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It was the day before winter break and I walked into school, immediately walked to my locker. Putting a few notebooks inside the metal, I dropped once accidentally on the floor like an idiot. When I bent down to pick it up, a hand stopped me.

"Let me," a familiar voice said.


"Josh," I spoke in a monotone voice. I watched as Josh picked the notebook up and placed it in my locker. I looked at him in shock and he laughed.

"Jeez, Carter, it's not going to blow up," he spoke in what I want to believe was a joke. "See you," Josh gave me a wave and I watched him walk down the hall, high fiving a few kids and saying hi to our history teacher.

"Woah," I heard Cailee speak, "you look like you've just seen a ghost," she laughed and closed my locker. I zipped up my backpack and swung it over my back.

"Somethign weird happen?" She asked as we stood by my locker.

"Something like that," I told her, nodding. "Josh just- he just helped me," the words were so foreign coming out of my mouth and I watched Cailee burst out laughing. When she say I wasn't laughing, she composed herself.

"Oh, you're serious," she cleared her throat and blinked a few times. "We thinking about the same Josh? Because I'm thinking of the Josh who dared you to get back together with your ex boyfriend," Cailee whispered and I shrugged.

"Same Josh," I told her. I relayed the scene in my head. Josh had smiled at me, like a genuine smile. The thought alone made me shudder. The be rang meaning I had to get to math.

"Weird," Cailee spoke. I said my goodbyes to her and walked to class, my mind racing.

"Hey, pretty girl," Cash's enthusiastic voice is enough to wake up anyone. "You look like you've-"

"Seen a ghost?" I finished Cash's sentence and watched him nod. "Josh helped me earlier," I explained to my boyfriend who's eyebrows furrowed.

"Josh Richards?" Cash asked and I nodded. "The same Josh who threw your purple bear in a muddy puddle in third grade?" Cash asked and I nodded again.

"Same Josh," I told him. When class started, I tried my best to pay attention but it was hard when I could physically feel Cash's eyes on me the entire time. I don't know how this boy is passing math by staring at my head the whole time.

"What're you doing for Christmas?" Cash asked after class and I shrugged, following him to his locker.

"Josh and his dad are coming over," I sighed and my mind drifted back to what Josh did for me earlier. Maybe that's why he was so nice, he wanted to make a good impression for Christmas? That doesn't even make sense though.

"So when do I get to hang out with my girlfriend?" Cash pouted and I giggled, taking his face in my hands.

"Literslly any other day of spring break," I told Cash, pecking his lips. I laced my fingers with Cash's as we walked to my next class. We passed Josh in the hall and I subconsciously squeezed Cash's hand tighter.

"Hey, Baker," Josh held his hand up, high fiving Cash before turning to me, "Evans," he held his hand up and I cautiously high fived his hand.

"See you on Christmas," Josh spoke to me before continuing down the hall. I looked at Cash who's eyebrows were raised.

"So that's what you meant earlier," Cash pointed his thumb at Josh who had disappeared down the hall and I pursed my lips, nodding. "I got you a present," Cash told me and my mind went blank. I completely forgot about getting my boyfriend a present. I had gotten Cailee a few things along with something for my mom but I forgot about Cash.

How did I forget about Cash?

"You don't have to get me anything," Cash told me, fixing a loose strand of hair on my shoulder. When I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face, he smiled. "I can tell by your face and the fact that you're playing with your bracelets that you're nervous, meaning you haven't gotten me anything yet and that's okay," Cash explained.

"I'm sorry," I looked up at Cash before leaning into him, my forehead against his chest. I felt the way his chest vibrated when he laughed. "But I'm getting you something," I told Cash who laughed again.

"I have the best girlfriend," Cash said and I sighed.

"Yeah, a girlfriend who forgets to get her boyfriend a present."

"Carter, relax, okay? You still have time," the bell rang, meaning Cash and I were about to be late for our next class. After telling Cash I'd see him later, I walked to my biology class, hoping that Chirstmas wasn't going to be a bust this year.


i'm sorry for any typos that i ever write in any story lmao

i'm so tired but that's okay

halloween is in four days what

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now