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That night I had actually planned on sleeping over Cailee's and that's exactly what I did. After composing myself back at my own apartment, I went to Cailee's. I really didn't expect her to be home but when the front door opened to reveal the girl in a black face mask, I was relieved.

"I suspected that you'd come by so I left," Cailee shrugged, letting me inside the house.

"You left early for me?" I asked quietly, my voice hoarse from crying.

"Well, I wouldn't say early, it's nearly midnight," Cailee gestured to the clock, "but yes, I left for you." I didn't waste another second wrapping my arms around my best friend.

"I love you," I mumbled clear enough for the girl to hear me. She laughed before I pulled away.

"I love you too," she spoke. "Now, would you like to talk about what happened?" She asked and I shook my head quickly.

"No," I told her. Cailee studied my face for a minute before nodding and leading me to the living room where the news was on, live from New York City.

"We going to watch the ball drop?" Cailee asked and I nodded, dropping my bag on the floor.

And that's exactly what we did, watched the ball drop at midnight. We got ready for bed and stayed up too late, talking about everything. Cailee told me she applied to colleges nearby and that got my mind thinking about where I wanted to go to college.

It wasn't until about four in the morning when I woke up, sprawled out on Cailee's couch. I squinted my eyes and looked over to see Cailee fast asleep on the other couch.

After standing up and stretching, I moved to the front door and slipped on shoes. I walked down the dark street, hands in the pockets of my sweatpants as I figured out exactly where I should go. I yawned, making my way to a familiar beach and boardwalk. Walking across the wood, I spotted a familiar bench that was occupied by a head of blond hair.

I sat on the bench next to him, leaving a bit of space between us and looking out to the ocean where the sun was slowly but surely coming up.

"I should have never stood by your locker that morning," I heard him say. "I shouldn't have invited you over my house and let it become a daily thing. I never should have gotten my hopes up as high as I did when you told me you liked me. I should have never kissed you that time at the beach; it would have led to even more hope. I should have never wished for another, flirted back with you as I did. Then maybe it wouldn't hurt this bad," Cash took his sweatshirt covered arm and wiped his eyes. I didn't dare to look at him though since it only would've made my heart break.

"Do you regret it?" I asked him.


"I don't know," my voice shook. "Everything?" Cash was quiet for a long time. Heat flooded my cheeks and as I opened my mouth to tell him to forget I asked, he finally spoke.

"Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that ever happened to me. Because you were."

"Yeah," I nodded, my eyes glistening. "You too." I hesitantly rested my head on Cash's shoulder. When he made no move to scoot over, I let my head fully lay there. I didn't say anything else because, what was there to say?

I thought about Cash a lot. I don't know if it was the end of the chapter and if he'll return later on or if it's the end of the story, but I'll get through it. I did it once and I'll do it again.





hi you're so cute

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now