. No Cailee's house, do you understand?" She asked when I didn't respond to her first comment and I nodded as I finished off my bagel.

"Yup, straight home after school, no Cailee's," I repeated her words. "Where will this date take place?" I asked my mother who was now in the kitchen stirring milk into her coffee.

"I'm not sure, he's picking me up and said it was a surprise," my mother shimmied her shoulders and I held back a gag. "Why do you ask?" My mom turned to face me and I pulled the straps of my backpack onto my shoulders.

"You aren't nervous about this? What if he kidnaps you?" I plainly asked.

"Oh, you're right, what if something bad happens to me?" My mother asked, mainly sarcastically but I could tell she was actually a little nervous that I put those thoughts in her head.

"Wouldn't that be a shame?" I mumbled, grabbing my car keys and heading to the elevator down the apartment hallway.


"Hey, there's a party next Saturday and you should definitely come," a voice says into my ear. I spin around to see Cash with a smug smile on his lips. I bit my lip and tilt my head to the side which causes Cash to try and convince me more.

"Please? You're a party virgin and you need to live a little! Won't you want to be able to tell our kids about how you were dancing on tables and chugging alcohol at the mere age of 16?"

"Our kids?" I asked, my eyebrows kitting and my heart racing.

"I- well, yo- we-"

"I'll think about it," I told Cash when he stuttered and the bell rang, signaling we had to get to our first class.

"Subway for lunch?" He asked, smiling and showing his braces.

"That smile is very convincing but I can't today, I haven't talked to Cailee in a while," I mentioned and Cash sighed.

"Will you at least let me know whether you're up for a party or not later?" Cash asked and I nodded.

"Yes, Cash. You will be the first person I tell," I laughed and the bell rang, causing Cash to raise his eyebrows.

"Crap, I gotta go. I have History upstairs," Cash sent me a smile before he made his way down the hall, causing me to giggle.

"Ooh, someone's giggly this morning," I jumped at the sound of Cailee's voice.

"I am not!" I fought back as we walked down the hallway.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not- you know what, I'm going to be late for class!" I start to walk away when Cailee grabs my arm.

"Uh, no. This conversation is not over!" Cailee smirks and I roll my eyes. "What's going on between you and Cashy Washy?" Cailee asks in a baby voice.

"First off, never call him that again," Cailee laughs at the name she just called Cash and I continue. "And second, nothing is going on between us!"

"So you're telling me you didn't go over his house a few days ago?"

"How did you know that?" I ask, fidgeting with my bracelets.

"Your mom called me. You're lucky I covered your ass! You owe me," Cailee lightly pushes my arm and I run my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry! I panicked."

"Don't worry about it, you know I'll always cover for you," Cailee nudges her shoulder with mine and I smile, thanking her.

The bell rings, signaling we're both officially late for class. Cailee and I both say our goodbyes and head to our seperate classes.

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now