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I entered the frat house, the stench of alcohol hitting my nose. Cailee told me to stick by her but if fanfictions have told me anything, usually friends don't stick together during parties like these. The music was so loud I could feel it almost shaking the house.

"C'mon," Cailee spoke to me, taking my wrist and practically dragging me to the living room where Josh was seated on the couch.

"Hey, soon-to-be sister," Josh got up quickly, enveloping me in a hug. Josh's dad had recently proposed to my mother over the summer and they were already starting to plan their wedding. Not in detail, of course, but just the basics.

Cailee plopped down on one of the couches and I took that as my cue to sit down on one too. Josh handed me a solo cup with liquid in it. I hesitantly shook the cup slowly, watching the contents swish around inside.

"Well would you look at that?" Josh spoke up, I turned my attention to him to see his gaze was set on someone. I turned my head to see just who Josh was staring at.

There, at the top of the stairs was Cash. Why is he here? Is he just visiting? Does he go to school hers? Why is he just standing there? Stop staring, Carter. With a million questions flooding my mind, I snapped my head to look at Cailee who shrugged her shoulders.

"Baker!" Josh shouted, making me flinch considering the boy was sitting on the next couch over from me. "Come down," Josh waved his hand, grabbing the boys attention. I watched Cash come down the large set of stairs and lean against the wide doorframe of the living room.

"Don't be shy, take a seat," Josh patted the spot on the couch next to him. I crossed one of my legs over the other, slightly leaning back into the couch cushions. I let my eyes follow Cash as his hesitantly moved to sit next to Josh.

"Woah, Baker's out? Now it's a party!" An unfamiliar voice called from the other room. Two tall boys walked in; one had tan skin, dark hair, and wore a backwards hat on his head. The other boy had shaggy dirty blond hair with slightly lighter skin.

"Who are these chicks?" The dark haired boy asked, taking a seat right next to Cailee. "I'm Mychael," the boy- Mychael- stuck his hand out and Cailee just crossed her arms.

"I have a boyfriend," she told the boy who shrugged.

"That's cool," he deadpanned, "I'm Mychael," he inched his and towards her and Cailee shook it quickly before letting his hand drop onto his knee.

"And you are?" The shaggy haired boy asked, sitting a safe distance away from me.

"Hey, watch it, that's my sister," Josh called him out and the shaggy haired boy put up his hands in defense. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I turned towards Cailes who sent me a look as to say 'your ex boyfriend is watching. Do something!'

"I'm Carter," I turned to the boy sitting next to me. "Josh's soon-to-be stepsister," I stuck my free hand out and the boy graciously took it.

"Sam," he told me, a small smile on his lips. I snuck a quick glance at Cash who had his gaze set on me. I quickly turned back to Sam, slightly inching my body closer, not enough for him to notice.

"Hey," Josh spoke up, "remember when I dared Carter to get back together with Cash?" Josh laughed and the room went silent, except of course for the obnoxiously loud music playing through every speaker imaginable.

I slouched down slightly, bringing my cup to my lips and downing it, letting the contents burn my throat.

"Read the fucking room you moron," Cailee spat at the boy. I internally thanked her before realizing Sam had inched closer to me as well. I felt his skinny jean clad leg brush against mine and I didn't dare make a move to scoot away.

"It was a pretty stupid dare," Cash spoke up, shrugging. Everyone looked at him and he sat up. "What? You all needed to hear it," he spoke again and I sat the empty cup on the table before straightening out my posture.

"No, you just wanted to say it," I told him, watching him look at me with his blue eyes that were all too familiar.

"Maybe I did," Cash darted his tongue out to sweep across his bottom lip. "Did you want to come here tonight? Or did someone dare you to?" Cash asked, cocking his head to the side. I gripped the fabric on the couch, feeling all four pairs of eyes on me.

"Maybe someone did dare me," I was at a war with myself internally on how I wanted to play this out. I could be mature or I could be the opposite. "But what if someone did? Are you going to cry about it?" I asked Cash, pouting.

Eh, being mature is boring anyways.

"And what if I do? You going to beg for forgiveness?" Cash asked me. I shot up from the couch, ready to stick my shin right in Cash's balls when Josh spoke up.

"Okay!" He shouted, hands out to the side as if he was blocking me from reaching Cash. "And what if we all be civil? We're not in high school anymore," Josh eyed me and I huffed, sitting back down. I felt Sam's hand go to my back, gently rubbing up and down.

"Clearly someone needs that reminder," Cash mumbled but I heard him perfectly clear. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up from the couch and squeezed my way through countless sweaty bodies. I just needed some air.


hi i love sam hurley and mychael anyways i'm so close to starting a new story but i'm holding it off until i'm close to being done with this story it's going to be called in between so if you're reading this later, go check it out


It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now