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ok so this is going to be cash's pov from after carter left the frat house in chapter 31 so enjoy :)


Cash's POV

I watched her walk away. I watched her for a long time, feeling so many emotions.

I'll stop hurting you and your ego then.

That's what she had said and those words rang in my ears. I shut the front door, walking back to where my three friends stood.

"Well I'm going to go," Mychael paused, "sort my sock drawer," he added with a plastered smile.

"I'm going to go help him," Josh followed Mychael up the stairs, leaving Sam and me in the living room. I grabbed a trash bag without saying a word and started to pick up more of the solo cups littered on the ground.

"Seems like there's some unfinished business happening," Sam stuffed his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"What? Mychael's sock drawer? Because I'm pretty sure that was just an excuse to leave the room ," I answered back, aggressively shoving trash into the bag.

"No, Carter and you," Sam chuckled softly before helping me clean.

"How much has she told you?" I asked, slightly irritated that Carter and Sam have gotten somewhat close.

"Not much," Sam shurgged. "She changed the subject pretty quickly."

"I figured," I sighed, dropping the bag that was now full on the ground.

"You sure you're over her?" Sam asked. I didn't answer because I knew my answer would be a lie. No, I wasn't over Carter but I don't want to go down that road again. Sam noticed my hesitation and continued, "it's okay if you're not I'm not going to go shouting it from the rooftops or anything-"

"Alright, I'm not over her, okay?" I huffed, not meaning to sound so angry. "I'm not," I took a deep breath and spoke more quietly.

"Then why'd you say all that stuff about her?" Sam asked and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Because," I hopped onto the counter, letting my legs dangle off. Sam leaned against the counter opposite of me. "Because she dated me because of a dare."

"Dude," Sam laughed, shaking his head. "That girl did not date you just because of a dare. She likes you and I don't know what stage you guys were at when it ended and it may be bold of me to say but, she loves you," I listened to Sam speak, my heart beating fast.

"I can't go back to her," I hung my head low, shaking it slowly.

"Why not?" Sam asked and I hopped off the counter. I walked up the stairs without answering him for one reason.

I couldn't answer his question. I didn't know why I couldn't get back together with her. Carter was right, I was slowly slipping back into my old self and I didn't like it. I just wanted to be in a world where I was over her but I can't be because I'm not over her.


"Yo, Cash you're coming to my dad's wedding!" Josh yelled as soon as he walked in the door. He had just gotten back from going out with his dad, Carter, and her mom and he ran up the stairs, envelope in his hand.

"Excuse me?" I asked, folding my jeans and messily placing them in my closet.

"My dad and Carter's mom gave me this. I'm allowed to bring a plus one and that's you my friend," Josh laid himself on my bed, propping his head in his hands.

"Why not invite Sam?" I asked.

"Carter's bringing him," Josh's words made my jaw clench.


"He's going out of town," Josh answered. "Relax, bro the reason I'm bringing you is so I can get Carter and you back together."

"Oh I thought you were bringing me because you loved me," I raised an eyebrow, teasing Josh.

Yeah, yeah, I love you," Josh waved me off, standing back up and heading for the door. "But I'm getting you and Carter back together."

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Because, I started this whole mess by daring Carter to get back together with you and she's going to be part of my family and neither of you deserve to be unhappy," Josh placed his hand on the doorknob, swinging it gently.

"I'll go with you," I nodded and Josh smiled, shutting my door and leaving me to finishing my laundry.


idk how much longer i want this story to be


also someone please let me know if i already gave carter's mom a name cause idk if i have yet

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now